{ONESHOT} (Karl Jacobs): Practice Injuries

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Tw: blood, broken bone(?), vomiting

Requested? Nope!

Age: 19

Pronouns: they/them

Notes: idk guys, set in the SMP but like wayyyy before any wars happen or anything, also, idk if they like, knee each other before any of the wars but if not let's pretend they do

Side characters: Sapnap, Quackity, George, Dream and Bad


No One's POV
"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, (__), I promise!" Karl said quickly.

Today was their first day training again since they sprained their ankle, and they had been very excited.  The group been outside for a good six hours, drilling forms and just plain fighting, Dream supervising and Karl sitting next to him, giving moral support to (__).

They had been hesitant to use a sword in a fight, since they didn't like injuring other people, and this just added to the list of reasons.

An iron practice sword was stuck in their shin.  Yeah, their shin, it was as painful as you could imagine, and they almost couldn't stand the pain.  They wanted to pass out, but their body wouldn't let them.  Instead, they lay against Karl, their back against his chest while he held them, their left knee was raised, and their right leg was laid out flat in front of them, the sword still awkwardly lodged in the bone.

"George, go get Bad!" Sapnap ordered.

(__) looked away, the side of their face pressing against Karl's shoulder, their mouth hung open as they sobbed painfully.

Karl moved one of his hands down to grip theirs, letting them squeeze it tightly as his thumb coursed of their knuckles.  He looked up and his black haired friend, nodding at the knife on his hip before nodding towards the blood soaked leggings that (__) wore.  Sapnap seemed to understand, and nodded, unsheathing the blade on his hip.

"Sapnap's gonna cut your legging off, okay? Just so the blade doesn't get caught on them and hurt you worse." Karl said as George ran inside.

(__)'s chest heaved as they took a breath, trying to control their sobs, nodding.

Sapnap took the smaller knife, picking at the leggings at their knee.  He began cutting around it.

His hand bumped the sword and (__) shrieked, tensing again and squeezing Karl's hand, their sobbing starting back up as the wound began to throb, more blood leaking out around the sword.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's only temporary, I promise, baby..!" Karl reassured, pressing a kiss to their shoulder.

"Oh my god, what happened?!" Bad exclaimed as he rushed over, Sapnap successfully cutting the rest of the leggings off.

"It was an accident!" Sapnap replied, putting his knife away.

"That's not what I asked!" Bad said, kneeling next to Sapnap.  "(__), can you mover your leg for me?" He asked.

He watched them bend their knee, grunting in pain and clenching their jaw, letting it fall back down softly.

"Okay, good, George, go get me disinfectant, gauze, a roll of bandages and a couple of dishtowels." Bad ordered.

The Brit nodded, turning and running back into the house.

"Hey, you're gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay..." Karl soothed, whispering in their ear, pressing another kiss to their temple afterwards.

(__) panted, still letting out cries and sobs, but they couldn't see, as their eyes were blurry and black dots swam in their vision, and they couldn't catch their breath.

"I'm gonna be sick-" they gasped, and their face paled rapidly.

Karl pulled their short hair out of their, face and leaned them over to the side, their head hanging over the ground and not Karl's lap.

They gagged a couple of times before they actually threw up, Sapnap looking away in disgust.

"Don't pass out, (__)." Bad warned, seeing their eyes start to flutter.  "Dream, go get an icepack!" He ordered quickly.

The masked man ran inside just as George was coming out, carrying the supplied bad had asked for as he rushed back over, kneeling on the opposite side.

"Stay awake, (__), just a little longer, okay? Just a little longer, I promise..." Karl whispered soothingly.

Dream came back out quickly, handing an icepack from the freezer over to Sapnap, who moved to sit behind Karl.

Sapnap pushed (__)'s short hair out of the way, pressing the icepack to the back of their neck.

"Karl, hold it there." He ordered.  The other boy nodded, an arm around (__)'s waist holding her upright, (__) gripping his wrist and hand with their own.  His other hand held the icepack to their neck, the burning cold against their skin keeping them awake.

"(__), bite on this, I have to pull the sword out." Bad ordered, holding up a corner of a white dish towel.

(__) bit down weakly, still wheezing out breaths as they watched Bad's fingers curl around the blade of the sword, a dish towel protecting his black skin from being cut open.

Bad's other hand held their leg down, gaining some leverage to pull the sword out.

"I'll pull it out on five, okay?" He warned, glancing at the person, who just nodded against Karl's chest, small whimpers and sobs being muffled from their mouth. 

"Okay, one...  Two...  Three!"

Bad yanked the sword out, keeping it on the same path as it had entered as not to cause any more permanent damage.

(__) screamed, their grip on Karl tightening and their whole body tensing for a few moments.  (__) let the cloth drop from their mouth, leaning to the side again to throw up, Sapnap holding their hair from their face this time.

Bad quickly cleaned the wound, haphazardly pouring hydrogen peroxide over the persons shin, dabbing it dry with another dishtowel and wrapping it in gauze and bandages, letting (__) empty their stomach before leaning back into Karl, their sobs quieter now that they had used all their energy.

"Are they gonna be okay?" Sapnap asked, looking up at Bad.

The demon wiped vomit from the person's face.  "We'll have to keep an eye on them tonight, but yes." He said.


this is just a lil something from one of those 'drafts i'll never show the world'.  just a lil piece copy, pasted, and edited to fit the parameters of this oneshot.  i really just wanted to get something out for you guys, but i had no ideas sothis was my solution to that lmao.

please please PLEASE make requests, bc honestly the next chapter is gonna be a song fic.  i'm not kidding.  if i can remember all the words to 'hold on till may' by pierce the veil, it's gonna be happening.  prepare for some shitty angst y'all.

Hope you enjoyed, darlings!

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