{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): I Love You, Baby

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Tw: tooth rotting fluff ong

Requested? Yes! @KnightTimeNow made this request! (Thank you, sweetheart, I've been running out of ideas, lol)

Age: 22 (yes, reader is older than Techno)

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: irl, and Techno doesn't live at home in this, and i just came up with a random name for the baby. and also, ik i said this would come out after the other Technoblade oneshot, but that one's taking for FUCKING ever and is close to 3000 words atm so i didn't want to make you wait so long for your request.

Enjoy, @KnightTimeNow !


No One's POV
(__) sighed as she opened her eyes, reaching over to grab her phone from her bedside table. She turned off her alarm, groaning as she tried to sit up.

She rolled her eyes tiredly as she felt an arm around her waist try to pull her back down. "Techno, I've gotta get ready." She mumbled sleepily.

"College is stupid, drop out." The half asleep male beside her mumbled in her hip.

"You can't support a family playing Minecraft for your entire life." (__) said, pushing Techno's arm off and climbing out of bed.

She made her way to the small closet in their shared room, grabbing an unreleased Technoblade sweater and a pair of leggings.

"Don't you do school online?" Techno groaned from their bed, laying on his back with an arm thrown over his eyes.

"I have to do testing in person, darling," (__) reminded, receiving a dramatic sigh in response. "I'll only be gone from nine to six, I'll be back in time to make dinner, I promise." She chuckled as she pulled off her tank top, tossing it across the room into the hamper and pulling on a sports bra.

"Nine to six? That's the whole day!" Techno complained, moving his arm for a moment to look at his girlfriend, who pulled on the pink sweater with his Minecraft face on it, raising an unamused brow at him. "I'm starting to think you just don't like me." He said as he blocked out his vision with his arm again.

"And I'm starting to think there's two babies in this apartment." (__) shot back.

Techno was about to retaliate with a not-so-well thought-out sentence, when a cry erupted from the baby monitor on his bedside table.

He sighed, and (__) pulled on her black leggings and head for the door.

"I got it-" she began.

"No, I've got her, go finish getting ready." Techno interrupted, sitting up to sit on the edge of the queen sized bed.

(__) smiled softly, watching as her boyfriend stood, rubbing his face tiredly as he walked to meet her at the door.

She stood on her toes, pressing a kiss to his jaw before opening the bedroom door, turning to the left towards the living room and kitchen of the apartment.

Techno watched her go before turning right, heading towards the nursery. He opened the door and flicked on the light, tiredly shuffling over to the crib.

"I know, I know, it's to early to be awake," he groaned, leaning over the railing of the crib and carefully lifting the four month old infant. "I'm tired too, I know." He mumbled, cradling the baby girl gently, rocking her and patting her little butt like (__) had taught him.

As the tiny human in his arms quieted down, he made his way to the kitchen, finding (__) making herself toast and coffee.

"Good morning." Techno greeted, leaning down and pressing a kiss to (__)'s temple.

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