[PREFERENCE]: How They Propose

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Notes: for the minors+ Purpled and Ranboo it is meant to be completely platonic

Enjoy, darlings!



-took you to Universal Studios, and at one point they had to stop a ride because of some technical issues
-"oh my god, Clay, we're gonna fucking die!" "If we don't, will you marry me?" "Ha! Yeah, if we make it out!"
-then y'all made it out alive and everyone that was on the ride with you guys congratulated you two


-took you to a really nice restaurant
-chickened out like six times
-he went to the bathroom and called Dream
-"Sapnap said stop being a pussy and just do it." "I know damn well it was you that said that." "Well, what can I say, I'm right, aren't I?"
-after the call he grew a pair and got down on one knee and proposed
-the restaurant gave you your meal for free plus two slices of cake


-he did it at home
-and by home I mean back home in Texas at a family reunion
-y'all we're getting ready to eat and had to say prayer (cuz this is the south everyone's a Christan)
-he said prayer and then
-"and one more thing...  (__)...  Will you marry me?"
-if you were worried about his family not liking you before, you're not now, cuz they fuckin love you
-even his aunt that's never liked any of his partners before

Karl Jacobs:

-Jimmy made a video of it
-Karl had asked him for your hand in marriage and he said no, just so he could make a challenge video out of it
-Karl went around town, solving puzzles and completing task until all of them were done and then raced home to ask
-"(__)! (__)! I have a question!" "Oh my god Karl, you're covered in dirt, what happened?!" "Doesn't matter, will you marry me?!"
-Jimmy made a hoodie for Karl that said "I sorted through cow crap to marry someone" as a joke, but Karl wears it all the time it's really funny


-it was during a meetup with Karl
-on stream
-they we're playing truth or dare and Karl knee Quackity had been meaning to ask for a while so he woke you up and made you come into the office to make Quackity ask
-"alright, Quackity, I dare you to ask (__) that question you've been meaning to ask them." "What?! On stream?!" "Huh? What's happening?"
-when he asked you took about five seconds to process before passing out
-when you woke up you immediately said yes

Wilbur Soot:

-he took you on a date to an old book store
-he pretend to search forever for one specific book
-"no, I promise, it's a really good book, you'll love it..! I hope..."
-when he found it and handed it to you, and you opened it, the pages had been cut out to hold a diamond ring inside, and on every page above it was the question "will you marry me?"
-you said yes immediately and then made him take a picture for social media

Jack Manifold:

-it was this whole elaborate plan
-Jack did an irl You Laugh You Lose stream with you
-Josh donated a video of Jack popping the question
-however, you had been yelling at Jack for laughing and didn't catch the video
-this happened three more times until he just asked you without the video


-he didn't even plan on proposing, he was fine with just staying how you were, because, in his words 'I don't need a piece of paper to tell you how much I love you.'
-but you wanted to get married, because just- he's so sweet and just- y'know?
-he was actually gonna do it soon, but his little sister ruined the plan
-"bubba says he's gonna propose to you tomorrow, what does propose mean?"
-he immediately turned around to where you two were sitting to try and explain
-"well he can't do it now, it was supposed to be a surprise for me and you just told me, but it means he was gonna ask me to marry him." "Ohhhh..! Oops!"
-he was slightly upset, but it was still sweet how it happened


-you wanted to move to America once Drista turned 18 so you could be roommates, and y'all were actually gonna get platonically married for tax purposes
-"well why don't you just marry me and we move there together? Then you won't have to wait as long!"
-he realized what he said about six minutes after he said it
-"wait, no, I take that back! No!" "What, am I not good enough for you to marry?" "No! It's not like that! I just- you-" "I what?" "You-" "mhm?" "I- we- we're- and I gave that damn ring away! Fuck!"
-that last bit made you laugh so hard that you said yes


-it was Teagan's idea, actually
-"well you're platonically married to Ranboo, just marry (__)!"
-he looked at you
-you looked up from your phone
-"wanna go buy a ring and try that again?"
-he went and got a ring pop and a real ring and made a joke with the ring pop before platonically proposing on stream


-it was your eighteenth birthday and it was just you two at your apartment at midnight, on a call with your brother and sister (Drista)
-"hey, since you're eighteen now you and Ranboo should get married for tax purposes!" "Drista! No!"
-and rabbi just turned to you and his whole face was red before he pulled out two promise rings
-it was really funny at the time but planning a platonic wedding it hard work bestie and Dream doesn't like it


-just after his eighteenth birthday
-he had the idea at the beginning of his stream
-"since I'm eighteen now, I'm gonna move out soon, which means I have to pay taxes...  Any ideas to help me pay as little as possible, chat?...  Marry (__)? Pfft, yeah right, like they'd say yes..."
-you literally sped to his house and busted into his room in your pajamas and he jumped out of his chair and fell on the floor
-"what was that, bitch?! 'like they'd say yes'?! Ask me, I fuckin dare you!"
-he just kinda stared at you for a minute from the floor
-"m-marry me?" "Grow a pair and speak up, I can't hear you!" "Marry me!" "Of course!"
-it was trending on Twitter for like a week


-y'all got married platonically on the bearSMP and then he had an idea
-"we should do this, but like, irl." *Long pause* "are you asking me to marry you, Bill?" *Even longer pause* "Bill? Are you there? It's okay, I'm just making sure before I say yes." "Wait, you'll marry me?!" "Yes, dummy, but it's only cuz you're the pretty best friend."
-y'all argued over who got who as bridesmaids/groomsmen for like an hour before he ended stream
-"did you really mean it when you said yes?" "Did you really mean it when you asked?" "Of course I did!" "Then I did too."


do i wanna write oneshots about this now? yes.  am i going to? no, because i know i'll never finish them lmao

i personally think that Technoblade's is the sweetest and Jack's is the funniest lmk what you think

also, please please please please make requests, i have literally no ideas for oneshots i'm begging y'all please 🥺👉👈

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