{ONESHOT} (Sapnap): she hates me /PLATONIC\

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Tw: panic attack(?)

Requested? Nope

Pronouns: she/her

Home country: America

Age: 16

Notes: this is pretty much what happened to me at practice :D

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
(__) limped out the door, quickly plopping down against wall.  Once she thought she was alone, she let the tears flow down her face, sobs ripping from her throat.

The door opened, someone following her out and crouching in front of her.

"What happened?" They asked.

(__) recognized the voice as her older brother, and took a gasping breath to begin her explanation.  "Max is mad at me because I took a fucking picture with someone who hurt her while I was in Tampa! She's accusing me of- I don't know what! She said some shit like I've said 'family on three' for the past two weeks and- she won't listen to me when I tell her I didn't invite her into the picture and she's talking about some fuckin 'what about the other one and-"

"Slow down, (__), take a deep breath," Sapnap said, putting his arm around his sister's shoulder.  She sniffled, inhaling slowly.  She sighed, wiping her face.  "Now, tell me what happened,"

"Max started yelling at me because I took a photo with people in Tampa, and the girl that broke her ankle was in it," (__) began.  "I just took the photo, I didn't know she was in the picture until after I posted it but I didn't think much of it because it's just a photo, but now Max is accusing me of hanging out with that girl all weekend when she forgets that I hate her and her team too,"

Sapnap nodded, thinking of his next words carefully.  "If she's so upset about that, let her be upset and look stupid, she clearly has some shit to work out with herself, but you don't owe her an explanation or apology, you know what the fuck happened, you know the truth, and if she refuses to listen and believe you, that's her problem, that's her insecurity, not yours." He rubbed her arm, letting her lean into him.

(__) sniffled, nodding.  "Okay..."

"Now come on, if you're done with practice then let's get food and head home."


y'all want the 411 on what happened? no? that sucks for you lol

SO, for context, ya girl tried out for team usa in tampa a little bit ago (let's hope i make the team lol), and so did a couple of my teammates.  the teammates that traveled with me did this funny little thing where we would take a picture in every bathroom we stopped in on the way to tampa, and one of them was in the bathroom of the skating rink that team usa tryouts were being held in.

we told a couple of players from another team about it and invited them to join, because we didn't have a problem with them and never have.  and so, a bunch of people invited themselves.

one of these people happened to be a girl from a team that mine does NOT like, because they're horrible people, and the girl that invited herself in broke my teammates ankle.

now i get being mad at someone for breaking your ankle intentionally and then bragging about it on social media, but to accuse ME, someone who was also negatively affected by the people on that team, of hanging out with that bitch?? that's fucking ridiculous.

so what happened at practice, not even the beginning, during the middle of scrimmage which we do AT THE END OF PRACTICE, she started yelling at me for it.  i also saw her the night before, and she couldn't have stopped to talk to me about this then??


basically what she said was that i was hanging around this girl all weekend, and that i was apparently disregarding her feelings and a bunch of other shit, and she refused to fucking listen to me about the fact that i only took the photo, and didn't know, or really care who was in it.

idk about y'all, but it's really fuckin frustrating to me when someone refuses to listen to the truth, and doesn't even try to think about it. 

i just think it's absolutely ridiculous to be mad at someone for something like that because a) we didn't invite her into the photo and b) we weren't about to tell her to leave because one of the coaches for team usa was in the bathroom too and we didn't want that to ruin our chances of being on team usa yk

she can stay mad and act a damn fool for all i care, i don't owe her an explanation, and apology, i don't owe her shit.  i know what the fuck i did do and what the fuck i didn't do and i don't give a fuck what a bitch has to say about how i live my life, as long as i know the fucking truth it don't really matter, as long as she realizes that i'm a fucking person with feelings and emotions too, i don't really care.

also the picture about is the one my teammate got mad about 😁

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