{ONESHOT} (Wilbur Soot): Fool

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Requested? Nope!

Age: 23

Pronouns: she/they

Home country: Europe

Based on the fact that my sister plans to hook up with my boyfriend 😃

No One's POV
(__) always wanted to fall in love.  She thought she had, a few years ago, when she was younger.  She remembered talking to him, listening to him sing songs, some of them covers, some of them originals.  She had slowly begun to accept her feelings, and the fact that he did too.

(__) couldn't help but think they should've talked to him more...  Should've been more available, but then again, he almost never reached out, either.  Now, they were strangers again.  It was weird, not knowing much about the other, foreign, even.

Now she had to sit back and watch, a heavy, sinking feeling in their chest as they continued to support the man they had fallen for.

"Yeah, I uh, wrote a song about a girl I liked when I was like...  Nineteen..? I think? But uh, I can't remember the lyrics very well anymore, I can only remember like, one or two lines of the song." Wilbur laughed into his mic.

"Really? Sing em, Wil!" Tommy encouraged.

The brunette man laughed slight, but cleared his throat.

"All it took was
A message and
A FaceTime,
But I fell for you,

Wilbur laughed into his mic.  "And that's all I can remember of the song!" He clapped his hands together, leaning his elbow against his desk.  "Her and I actually still talk, sometimes." He added.

(__) wiped the tears from their eyes.  They remembered that night, two teens with free range of the internet on Omegle, talking for nearly five hours, until the sun had risen about the trees outside (__)'s house and she had to get a few hours of sleep before school.

"You do?!" Tommy exclaimed.  "Call her! Call her!" He shouted excitedly.

"I don't think she's awake, but I can try, hold on." Wilbur smiled, leaning a bit off camera to grab his phone.

(__) quickly wiped her tears and sat up from her slouched position on the couch, clearing her throat so she didn't sound like she'd been crying.

"And...  Alright, speakerphone..." Wilbur murmured as he clicked on the familiar contact.  "Should I let her know I'm streaming?" He asked.

"Nah, just like- I dunno, make plans to hang out or something!" Tommy said, clearly excited about what was happening.

(__)'s phone rang, and they debated answering it.  Should they?  They stared at the device beside them.

Absolutely they should.

"Hello? Wil?"

"(__)! Hey, I know it's late and your gonna tell me to go to sleep but, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the pier with me tomorrow?" Wilbur answered.

"Uhhh...  Sure..." (__)'s voice came through the others phone.

"Wow, don't sound so enthusiastic, (__), it's just me!" Wilbur joked.

"It's midnight, she thinks your weird, man!" Tommy laughed.

(__) decided to freak his chat out, as well as Tommy.

"Hey, uh, Wil?" She asked in her best innocent voice.  Truth be told, (__) had yet to come out to Wilbur.

"Yeah?" Wilbur answered, typing something into the discord chat telling Tommy to stop laughing.

"I think- I don't think I'm a girl."

Wilbur's eyes widened and he immediately scrambled to take his friend off speakerphone.

"Holy shit! That took a fuckin turn!" Tommy screamed.

Wilbur fumbled with his phone, dropping it.  "Shit!" He hissed.

He quickly reached forward, ending the stream.

(__) patiently waited, listening to Wilbur shuffle around on his end of the phone.

"(__)- you- what do you mean?" Wilbur breathed.

"I just...  I mean, I technically still am a girl, I just...  I use slightly different pronouns, I've actually known for a while, I was just scared to tell you." (__) explained.

"Wait, wait, what? You were scared to tell me?" Wilbur asked, sounding offended and just a little bit hurt.

(__) hummed, nodding.  They picked at the hem of their off-white knit sweater, waiting for Wilbur to blow up at them.

"Why..? I thought...  I know we're not as close as we used to be, but, I thought you could still trust me and be comfortable around me?" Wilbur said softly.

"You just...  You moved on from me so quick, right when I was starting to accept that I was in love with you, and it hurt, because you told me you'd wait for me, and then when I was ready, you...  You weren't there." (__) sniffled, staring at their laptop screen, which had previously displayed the Livestream of the man she was on the phone with.

Wilbur sighed, running his fingers through his hair.  "I...  I'm sorry, (__), I just...  I thought I'd be waiting on a lost cause." He shrugged.  It wasn't a good excuse, he knew that, but that's all he had.

He'd be so whipped with this girl, and he'd told it to her every chance he got, but every time she'd made it clear that she didn't feel that way about him.  'Yet...' They would always say, then laugh it off.

Eventually, Wilbur had decided he'd have to get over (__), and began dating the first girl who showed interest in him.  He thought if he just busied himself with someone else, he'd eventually forget his feelings for his best friend.

He now saw how big of a mistake that was.

"It was stupid, (__), I just- I thought- and I know this sounds so stupid and it's so overused but, I thought if I went out with someone else, I'd get over you, and when you dropped out of my life it took my mind off it for a while, but when she left me...  I- (__), we could've been dating- engaged by now! I'm so stupid to ever let you go, I was a fool, please, forgive me..." Wilbur ranted, hiding his face in his hand.

(__) felt tears flow down their cheeks, and tried to keep their voice stable as they spoke.  "And I am a fool to keep pretending that you love me." She whispered, voice cracking.  She sniffled.  "And I am a fool to keep loving you, and chasing after you.  Goodbye, Wilbur, I love you."

Wilbur shook as tears filled his eyes.  "I love-"

(__) hung up, not wanting to hear him finish, as they knew it would only rope them back in, to the vicious cycle they were living in before.

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