[PREFERENCE]: When You Get A Tattoo

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Tw: idk needles ig

Notes: anybody else have tattoos? mine is on my hip but i hate it so i'm gonna get it covered up

Enjoy, darlings!



-you got a tiny little smiley face on your left wrist *wink wink*
-he came home from grocery shopping and you were in the kitchen and he noticed it
-"dream stan" "i'm literally your significant other"
-he likes it


-you got those pain tolerance tattoos on your fingers
-he doesn't understand them and kinda thinks they're dumb
-"yes, but what do they mean?" "why do they have to mean something?" *heavy sigh*
-the ink didn't take though so they didn't last :(


-you got a whole sleeve
-its of a tapestry of your favorite memories, all with lots of color and details
-he thinks it's hot
-"what's this?" "that's when we first met, remember?" "oh yeah!"
-likes to trace the line work when y'all cuddle

Karl Jacobs:

-you and your brother got matching tattoos
-well not really, yours is on your wrist and says "ur adopted" and his is on his ankle and says "no u"
-Karl thinks it's funny but also insanely sweet
-"why that?" "well we couldn't think of anything serious but meaningful, so we went with this."


-you got part of the Minecraft end poem on your inner bicep that reads "and does it know that we love it?" (Something along those lines i can't really remember)
-"why are you so obsessed with Minecraft? Kinda cringe, bro." "you literally got banned from Roblox stfu."
-actually thinks it's cool
-lets be real all of us have cried over the Minecraft end poem at least once

Wilbur Soot:

-you got one of those triangles under your boob (sorry fellas/enbies, just imagine it's on your chest in the same place)
-"does it have any meaning?" "uuuuhhh...  titty dorito." "fair enough, carry on."
-likes to kiss it sometimes

Jack Manifold:

-you have a bee behind one ear and a star, moon, and spaceship behind the other
-he thinks they're cute
-likes it when you wear your hair up and he can see them
-sometimes colors them in with markers


-you had the line work of a really detailed crown on the right side of your ribs when you two started going out
-you got it colored in, per his request
-"what's the meaning behind it?" "if someone doesn't treat me like royalty i can always treat myself that way, so i got the crown to prove it."
-thinks it's beautiful and that if you get any more tattoos you should keep the royalty theme


-you have a stick and poke tattoo of a bee on your left hip
-hes never seen it in person but knows you have it because of a really zoomed in and cropped picture
-"when did you get it?" "i was like, fourteen." "wHAT-"


-you gave yourself a stick and poke tattoo of a star on your ankle
-at first he thought you were drawing on yourself
-"why did you get it?" "peer pressure and also rebellion."
-kinda disappointed but at the same time thinks it's cool you have a tattoo


-when you hit 18 you went and got a tattoo on your ribs of sunflowers and bees
-he thinks it's cool and came to the tattoo appointment to hold your hand
-"any meaning behind it?" "it means sunflowers are pretty."
-sometimes draws little cartoon bees around the flowers while you're sleeping


-you got the bones in your hand tattooed on your hands
-he thinks it looks cool, but also is kinda worries you're gonna regret them in the future
-"i don't want to regret being picture perfect, life isn't fun like that."
-likes to trace the outlines when you hold hands


So i went skating and after like 20 minutes my friend that i haven't spoken to since 2020 walked in and I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY

apparently while we weren't talking she stole a car??? good for her i think that's really funny because we've both committed felonies lmao

but y'all this girl is my platonic soulmate i'm telling you, all this time i've been a fan of beeduo and wishing i had a platonic soulmate like that AND WE FOUND OUR WAY BACK TO EACH OTHER AHHHH

anyways- how are y'all? i'm doing pretty good myself i want another tattoo but idk if i want to do it myself or get someone else to do it cuz the one on my hip looks like shit and i have to get it covered up but so i'm kinda worried that if i get another it's gonna look like shit too

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