{ONESHOT} (Wilbur Soot): I Think I Wanna Marry You

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Tw: tooth rotting fluff, have your dentist on speed dial

Requested? Obviously not

Age: 25

Pronouns: she/her

Home country: england

Notes: idk i figured i should write some Wilbur fluff since i only have like two Wilbur fluff and one of them has to do with 80% of the world dying so...

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
It was a quiet night, the sun had set a few hours ago, and (__) sat in her bed, curled up with a book and a cup of hot chocolate, the blankets pulled up to her hips with her legs tucked towards her body for warmth.

Her boyfriend, Wilbur, had yet to return home from hanging out with his friends after band practice, so she was waiting for him to return.  She knew where he was, he was at the pub, having fun, she just missed him and wanted a hug when he returned.

She didn't look up as she heard the door open and someone take off their coat, just smiled softly, and turned to her bedside table, checking the time on her phone. 

11:56 PM

She furrowed her brows, she had been expecting to wait up for him for much longer, at least three or four, but now she was worried something had happened to her boyfriend.

She marked her page in the book, and set it aside along with her half empty mug of hot chocolate.

She slid out of bed, pulling her shorts down a little bit so they fit comfortably again, and fixed her long sleeved shirt.

She padded her way down the hall, all the way to the front door, where her boyfriend was struggling to slip off his shoes.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, trying to keep herself warm in the cold house.

"Hmm?" Will looked up, wobbling slightly as he stood up straight.  "What do you mean?" He asked, grinning slightly.

(__) chuckled softly, realizing her boyfriend was extremely drunk at the moment.  "You're home a lot sooner than I thought you'd be, did something happen?" She asked softly, smiling fondly at the drunk man in front of her as he leaned down to untie his shoes again.

"I just missed you, so I left." Wilbur explained, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

In a way, it was, for him.  (__)'s heart swelled with a rush of affection for the man, and she shook her head, her cheeks heating up as red engulfed her face.

"Alright, let's get your shoes off, love." (__) muttered, kneeling down in front of her intoxicated boyfriend, beginning to unlace his shoes.

As she pulled them off, she couldn't help but smile.  He came hime early because he missed her.  What a sweetheart.

(__) set Wilbur's shoes aside and stood, wiping her hands of imaginary dust, and smiling up at the tall brunette.

"Alright, bedtime." She breathed, taking his hand before leading him through their house and to their bedroom.

"I love you so much, (__)..." Wilbur mumbled as he stumbled across the floor behind his girlfriend.

She smiled and sighed as she led him over to their bed, letting him sit down before she pressed a kiss to his forehead.  "I love you too-"

"Marry me."

The room froze, the only movement being Wilbur taking both of (__)'s hands in his own and tilting his head to look up at her.

"Wh-what?" She whispered.

"Marry me, (__), I dont have a ring, or anything else right now, but I want you to marry me." Wilbur repeated, his thumbs cotsing over her knuckles affectionately.

(__) shook her head.  "You're drunk, Will, you're not thinking clearly, go to sleep, and if you still want to marry me tomorrow, we can go get a ring." She reasoned.

Luckily, Wilbur always listened to her when he was drunk, so he nodded, pressing a kiss to her jaw before crawling under the blankets, still in his clothes, and passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

(__) shook off the tingling feeling that crept up her spine, shutting out the lights and crawling into bed next to him.

She'll see in the morning if Wilbur was still ready.


(__) groaned as she felt someone gently shaking her awake, and cracked her eyes open, only to immediately shut them when the morning sunlight shined directly onto her face, blinding her.

She shielded her face as she opened her eyes again, and looked over at her alarm clock, checking the time.

12:51 PM

She sat up, slightly.  Normally her alarm clock woke her up at nine AM, so someone must've shut it off before her.

She scanned the room, her eyes landing on her boyfriend, who stood at the edge of the bed in front of her with a to-go cup of coffee in his hands.

"Afternoon, love." He greeted with a smile, handing her the warm cup of coffee.

"Did you turn off my alarm?" (__) asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes as she yawned.

Wilbur nodded, humming.  He suddenly knelt down on one knee, pulling something from his coat pocket.

(__) gasped, covering her mouth with her hand as her boyfriend opened a small, black velvet box to reveal a shiny, silver ring.  The centerpiece of the ring was a dark blue Sapphire, surrounded by small, white diamonds.

"You told me to wait until I was sober to ask you, so here I am, sober, and I still want to know..." Wilbur took a breath, trying to steady his breathing and keep the tears from falling from his eyes.

"Will you marry me?"

(__) laughed in disbelief, tears streaming down her face as she stared at the ring in shock.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, nodding.

She leaned down, cupping Wilbur's cheek and pressing a slow, sweet kiss to his lips, only to have it be broken by their smiles.

When she pulled away, Wilbur took her hand, and slid the ring onto her finger.

"I love you, (__)." He whispered.

"I love you too, Wilbur..."


i want a girlfriend but NO i have fucking TOURNAMENT this fucking saturday and sunday, and i have to play a team that PUNCHED us in the stomach and stamped their fucking NUMBERS on our NECKS, so much fucking fun...

if y'all are interested in watching the games tho...  i could name drop my team...  👀

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