[PREFERENCE] Where They Like To Kiss You /ADULTS ONLY\

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Tw: none

Requested? Nope!

i added a few more people to make up for the loss of the minors!

Enjoy, darlings!



He likes to kiss your shoulder, and wrap his arms around your waist.


He likes to kiss your cheek, he says he likes to feel you smile.


Sapnap loves to kiss your neck, no one knows why, he just does.

Karl Jacobs:

This adorable young man always greets you with a little kiss on the nose while he cups your cheeks.


Alex likes to kiss your knuckles, like your some sort of royalty, and if he's in a silly goofy mood he'll lick the back of your hand and run away before you can wipe the saliva on his face.

Wilbur Soot:

This tall fucker always likes to tower over you and press a kiss to the top of your head, usually holding your shoulders.

Jack Manifold:

Jack likes to kiss your temple, all the time, just a small little reminder of 'I'm here, and I love you'.  He'll do it at random, too, you'll just be out, walking down the street, holding hands, and he'll just lean over and kiss your temple, or he'll be sitting next to you in the car at a stop light, and he'll lean over the center console and kiss you quickly, it surprises you every time, and makes you blush.


While he's not one for PDA, he likes to kiss your knuckles, and every time he does he always looks up at you and says "if I'm the blood god, that must make you my queen/king/royalty", it's so cute and adorable you can't help but giggle.


FOREHEAD KISSES.  YES.  BECAUSE.  HE WOULD, HE TOTALLY WOULD.  Babes, have you met this man? He's so freaking wholesome of course he would give you forehead kisses all the time!


He likes to kiss your jaw (cuz he's short and can't reach your lips lmao-), and then trail kisses up to your lips.


Eret likes to kiss your lips, wether it's a quick little peck or something a little longer, they like your lips.


I just- bestie she loves to kiss your wrists- not because of...  But I dunno- it's sweet and unique like you so she does it, and it's adorable I think we can all agree it's the sweetest thing ever.

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