Cold and No Where to Go

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It's cold

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It's cold.

That's the first thing Yoongi thought as he started to come back to his senses.

He's been walking aimlessly for who knows how many minutes? Hours? It's still very dark out, maybe it's 2 or 3 in the morning.

It's awfully windy. It's cold and dark.

Maybe it's because he ran away barefoot that he feels like it's winter time, and his feet felt numbly cold.

Where to exactly was he going? Nowhere particularly, just somewhere away from home. His home? No, away from their home. Yes, that sounds better. Their home.

What was he going  to do now? Maybe he should become a stray, and look for an alley to spend the rest of his days. Eat from the trash and sleep on torn cardboard and newspapers.

Yes, that's the best option for a runaway hybrid like him.

Yoongi stopped his automatic walking, and hugged himself. His icy fingers clutched onto the thin fabric of his pajamas, and raised his head to look around. Where was he?

Gloomy eyes looked back from where he came and stared. He couldn't remember which way he came from.

Finally taking in his surroundings, it seems that he was in the middle of a shady looking neighborhood.

The streetlights flickered ever so often, and the apartments and buildings looked rundown.

Without much thought, Yoongi continued his automatic walking. His ears twitched to loud barking, and sounds of angry heavy chains clashing into metal fences.

Yoongi wasn't scared of dogs, but walking alone through the neighborhood and hearing the deep growls and threatening barks was starting to get to him.

His tail wrapped itself on one of his thighs as he trembles slightly with every step he took.

A bark that was close enough to be beside him, startled the runaway and suddenly Yoongi took off into the street and ran.

Ignoring the feeling of his skin getting torn by the prickly and rough asphalt, Yoongi ran.

Eventually, the Hybrid got tired and stopped his running and continued to walk.

Yoongi sighed with his whole chest, and stared down at the rough ground as he walked.

What the fuck was he doing?

Tears started to escape his eyes, as he slowed down and tripped on his own feet.

Maybe it was because of the running but his feet felt painfully warm and tingle. Yoongi sat up and glanced at the soles of his feet.

Shards of glass poked though his feet and blood was everywhere. When did he step on peices of broken glass?

A breathy laugh slipped through his mouth as he stared at his bloodily feet in the dark.

How can someone just not feel the pain of stepping in glass? He must have gone crazy. Being too caught up in your own mind does things to you.

I guess running with a blank mind and no destination was enough for Yoongi to just aimlessly step into sharp shards of broken glass. He barely even felt the pain of the glass slicing open his skin and stepping over it making the glass sink further into his flesh.

"I'm fucking useless." Yoongi stated to himself softly as he started to remove the pieces that were big enough for him to take out.

"Useless indeed." The voice chuckles at Yoongi's miserable state.

"Say Yoongi, now that you ran away and you're a stray, what do you plan to do?" The voice asked the hybrid like he wasn't the reason why Yoongi ran away in the first place.

"I....I don't know..." Yoongi replies as he tucked his knees to his chest and hid his tear damp face.

"Hmmm. Oh i know! How about we find a way to kill yourself? We could try running into on coming traffic or we can jump off a bridge or building? Oh how about we try cutting again?" Yoongi frowned, feeling his head starting to hurt.

"Why would I try to commit suicide again?"

"Why not? You have no one that cares about you anymore. You have no where to go, oh and you're miserable as it is, so why not? You have nothing else to do, do you?" Yoongi could practically feel the big grin the voice gave him just by listening to his words.

"So? What do you say?" The feline bit his lip, holding on to a little thread of hope that Taehyung or Jungkook will come find him.

That's not going to happen anytime soon. It's already been hours since leaving their house, if they were to go look for him, they would've found him a while ago.

Yoongi uncovered his face to stare blankly at the sky. His mouth opened, ready to give the voice the answer he wanted to hear, but before he could say it, a familiar deep honey voice shouted.


No proofread.
Y/N: OMG! I think i let a small little tear slip from my eye. 🤧

But anyway, YAY an UD! (Update)
Y'all, i already had this planned to publish last week but shit happened and i forgot...ha ha🤭



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Well I hope you enjoyed reading, and thank you for waiting on this! Stay safe Petals!

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