{ONESHOT} (Wilbur Soot): A Slightly Better World

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A/N: 1.11k reads! y'all, it's probably a lil bit more by the time i post this, but thank you so much, ily! MWAH!

Tw: uhh...  The death of 80% of the planet?

Age: 30 (Wilbur is 32 in this oneshot)

Pronouns: she/her

Notes: random post-apocalyptic AU but it's not what you think

Enjoy, darlings!


No One's POV
After the diseases had almost completely eradicated eighty percent of the planet, things went to a...  Slightly, normal setting.

People didn't live in shacks or sleep in puddles, they still lived in their homes, still did everything they normally did, just with less people.

Wilbur and (__) had been a part of the lucky few that had all of their friends and some of their family still...  With them.

It had been a silent, mental agreement for all of the rest of humanity to not have dictators again, as they caused too many issues with the people.

When the dust had finally settled, and the disease had run its course and burnt itself out, Wilbur and (__) had set out to collect their closest friends.  Tommy, Tubbo, Jack, Nikki, Fundy- just to name a few.  They had always wanted to live with all of their friends, of course, they wanted it to be under different circumstances, but it was better than sitting in their shitty apartment and rotting away.

It had been years, and they had been trying to put together some way to travel across the ocean to America, where their friends had told them things were surprisingly better.

They had been all set to leave on a cruise ship, who's entire crew had managed to survive by quarantining on a remote island, but there was a problem, (__), around the time they had been scheduled to leave, had fallen ill, and wasn't allowed on the ship because of that.

Wilbur and (__), being the second oldest couple of the group, had instructed everyone to take off without them, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

That left them alone, stuck in Brighton and unable to go anywhere due to (__)'s illness.

That brings us to today, where (__) stood in the mirror, the afternoon light making her smooth skin glow.

Wilbur stepped up behind his lover, placing his hands on her hips and pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

"Afternoon, my love," he greeted softly.

"Mmh, have you been in the garden today? You smell like dirt." (__) teased, looking up at the man through the mirror.

Wilbur narrowed his eyes at the woman, but chuckled softly.  "Yes, someone has to tend to everything so we don't starve." He spoke with a soft grin.

"Mm, so are you going to go trade with the man downtown for meat again?" (__) asked curiously.

Wilbur shrugged.  "Most likely, but that can wait until tomorrow, for now I'd like to spend time with my wife." He said, pressing kisses against her shoulder, trailing up her neck.

(__) rolled her eyes, though a flustered smile pulled at her lips as she leaned away from Wilbur's affections.  "We're not married, idiot." She laughed softly.

Wilbur hummed happily.  "Not yet, and not with that attitude." He mumbled, pulling his 'wife' towards his chest again, his hands brushing over her stomach briefly.

Wilbur suddenly froze, and his palm sprawled out across (__)'s stomach, feeling a swell there, that hadn't been there in the weeks prior.  The woman met Wilbur's eyes in the mirror again, her gaze trailing down slowly to where his palm rest.

"Wha- you- is this...  Are you..?" Wilbur breathed.

(__) smiled, her hands coming up to her slightly swollen stomach and pulling up the fabric of one of Wilbur's old shirts, sighing contently as his warm fingers held her close to him.

"I'm pregnant, it's my illness, why I couldn't get on the ship to go with everyone else to America, but now that we know, I can." She explained, her voice still soft.

Tears gathered in Wilbur's chocolate brown eyes, and he grinned.  "At least now...  They'll have a slightly better world to live in." He whispered.

(__) rolled her eyes.  "Any world is better when you're here."


i didn't know how to end it 😃

thinking about making this a series idk i kinda wanna add other mcyt's into the 'dead world but not really' au type thing, maybe give a little backstory on how everyone handled it when it first happened idk

moving on, today i got some really good sushi, whoever made it put their whole pussy into and needs their ass ate fr

ANYWAYS, hope you enjoyed, darlings, and i love you all so so much <3!

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