{ONESHOT} (Ranboo): Hold On

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Tw: cancer, major character death

Age: 18

Pronouns: he/they

Home country: America

Notes: i was high when i wrote this so i'm not gonna edit it bc i want y'all to lmk in the comments what you think of me while high

Enjoy, darlings!

No One's POV
(__) felt his chest tighten as tears stung his eyes.

"And I'll get to hang out with Tubbo, Tommy, Aimsey and Bill!" Ranboo exclaimed.

The other boy nodded.  "T-that's great, boo! I'm glad you'll get to see your friends more often." (__) said, their voice wavering.

"Are you okay?" His boyfriend asked over the phone.

"Yeah I just have to sneeze but it's taking forever, I'll talk to you later, boo, I love you." He answered quickly.

"Oh- love you too, (__), bye-bye!"

Hold on,

(__) sat on their boyfriends parents sofa, having a Criminal Minds marathon with the occupants of the house.

As an episode ended, Ranboo went to stand and get more popcorn from the kitchen, only for the arms around his waist to tighten their grip and for (__) to rest their head on his shoulder.

Ranboo smiled gently, throwing his arm over his partners shoulder and resting his head atop theirs.

"I don't wanna know what it's like when you're gone," (__) sniffled, gripping the front of his boyfriends jacket.

Ranboo rubbing their back, hummed.  "Your Visa's already approved, once you finish school you can move." He said softly.

(__) squeezed his eyes shut, shoving themself impossibly further into Ranboo's chest.

The couple stood in each other's embrace, silently saying goodbye.

I'm just tryna,

Ranboo held his phone with an iron grip, knuckles turning white as his hands shook.  His breathing was uneven and his face was red.  His eyes were glossy as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

"W-what?" He whispered.

"I- I didn't know how to tell you...  I'm so sorry, baby," (__) sniffled.  "I'm sorry..."

Ranboo shook his head, tears rolling down his face as he walked further down the hall to the living room of his flat.  "Don't apologize, it was out of your control from the start." He murmured, leaning against the frame of a sliding glass door.

(__) nodded, though he couldn't see, and wiped their face.  "I just...  Your mom and dad are offering up your old room to me but...  It'll just feel weird without you there." He sighed.

Ranboo hummed, running a hand through his hair.  "What are your options?" He asked softly, looking to his feet.

"I'm still young enough to go to a children's hospital, but they'll eventually have to kick me out...  I'm not able to afford grown up treatment." (__) chuckled, trying to make light of his situation.

The two sat in silence for a few moments.

"I can come back." Ranboo said, looking up at the sky.


"I can't let you go through this alone," Ranboo interrupted.  "It'll kill me if I'm not there, I-"

"It's gonna kill me wether you're here or not!" (__) exclaimed. 

He hung up.

Hold on,

Bill looked over to his friend after he had ended the stream.  "Alright, what the fuck is up with you?" He asked, plopping back down on the floor.

Ranboo sighed.  "I don't wanna talk about it," he said.  "It's not my story to tell anyways."

"I don't wanna know what it's like when you're gone for good," Ranboo breathed as he walked through the airport quickly.  "But I'll be damned if I had the opportunity to see you and didn't take it."

(__) sighed tiredly.  "I-it's not that b-bad..." He paused to take a breath.  "It's just my immune s-system is w-weak right now." They said, words slurring together.

Ranboo stopped in his tracks.  "I'm already at the airport, I'm on my way." He said as he hung up.

It's slipping through my fingertips

Ranboo held his partners gloved hand, comparing their features now to what he remembered from before chemotherapy and radiation.  His thumb began rubbing their knuckles, shifting his gaze to the window, watching the sun set over the buildings of the city.

A little bit,

Ranboo sat next to his mother, letting her rub his back as they sat in the surgery waiting room. 

"He's strong, he'll make it." His mother reassured.

The teen sniffled, rubbing his face irritably.  "What if he doesn't?"

By a little bit,

"Hey...  There's some people here to meet you." Ranboo said as he stepped back into the room.

(__) looked over tiredly, a confused look on his face.

The taller of the two leaned back slightly and waved someone in.

Two familiar Brits stepped in, waving slightly.

"Oh...  Hey." (__) greeted, giving a small smile, but it didn't show in his eyes.

I didn't know that loving you

Ranboo awoke to a loud beeping, and sat up, looking around as he rubbed his eyes.

His eyes landed on the heart monitor his partner was hooked up to, and gasped.  He threw the shitty hospital blanket off of him, jumping up and stumbling over to (__)'s bedside.  He quickly pressed the button to call a nurse into the room, tears stinging his eyes.

"(__), wake up!" He cried.  "Open your eyes, please, baby!" Ranboo exclaimed.

He could hear rushed footsteps from down the hall, and he shook his partners shoulders.

"I need you, please, please, open your eyes," he sobbed.  "Please, please...  I love you so much, please..." He whimpered, slumping down until he was practically laying on them.

As the nurses rushed in, he placed a kiss to their lips one last time before he was forcefully pulled away.

Was the happiest

Ranboo sat in the hall of the hospital, staring at the black ring on his hand.  Though his face remained neutral, tears poured down his cheeks and he sniffled occasionally, his mind replaying the past month.

He sighed as he though back to the ring on his partners hand, on his left ring finger.  They had planned on getting married once (__) moved to the UK with him.  Look how that turned out.

I've ever been



i don't think i have a fluff oneshot for Ranboo lmao

anyways ppl have been saying my relationship with my husband is adorable so i just thought i'd let y'all know:

when we first knew each other we exchanged gift boxes just filled with shit and in the first one he gave me there were about 100 hearts made out of gum wrappers

i'm high as fuck and thinking about my husband

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