Closure (part 2)

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"Okay dinner's ready, why don't we—" Taehyung stopped midway as he entered the open study room.

Jungkook and Yoongi stood there closely in a very comfortable looking embrace. Taehyung searched the room for his guest.

"Where...?" Taehyung brushed his fingers on the surface of his cooking apron with a confused face.

"Yo-won left already." Yoongi said finally letting go of JK and slowly slipped out the room.

Taehyung's mouth open slightly, eyes immediately locking with the dancer. The blonde gave him the 'explain now' type of look and Jungkook sighed, bringing his hands up to his face.

"I asked her to leave."
"You what?" Taehyung immediately frown on that.

"I asked nicely." "Why on earth would you do that? Plus why are you even here? I thought we were giving them their space?! What the fuck happened?"

The frustration and the loathe all seemed to spike up once more, and Jungkook was getting upset again.

"I got worried and she said something that didn't sit right with me and I kind of kicked her out. End of story." Taehyung stood there baffled trying to figure out what the hell JK just said.

"What?" Taehyung pressed for more details, but JK wasn't having it. Not right now.

"I will tell you later, but right now I need to calm down a bit." The teacher tried his best to keep his cool and not pop off.

'Breathe. Breathe.' Jungkook reminded himself, unaware of his pacing back and forth. Taehyung watched with a worried face.

Seeing JK like this also put him in a anxious state. The dancer took notice, and approached him. Jungkook grabs Tae's face and locked their foreheads together.

"Give me like 10mins Love, yeah? Promise I'll talk to you about it later." Despite feeling unsure and being left in the blue, Taehyung agreed with a nod.

"Okay..." He blinked rapidly, receiving a quick kiss from his distressed boyfriend. With that, JK slips out the study towards the backyard where he could get some space and fresh air.

Taehyung slowly turns to leave as well, but up the stairs to his room.

"Well...dinner is canceled I guess." Tae mumbled to himself with a pouty face.

Yoongi didn't seem to want to talk either so he skipped the feline's room and went straight to his own.

Upon opening it, he was surprised to find Yoongi inside. It made him jump a bit but relax the moment their eyes met.

Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed holding onto a crumpled piece of paper. Taehyung tilted his head a bit, questioning what it was but resisted the urge to ask.

"Number?" Taehyung asked Yoongi as he came closer until he stood across from him. Immediately Yoongi pressed his face against the blondes stomach which caused Tae to worry.


"Aww baby." Yoongi's wavering voice made Taehyung's heart sink. The smaller wrapped his arms around the fashionista's waist and pulled him closer. Taehyung let himself be squeezed and tugged willingly by his kitten.

He mentally cringed, realizing he was still wearing his cooking apron and that his kitten's face was pressed against the smelly fabric.

"Tae." Yoongi's call snapped his back in seconds. "Yes?" Taehyung asked, as he pets Yoongi's fluffy head.

The hybrid looked up and sniffed. The blonde stopped for a moment to look into the feline's eyes.

"Be on my side...please." Taehyung frowned.

"You have to be on my side. I want you to be on my side. Please." Yoongi swallowed down his nerves. He couldn't have both of them against him.

"It's okay if Jungkook isn't but you have to be with me. I can't have you both against me. Please." Taehyung shook his head slowly not understanding.

"What are you talking about Yoon. I don't understand." Yoongi clenched his jaw and let go. He unwrapped his arms around the blonde and handed the paper to the fashionista.

Taehyung took the soft paper and read the writing.

'Directions to a cemetery.'Taehyung slowly lowered the paper and rose a brow.

"What's this?"

"He's... dead." Yoongi couldn't even say that with a confident voice. The phrase felt so foreign on his tongue. Doubt still lingered within him, his stomach still turned and chills ran down his whole body.

Taehyung's face paled completely. He knew exactly who Yoongi was talking about. Lee Do-hyung. Now he knew why JK was so upset about.

And he knew exactly what Yoongi wanted to do. What he was thinking about.

"Yoongi..." Taehyung shook his head slowly already disapproving the idea. The feline grab the blonde by the wrist.

"Please..." Yoongi pleads, with a shaky breath.

"Yoongi don't do this..."

"I have to see it with my own eyes. I have to see it. I need to see it. " Yoongi squeezed Taehyung's wrist a bit more.

"Let me go. I need you to support me on this one. Please..." Taehyung was on a tough spot. Jungkook was a hard no off the bat but Taehyung on the other side was more understanding.

All Yoongi needed was one of them to agree and he could go.

Taehyung was silent and thought really hard about what to answer. His mind raced to many places. 

"Please..." Yoongi let go of the blonde's wrist only to bury his face against his stomach again. His shoulders sunk in defeat.

"I really...really need you to be with me." Yoongi whispered. Taehyung closed his eyes with a stinging pain on his chest.

Deep down he wanted to say no. He hates the idea of Yoongi going to see that man's grave but he also want to support Yoongi and what he wants and desires. But was this really the right thing to do?

In the end, if that's what Yoongi really wants to do, who was he to deny him such a request.

"Alright Kitty. You win this time."

No proofread.
A/N: Don't drag me everyone, i got goldfish memory and forget to update...🧍🏽‍♀️HAVE MERCY PLZZ😭
Love you all, stay safe!

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