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I am getting better. Wayyyy better now. I even feel better. I get less angry these days. My mind is strangely peaceful. Very peaceful.

I don't have the urge to cry every single night like before. Or the urge to blame myself for the life I once had. Thats a plus I guess.

I feel like I'm actually some aspects.

I still have nightmares though. Insomnia is what you could call it. Because of that, I get tired quickly throughout the day. I can't really rest at night, it's the only habit that my body refuses to change. I hate it.

Now that I think about it, it really makes me upset that we still can't find a way to help me sleep at night without trying to rely on medications and sleeping pills.

It's upsetting yes, but Tae and Jungkook say it's alright, and that I shouldn't get too worked up about it.

Those two are getting better at comforting me and tending to my needs. They praise me for the progress I've made so far, and that makes me happy and giddy inside.

Even if it's just as small as communicating my thoughts and feelings. They listen to me and for that I am grateful.

Never in my life have I thought that I would be loved and cared for the way these two humans do. My heart is slowly becoming fully theirs, only beating for them and them alone.

Joon has been visiting me less these days too. Something about unnecessary sessions and wasting time because of how well I was doing.

Progress. Very good progress so far it seems.

Ahh right. Piano.

Ever since we went exploring the music shop, I fell in love with playing piano. Tae and Kook made sure to buy me one that very same day and next thing you know, we have a piano at home.

Jungkook has been teaching me how to play almost every day, and I've picked it up very quickly. It was like my hands had a mind of their own.

Playing seemed to come natural to me, I played every key without hesitation. It felt nice. The way my fingers press into the white keys and in return it plays their beautiful notes.

I lose track of time whenever I play. It does wonders in keeping me busy and away from my tormenting thoughts. Whenever I start to feel gloomy and sad, I sit on my stool and let my hands do the rest.

I always fell better after playing. It was like every time I play, I feel like something within me heals. I love playing the piano. Way too much it seems.

I kind of got into the habit of dragging either one of my humans and force them to sit beside me so they can hear me play. I love to play for them. The smiles they give me fills my heart with joy.

How could I not love it. They smile because of me, because I play for them. This was only possible because of them. My humans. My Taehyung and Jungkook.

They don't know how grateful I am that they have shown me something I've grown to love so much. Something that now has become a part of me.

What would I do without them? They are my everything.

I would not change them for anything.

Finally I've made progress. I...Min Yoongi have made progress.

Maybe there is hope...maybe just maybe I can piece back together my broken heart.

No proofread.
A/N: very short update, I'm sorry for taking too long to get this updated, I will try my best to find time to write and get this story completed. I need to hurry up and think about what I want to write for this story's ending. Until then please bear with me lovely petals...

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