for Technoblade

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Technoblade has only been a comfort streamer of mine for about a year and a half, and I stumbled upon his content through tik tok on accident.

He reminds me of an older brother of mine that I lost in the beginning of 2020.  His humor, his intelligence, and his kindness towards those he cared for.  He'll never know, but he's been there in times where I've wanted to end it all, and I only wish I could thank him for that.  If I hadn't found some form of comfort, I wouldn't have been able to see such amazing things in the past two years. 

I got to see the sun set over the ocean for the first time because of him, I rose to the top ranks of my derby team because of him, I helped my team get to the finals in regionals because of him, I've found friends who actually care for me because of him, and I think I've finally found genuine love, both romantic and platonic, because of him.  I don't think I'd ever be able to thank him enough.

Please don't be sad that he's gone, be happy he was here.  Remember our time is short, so do things you love, spend time with those you love, reach out to people you miss, but don't take shit from anyone, don't waste your life with people that couldn't care less.

Momento Mori, right?
Cherry Valentine

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