{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): "It's The Dying To A Zombie For Me"

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Requested? Yes! The lovely @cailyng14 requested this oneshot! Thank you darling <3!

Age: 21

Pronouns: they/them (you didn't specify any pronouns so i'm assuming you wanted gender neutral, but if you want i can go back and change them)

Notes: irl Technoblade, and idk if you wanted platonic or romantic relationship, so i went for romantic but again, if that's not what you wanted i can change it, and for the purpose of the story reader was in the foster system idk, also, this kinds sucks i apologize

Enjoy, darling!


No One's POV
Days like these were (__)'s favorite, just hanging out online with their boyfriend, playing Minecraft together and chilling in a vc.

Sure they could go over to his house, or invite him over to spend quality time with in person, but something about just messing about on their shared server sounded so much better. 

(__), being the builder and farmer of their personal little world, enjoyed listening as their boyfriend adventures out further into their world, collecting items, killing mobs and going mining while they tended to their crops and farm animals.

Of course, it wasn't as peaceful as it sounded, in reality, the two had picked up a heated, yet playful conversation, all based around making fun of each other.

"Pfft, it's the dying against a zombie for me." (__) snorted as the death message popped up in chat.

Techno rolled his eyes.  "It's the never leaving the cottage for me." He shot back as he respawned in the bed he'd brought with on his journey.

(__) huffed out a shocked laugh.  "It's the losing to your partner in a PvP for me." They smirked.

"It's the thinking I don't let you win for me." The man mumbled as he collected his dropped items.

"It's the ADHD for me." (__) replied, walking out of the small little cottage to go work on the barn out back.

"It's the shaky, sweaty hands for me." Techno said in a bored tone, although a hint of a smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth.

(__) gasped in fake shock, laughing slightly.  "It's the never sleeping for me." They snorted, climbing up the scaffolding they had placed.

Techno narrowed his eyes as he beat away another zombie, collecting it's XP before continuing down the mineshaft.  "It's the always sleeping for me."

"It's the living at home for me." (__) grinned, switching to hold the red wool instead of their axe.

"It's the never having a home for me." Techno said, stopping to collect some iron.  He waited for his partners next insult to come through his headphones, but he never received the reply.  His eyes widened as he realized what he said.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean that, (__), I'm so sorry." He rushed out.

(__) hummed, sighing quietly.  "It's fine." They said sharply. 

Never had a home.

Techno knew they were insecure about their history in the foster system, he knows how much they hate to bring it up.  "You didn't mean it, it's fine." They repeated.

Techno felt guilt settle into his heart, and collected his things from the mineshaft, beginning to head back to the surface.  "I'm coming back." He mumbled.

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