An Unsettling Feeling

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"I-um...I think I'd like to go out?" Yoongi asked the two men who were in the kitchen.

Taehyung stopped mixing the batter for some cupcakes that he was planning on baking. And Jungkook paused grading papers, most likely homework from his students.

"What are you talking about baby? I thought we were already going out? Is that-have we not showed you that you are part of our relationship..?"

Taehyung's brows rose in a worried almost panicking manner.
The silver bowl of chocolate batter was slowly set on the counter, and Jungkook sat up straight.

"No Tae, Yoongi said go out as in physically getting out of the house and go somewhere." Jungkook then said, turning to where Yoongi stood silently.

"Isn't that right?" Yoongi quickly nods.

"Yeah. I was just—sorry i didn't mean it like that." The feline looked down and started to scratch his palm. He seemed to upset Taehyung without meaning to, and that made him feel stupid for not clarifying what he wanted to say.

"Come here Kitty." Taehyung waved over to him, and the hybrid slowly made his way to the taller male. Yoongi was pulled into a warm hug that settled his heart and his overly active mind.

A big smooch was placed on his forehead. "Sure baby. We can go out somewhere. Wherever you'd like." Taehyung smiled down at his kitten.

Yoongi blinked and flushed underneath his gaze. Plopping his forehead on the blondes chest in order to escape the soft eyes that made his heart flutter, Yoongi thought about where he wanted to go.

"I'd like to...I want some ice cream." "Okay." Jung kook nodded as he sorted out papers. Taehyung lifted Yoongi's face by his chin and smiled fondly.

"Okay, lets go." Taehyung agreed. Bring his face down to softly place an innocent kiss on Yoongi's lips.

"Love you." The human whispered as he gave Yoongi another squeeze before releasing him. "Go get ready then babe." Taehyung ushered the feline as he started to clean up his mess.

Yoongi hummed, and looked at the teacher who seemed concentrated on his laptop. Yoongi approached the male and tugged on his tee.

"Coconut, come with?" The feline played with the hem of the soft fabric. He didn't want to interrupt the man but Yoongi liked whatever JK picked out for him in terms of clothes.

He like the way Kook dressed him whenever they go out, kind of ironic since the only one who really knew about fashion and style is Taehyung. But Yoongi didn't really like anything flashy and attention grabbing colored outfits.

"Mmhmm. One sec Yoonie." JK answered before giving his laptop a few more clicks and types and finally closing the device.

"Allrighty, up we go." Jungkook hopped from the stool and kissed Yoongi's head before dragging the feline up the stairs.

"Feeling a certain color today?" JK asked as soon as they got to Yoongi's room and gestured him to sit on the bed. The hybrid sat on the bed along with his legs.

"Grey." yoongi heard the teacher hum as he rummaged through his dresser and closet. "Grey is a good color. Let see what you have in here."


Yoongi couldn't quite explain it but he had a bad feeling. Well not necessarily bad but it felt like it. Like a feeling that you just know something will happen today, but you don't know what it is. You don't know what it is, when it will happen, where it will happen and how it will all unfold.

You just know it will happen today. Just thinking about it made the hybrid anxious, it was hard to concentrate whenever Taehyung or Jungkook talked.

Plus they were outside and not home. It was his idea after all yet it seemed like the couple were forcing him to join them.

The whole point in going out was to ease Yoongi's mind and distract him from this feeling but it only seemed to put him on edge even more.

A big hand came to rest on top of Yoongi's bouncing knee. "Ok love...?" Jungkook asked, and Yoongi blinked rapidly.

"Sorry what?" The couple stared in concern.

"Are you feeling okay baby? We can go home if you like-"

"No, i don't want to. Im okay." Taehyung grabbed Yoongi by the chin and leaned closer.

"Don't lie to us Yoongi. Remember, honest." Yoongi swallowed and nodded.

"Yeah. I know," Taehyung hums, placing a quick kiss on his nose before letting go.

"Is this place too much? Would you like to leave and go somewhere else?" Yoongi looked around the small and cozy ice-cream shop they were in.

Surprisingly, there weren't much people in it, just a few parents with kids, and teens in their own booths.

The feline looked down at his bowl of coffee flavored ice cream with chocolate fudge and bits of brownies. It was half-way finished and Yoongi didn't feel like finishing it.

His eyes then drifted to the window, where people passed by the shop and cars sped by.

The sky was grey. It looks like it was going to rain. Yoongi didn't really like the rain.

Maybe that's why today feels so... Maybe that's why im on edge.

"I want to go home now." Yoongi whispered, hoping the two men heard him so we wouldn't repeat himself.

It was like Yoongi was in a trance, he didn't even hear Taehyung say 'okay love, lets go', his eyes stayed glued to the heavy dark grey clouds in the sky.

It wasn't until he felt someone grab his forearm and pull him away from the window.

"Still doing fine Yoon?" Jungkook asked as he pulled the feline up to his feet. Yoongi hummed and forced a half smile.

"Number?" Yoongi thought for a second. "6." Jungkook inhaled and nods.

"Okay love." Taehyung stepped towards them and pushed them to the exit.

"Let's go my babies!" Jungkook huffs out a smile and Yoongi grinned at the blonde's comment.

"No, you both are my babies." Jungkook corrects as they walked out the shop hand in hand.

"Yeah yeah whatever, Yoongi is stil my baby though." Jungkook gave the fashionista a playful glare.

"Our. He's our baby." Yoongi shrunk into his jacket, trying to hide his blush. These men are something else.

"Shut the fuck up you two, how embarrassing." Yoongi mutters, only for them both to laugh out. Taehyung let go of Yoongi's hand to run in front of them only to shout out.

"Yoongi is my baby! I think the world should know it!" Yoongi's mouth dropped as he looked around and back at the blonde like we was crazy. Jungkook barked out a laugh, letting go to clutch his stomach.

Yoongi approached the taller. "What the fuck are you doing! Are you out of you're mind." Yoongi whispered shouted at the man for his public outburst.

"What!? It's true though!" Yoongi took a sharp left and walked away with a red face.

"I don't know them. I swear i don't." Yoongi said as hurried off with a flushed face, noticing a few people looked their way and smiled. The embarrassment was real.

"Yoongi wait!" Taehyung called. Yoongi looked back to see the couple follow after him and huffed out a laugh.

Yoongi kept walking, staring at the ground smiling to himself, thinking about how these two always found a way to make his heart flutter.

Glancing up to see where he was going, his smile instantly disappeared.

He stopped walking to stare, eyes wide and focused on the one person he never thought he'd see again.

His mouth opened, with ears twitching violently and nose smelling that familiar sweet scent. The moment their eyes met, tears were ready to drop right then and there.


No proofread.
A/N: mmm i have nothing to comment. OH NVM I DO HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY. My bac hurt
Stay safe lovely petals!

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