A/N (please read)

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Hello darlings! What I'm about to do has not been approved by the Vatican

No but seriously this could either go really good or really bad

So i've got this roller derby team, right? Not a lot of people know about roller derby and fewer people actually play- BUT.

My team is getting ready to go across the country to play in a tournament, and we're all very excited for it.

This is where there's an issue, because my team isn't exactly a team run by people who are good with making money, which, don't get me wrong, my team is made up of some really responsible people, but roller derby isn't exactly where they invest all their money, you know?

Part of this issue is my family isn't exactly too financially well off, meaning that we don't have enough money to travel, so it's gonna be nearly impossible for me to be there for my teammates when they need me the most.

Fortunately, my coach takes part of the money we make fundraising, and gives it to the families traveling to play games, which really helps! But not really, because there's so many families, each family only usually gets about 50-75 dollars, which will maybe get you a couple days worth of gas, so we're doing another fundraiser, a skat-a-thon, where we have a webpage thingy for people to donate for us, and they can donate a single time and be done, or donate a certain amount of money per lap i skate, if people wish to donate, i, first of all, will only drop the link to donate if people would like to donate, even if it's just a dollar or 69 cents, it's would still help me, and second of all, if anyone would like to donate, i'd suggest donating once, instead of paying per lap, because last time i did this i got almost 400 laps done in thirty minutes

if no one wants to donate, that's fine, i just thought i'd maybe get some people to support not only me, but my team, since they already support my writing :)

I'm well aware it's kinda weird to ask my readers on wattpad to donate money to a team of athletes that play a sport they've never heard of, but hey, in life you always have to use the connections you have so here i am lol

Anyways, i should probably get back to writing those requests now

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