{ONESHOT} (Technoblade): I Know Who You Pretend I Am /PLATONIC\

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Tw: death, seeing ghosts??

Requested? No but i'm bored

Pronouns: they/them

Age: ???

Notes: hc: Technoblade's hair is naturally white, but has been stained pink because of all the blood of his enemies, and he refused to cut it because he thinks of the stains as the last piece of the things he's killed, and he would be incredibly guilty if he got rid of the last piece of someone, little does he know, the spirits of his enemies follow him around, and he is unable to see them, but can hear them

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
Technoblade stood in the forest, panting as he looked around at the bodies that lay in the wet dirt and brown leaves, none moving, none breathing, none alive.

He'd lost control of the voices once more.  He knew it was due to happen at some point, but he thought he'd have a couple more days to hide away somewhere in a cave, where he wouldn't cause harm to innocent people.

"Shit." He cursed quietly, sheathing his sword as his red eyes darted around for a familiar landmark, so he could begin his walk of shame back to Phil.




The voices whispered to him. 

The mans brows furrowed, and he gave the forest another once-over for any survivors.

His Piglin ears twitched, picking up the quiet sound of someone's breathing.




He quietly followed the sound, looking behind trees and bushes. 




The voices repeated, this time louder.

"I am helping, shut the fuck up." Techno hissed angrily.

He took a few more steps.


The man visibly cringed, and lost his footing, falling to the ground with a 'THUMP'.

He groaned, rolling over onto his back and staring up at the cloudy sky, his hand trailing down his hip to make sure he hadn't cut himself with his sword.  He winced, he wasn't bleeding, but he knew there would definitely be a bruise there when he woke up tomorrow.

"Hello?" A small voice called, and Techno furrowed his brows, sitting up. 

That wasn't one of the voices in his head.

Speaking of, they began to scream at him again.




He groaned, looking around again, his eyes landing on a small child, their wide eyes staring at him through the leaves of a bush, terrified, but almost curious.


Techno's brows furrowed together, and he licked his lips.  "(__)?" He tested the name on his tongue.

My (__)

Techno shook his head, hiding his face in his knees as he tried to get the voices to stop.  They continued.

My (__)

My (__)

My (__)

MY (__)

They ceased as he felt a tiny hand wrap around his little finger.

His head shot up, and looked to the person attached to the hand.

"Are you okay?" The child asked, wiping hot tears from their cheeks.

Techno almost cursed at the child, almost told them that, no, he's not, but their curious, worried eyes made him freeze.

"Yeah...  Yeah I'm okay." He said.  The two sat in silence for a few moments, the child, who Techno assumed to be (__), staring at him, and Techno contemplating what to do.


Techno nodded.  "I will..." He whispered.

He stood and lifted the toddler off the ground in one smooth motion, his eyes scanning the area to insure he hadn't dropped any of his belongings, and began walking.

"Mommy, follow us!" The girl said, almost sadly.

Techno froze, quickly turning around to make sure he hadn't accidentally left someone alive, in so much pain and suffering, hadn't left them to watch him slaughter all their loved ones and then kidnap their child.  His eyes searched, but he found no one.

They're safe now, in your arms

Techno grunted, dismissing the feminine voice in his head.

"Oh...  Bye Mommy..."

Techno looked down at the toddler in his gentle hold.  "You'll meet again." He reassured.  He looked up at the sky, feeling the beginnings of rain begin to drizzle down through the trees.  "Some sunny day." He whispered.





The voices chanted.

And so he did.



i feel like the flow of this chapter is really choppy and kinda hate it, but hey, Technoblade hit 10 mil before 2022 so here we are

how was everyone's new years eve? do y'all celebrate? did y'all go to sleep at 8:30 pm like some of my friends?

my sibling almost got shot in the face by a firework and my dog hid for the entire night

btw if any of you lit fireworks GO APOLOGIZE TO YOUR PETS RIGHT NOW 🔫😡


moving on

my birthdays in febuary?? i'm still processing and coming to terms with my 12th birthday and that was years ago but at least my eyeliner skills have developed since then

anyways hope you enjoy i'm gonna get to work on some heavy angst that someone requested so have some tissues ready cuz based on some of y'all's reaction to some angsty chapters i've written it's really my strong suit

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