{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): Taking Care

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Tw: being sick

Requested? Yes! @KnightTimeNow is literally a life saver

Age: 23

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: for the sake of the story, this oneshot isn't set in any specific time on the SMP, so i don't have to worry about getting anything wrong lol

Enjoy, darling!


No One's POV
(__) sniffled, rubbing her temples as she tried to focus on the task in front of her.  Wash the potatoes and carrots, that's all she had to do, so why was it so hard.

Her head ached and her vision was blurry, she knew something was wrong.

"Are you alright, my love?"

(__) turned around on her stool, looking up at her fiance.  "Hmm? What?" She frowned, running her fingers through her hair, brushing the strands out of her face.

"I asked if you were alright." The man asked, stepping forward.  He reached out, pressing the back of his palm to her forehead.  "You feel warm, come inside and lay down for a bit." He said, helping the woman up.

(__) followed his instructions, wobbling a bit as she stood.  She told his hand, rubbing her face tiredly.  "Techno, I have to wash the carrots and potatoes..." She complained quietly.

"I'll do that, don't worry." The Piglin hybrid dismissed, opening the door to the house and ushering his lover inside.

(__) hummed, nodding.  The two made their way up the stairs slowly to their bedroom, and Techno made her lay back onto their bed.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a minute." He said gently, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

(__) nodded silently, closing her eyes and sighing as she listened to Technoblade's heavy footsteps leave the room.  She wiggled her way under the blankets, bringing them up to her chin and sighing, getting as comfortable as she could for the time being.

A few minutes passed, and Techno's heavy footsteps came closer to his shared room with his fiance.  He gently opened the door, walking over to the side of the bed (__) was laying on.  Techno gently set down a glass of water on the nightstand next to the bed, and sat down on the edge of the mattress.

(__) groaned slightly as the mattress dipped, and she felt gentle fingers brush hair away from her face.

"This will help cool you down." Techno said softly.

The woman opened her mouth to ask what he was talking about, but stayed quiet when a cold, damp rag was placed on her forehead.  She sighed in relief, reaching blindly for Techno's hand.  When she found it (or more accurately, he found hers), she squeezed his palm gently, feeling his thumb course over her knuckles lovingly.

"How did I get sick..?" (__) asked softly, frowning.

Technoblade shrugged, sighing.  "Dunno, but I'll be here until you get better." He replied.  He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

(__) nodded, smiling gently at her lovers small display of affection.  "Go wash the potatoes and carrots, before something eats them." She said, her voice raspy from her sore throat.

Techno shook his head.  "No, I'm staying here with you." He mumbled, beginning to remove his long, red cape from around his shoulders.

The woman sighed, frowning, but didn't try to argue, as she knew she would lose.  "Fine...  Lay down with me." She commanded, opening her arms.

The Piglin hybrid gave a small smile, and kicked off his shoes, climbing into the queen sized bed.  He crawled under the blankets, sliding his arms around (__)'s waist and pulling her close.  The heat her skin gave off soothed Techno and he sighed contently, thoughts of his old home in the nether quickly passing through his mind before he focused back on his lover.

"Go to sleep, darling, I'll be here when you wake up."


1. didn't know how to end it

2. it took me forever to write this because i started writing like two days before a tournament and then the tournament took up my entire weekend and then i got injured and i am 99% sure i got a minor concussion in the first game but oh well

3. i am SO SORRY it's so short, but, as the a/n states, i kinda have absolutely NO motivation rn and i had no idea how to do this oneshot, but thank you for the request, darling! it made me start writing and actually try and complete something without deleting it halfway through

does anyone want to see what i look like in the form of photos from the tournament?? bc i wanna show off my amazing team and flex on everybody how good i am at eyeliner

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