Faults (part 3)

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[3RD POV]"What the fuck is wrong with you? Both of you! Are you out of your goddamn minds!" Seokjin spat as soon as he walked into the living room

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"What the fuck is wrong with you? Both of you! Are you out of your goddamn minds!" Seokjin spat as soon as he walked into the living room.

The choir teacher was sitting on the sofa in a serious manner while Taehyung paced around with his hands rubbing at his face.

"Jin hyung. I was trying to keep calm. I swear!"

"Jungkook," Jin sighed and turned to Tae.

"Sit down Taehyung." "No." The fashionista replies as he breathes in and out sharply.

Calm down. Calm down. Don't have an attack. You're alright. You're okay. You're fine. Taehyung mentally tells himself as he shuts his eyes tightly.

Usually at times like this, Jungkook is the first to spot something off about Taehyung, but Jungkook was too busy thinking about his actions.

Taehyung doesn't often have anxiety attacks, but now that he reflected on his actions and poor choice of words—he was panicking.

Seokjin approached the platinum haired male and hugged him tightly.
"Breathe Tae. Just breathe. Don't think about anything, just breathe." Taehyung couldn't help but grab onto his hyung.

"I messed up. I messed up Hyung. I messed up." Tae repeats. Guilt. That's all he felt. His heart throbbed painfully, and the hand that grabbed Yoongi's wrist burned like a wild fire.

"Cool down Tae. Here, sit down." Jin guided the younger to the kitchen and on a chair.

"Wait here." Seokjin sighed, and walked back to the living room where Jungkook who was awfully quite. The youngest man chewed on his lips and stared aimlessly at the ground.

Alright. Jungkook first. Jin thought as he rubbed his beautiful face.

"Jungkook. Did you...take your medication?" Jungkook looked up at the man and slowly nodded.

"Yeah." "Don't lie to me Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook cocked his head to the side painfully.

"Fine! I forgot okay! I was in a rush and forgot to take 'em. Taehyung wasn't helping it either!" Jin sighed.

"Kook. You can't keep doing this. Look at yourself right now. You know you can't control your anger without those antidepressants." Jungkook bit his lip.

Yeah sure, he knows he fucked up the moment he forgot his pills, but it wasn't his fault entirely. Taehyung was pushing him to the point he snapped without meaning to. He couldn't help it.  

"Jungook. I know you don't want to repeat what happened 2 years ago. And I'm sure Taehyung doesn't want to go through that either." Flashbacks of that awful day crossed the younger's mind and his eyes immediately teared up.

"Jin Hyung no. I promised I'd change."

"Well, forgetting something important like taking your pills isn't helping that promise Jungkook." One word that could describe what happened 2 years ago would be...violent.

Jungkook used to be very violent when he got angry.

Having anger issues at a young age would probably not be what the younger wished for. And because of his mental issue, Jungkook got very violent and hurt Taehyung without meaning to.

He didn't want to be like this. He couldn't bare to see Taehyung with bruises that he inflicted on him. He couldn't do it.

"Did you hit him Kook?" The dancer jolted at those words and he slowly looked at Jin with a hurt expression.

"N-No! I just...I grabbed him. I d-didn't hit." Seokjin let out a sigh of relief.

"Jungkook look. This can't happen again. Promise me you'll take those pills. Do not forget them again. Do it for me—no do it for them. Taehyung loves you Kook. Yoongi loves you. You have to take care of both of them. You can't do that if you're not willing to stay in good shape."

"I'm sorry Hyung. I promise I'll-" Jungkook sniffs while he brushed his tears away. Jin slapped the younger on the arm with a frustrated groan before hugging him.

"Geez. The two of you are going to kill me someday."
" 'M sorry." the two pulled apart and the older nudged the younger towards the stairs.

"Go up and comfort him while I talk with Taehyung. He looked pretty shaken up so be gentle." Wasting no more time, Jungkook started his way up the stairs and Jin to the kitchen.

Taehyung sat on a stool, sniffing with red puffy eyes.
"Tae." The male looked up when he heard his name.

"Hyung...I'm sorry." "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You fucked up real big Taehyung." Seokjin states with a firm tone. Taehyung looked down upset and full of regret.

Taehyung knew he fucked up. Yelling like a mad man. Pushing Jungkook's buttons. Shouting and hurting Yoongi. He fucked up. And boy did he regret it immensely.

"You know...Jungkook forgot his pills today." To make matters worse, Taehyung's eyes jolted towards his Hyung's and watered.

"I-I d-didn't-" "Whether you knew or not, do you think that will change what you said to him? You think it didn't hurt Jungkook when you said those things to him. What the fuck is wrong with you Tae?" The fashionista bit his lip with so much force that it started to bleed.

"I...I don't know. I wasn't thinking straight and I was panicking. I didn't mean it Hyung!" Seokjin rubs his face with one hand.

"Jungkook doesn't want to hurt you anymore Taehyung. He loves you. You know that Tae."

"I know. I'll apologize. I promise."

"As for Yoongi, you scared the poor thing to death Taehyung. He was so reluctant to even look me in the eyes. You fucked up big time Kim Taehyung." Jin says with crossed arms.

"I know Jin Hyung. You don't have to tell me twice." The younger sighs as he ran his hands into his platinum hair.

"What's even worse—the poor thing blames himself for this shit. What the fuck is up with you two? I swear to the good lord..." Seokjin sighed for like the millionth time.

He didn't even know whether to be disappointed or relieved with the couple. Disappointed with both of them for acting the way they did, or relieved because both males knew what they did wrong and hopefully find a solution.

Lord. What am I going to do with these two pair of idiots? Give me strength. Jin thought as he look towards the nearest window.

No proofread.
A/N: Hiya! Hope y'all are doing well!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas!

To be honest, I've been watching anime instead of doing my online assignments all throughout quarantine... hehehehehe...😅

I'm gonna fail most of my classes NO DOUBT.😫

Have a wonderful day my Petals! Remember to stay safe! 💜


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