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It was late pasted midnight. Maybe a quarter passed 1am. Like always, I am wide awake and unable to sleep throughout the night.

Nightmares haunt me restlessly, not missing a single goddamn night.

I sigh. My eyes are swollen from lack of sleep and from crying. I stare aimlessly at my reflection on the tv in the living room.

I don't know how long I've been sitting here staring off into the black tv and the walls of the living room.

Every night I mange to sneak out of bed and sit on the sofa dwelling and drowning in my thoughts. Ever since the visit at the cemetery, I've found it hard to sleep.

My mind wouldn't shut off which was annoying as hell. I rarely slept throughout the night, the most sleep I've gotten was about 3 hours.
That was it.

The pills don't do shit other than give me headaches and make me sluggish and slow. I've stropped taking them because what was the use of taking them if they weren't doing anything other than add on to the fucking problem.

I do take naps through out the day, but they didn't last long. The little naps don't make up for a good long night rest.

Because of my lack of sleep, I've been very moody... angry. My patience is little to nonexistent at this point. Everything bothered me, and I know it was starting to get on Taehyung's and Jungkook's nerves.

We've clashed heads many times and I am the first to always apologize. They don't deserve to be putting up with my shit, and I blame myself for it.

I never really meant to start fights it just happens.

The sounds of footsteps made my ears twitch in alert. I sniffed the air to distinguish who was coming down the stairs.

My head throbbed painfully, and i hissed quietly. I pressed my hand on my forehead in hopes to lighten the pain.

"Yoongi." Jungkooks sleepy voice made me look up towards him. A small smile escaped me as I saw him in his Iron-man pajama pants and black tank top.

"Whatcha doing here by yourself? You're supposed to be in bed." Coconut says as he came closer. He stood in front of me, his hand came up to cup my cheek.

"Are you alright baby?" I leaned into his touch, craving his warmth.

"You know I can't sleep. Plus I didn't want to wake you guys up." Yeah that was the plan, but I guess I wasn't sneaky enough tonight so it seems.

I looked up to meet Jungkook's soft chocolate brown eyes. His eyes reflected the dim light of the lamp I had on in the living room.

His thick brows knit together with an expression I knew far too well. Hurt. Concerned. My small smile vanishes within seconds.

I was causing this...without meaning to.
Like always...

Jungkook dropped to the ground in front of me and pulled me in his arms. He buried his face against my torso, and his arms wrapped around my waist tightly.

"I hate seeing you like this." He mumbled. I gave him a sad smile.

"I know." I brush my fingers along his messy but soft brown hair.

"And I hate that I can't do anything to help you. It makes me furious." Coconut tightens his grip around me.

"I know..." I whispered. Coconut shifts back to look into my eyes.

We stare at each other for a moment, my eyes admire every inch of his beautiful face. I close my eyes the moment he traces my dark and deep under eyes.

"I'm so tired." I mumble as I open my eyes again.

I was tired. So tired. Both physically and mentally. They both knew that.

"My baby." JK brushes some of my hair out of my face and caress down my cheek. His thumb brushes over my dry lips before he leans forward to kiss me.

A soft innocent kiss was all he gave me. My roaring mind finally went silent, and all I could think about was Jungkook's lips on mine and how it made me feel.

Without thinking about it, I pulled him closer, my lips hungry for more.

More. More. Give me more.

"More?" Jungkook says against my lips. I froze for a second.

Ohhh...did I say that out loud? Damn it Yoongi.
I curse at myself in my mind.

"More?" Coconut says again as his body moves on top of me, trapping me underneath him. My breath hitched and my heart stammered against my rib cage.

His chocolate eyes stared into mine, and mischievous hands snaked around my waist. I couldn't answer him, my breath accelerated with every move he made.

My focus was on his hands, and how his fingers glided and danced around my hips and up my waist.

I shiver when his hand went under my shirt and touched my chest.

A soft noise of excitement left my mouth without my permission.

I want you. I want you. I want you. I repeated in my mind.

My hands found their way up and around Jungkook's neck. I pull him down to me, my lips eager to taste his once more.

He did the opposite of what I wanted.

He stayed still, with a smile on his face. I frowned confused and slightly embarrassed.

He suddenly bonked me with his own forehead, with a small laugh.

With our foreheads connected, he shook his head lightly as if he thought about something funny.

"What...?" I asked, confused and slightly disappointed. JK gives me a small peck before he gets up.

"Let's go to bed Kitty." He finally said with an offering hand.

I stare at him.

That stupid smile of his makes me want to slap the shit out of him right there and then.

Why don't things turn out the way I want? I sigh deeply, a pout visibly displayed on my lips but still I take his hand.

Goddamn it.

No proofread.
A/N: AH!! AHHHH?!?? What's dis? A lil spice eh??

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