[PREFERENCE] You Get Your Tongue Pierced

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Tw: needles, piercings, unsanitary body modification

Requested? Nope!

Enjoy, darlings!



-thinks it's kinda hot
-constantly tries to touch it when you stick your tongue out
-was there when you got it and held your hand


-is a bit confused and concerned
-"did it hurt?" "well duh, it's a needle going through my tongue, of course it hurt!"
-was not there when you got it and didn't notice for a month


-makes you wear the one with the little flame on it during streams and videos, even though people can't see it
-"why the fuck would someone want a vibrating tongue ring?!" "uhhh, I'm not answering that question."
-thinks you look like a badass

Karl Jacobs:

-you got it for a Mr. Beast video and never took it out
-"babe, if you touch my tongue ring again I'm gonna bite your finger off!"
-giggles with you when jimmy begs you to just take it out and you say no (it was a joke and he didn't think you'd actually like it)


-didnt notice for like three days until Bad was talking about his stance on piercings and mentioned yours
-"wait, what the fuck?!" "yeah! It was a subgoal!"
-you have a duck one that you wear sometimes

Wilbur Soot:

-thinks it's kinda weird
-"what if you like, got gum stuck on it?" "it's a tongue piercing, not braces, Wilbur."
-he found out about it when you tagged along to help record the paintball vlog

Jack Manifold:

-you have one that's blue and red that he really likes
-you got it while drunk and have no idea who did it
-"jack Manifold enjoyers when they see (__)'s tongue be like-" "shut up."


-his little sister likes to try and poke it
-"don't wear just plain metal ones, you'll chip your teeth that way." "whatever you say, Techno."
-he doesn't really have an opinion on it, but deep down he thinks it suits your face


-you sent him the video of your friend piercing your tongue in a skating rink bathroom and he flipped
-"your parents are gonna kill you!" "and? I look like a badass!"
-is really worried about what your parents will say, and is worried that his parents won't let him hang out with you anymore


-you have a black and yellow stripped one to resemble a bee
-found out because you called him crying when your parents blew up at you for it
-"tell me you at least didn't use a used needle?" "it was cleaned first...  does that count?" *heavy sigh*


-suggested it as a joke and was very shocked when you sent him a video of you getting your tongue professionally done
-"your parents let you do that?!" "boo, I moved out when I was sixteen, they can't tell me shit."
-thinks it's much too hardcore for your cute face, but in a way that it works


-"you did what?! Are you insane?!" "it's just a piercing, chill!" "We are seventeen!"
-is actually very upset with you for getting your tongue pierced
-he loves you, he really does, but he tells you every chance he gets that he doesn't like it

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