Be Good

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The day went by fast like the wind in early fall. The couple had taught Yoongi how to use the phone even though the hybrid himself was confused as fuck on the whole calling and texting thing, but eventually got the hang of it.

It was now Monday, which meant the feline would be left alone for a few hours while the younger two went to work. Yoongi thinks he would be fine alone, after all, he has been alone for almost all his life so that wasn't a problem. Taehyung and Jungkook thought otherwise.

They were a bit nervous to leave Yoongi in the big house alone. There were a whole bunch of possibilities of what could happen to their poor Kitten.

He could get hurt from wondering around, or he could run away. Or worst case scenario- a crazy man could easily break in the house and kidnap Yoongi! Oh no, if that were the case the couple would lose it for sure.

They even made note to buy extra door and window locks just to be safe. Yes they were very worried, but neither showed it.

Yoongi woke up from his slumber to a loud thump from down stairs. The feline lazily sat up and looked at the clock.

6:45 AM.

He groans softly as he slipped out of bed in his blue and white stripped pajamas Taehyung had bought him online. He opened his door and walked out, heading towards his owners room.

The door was open, giving the hybrid the chance to peek in. He frowned when he saw no sign of either of his humans, so he decided to go downstairs.

He entered the kitchen with a pout displayed on his lips. He meet a still in pj's Taehyung on a stool, tapping away on his laptop. Taehyung looked up from his laptop and smiled at Yoongi.

"Morning Yoongi." "Morning." the feline mumbled still in his sleepy daze. The brunette came out of the kitchen storage with a few zip-lock baggies in hand. He was in grey dress pants that hugged his thick thighs well, and wore a white long sleeved shirt and a red Gucci tie.

"Oh, Yoongi. Morning. Did I wake you up Kitten?" The teacher asked while he packed his lunch.

"Yeah." "Sorry, I was trying to reach the baggies and accidently knocked over the pancake mix." Jungkook chuckles at his failure.

"When are you leaving?" Yoongi asked the brunette. Kook looked at his watch and sighed.

"Right now. I have to teach at 7:00." The hybrid watched as his owner put on his black coat and grabbed his lunch.

"I'm leaving!" He went over to Tae and kissed him goodbye before grabbing his keys. Yoongi followed the human to the door a bit nervous.

The teacher was running late and opened the door. Yoongi couldn't help but tug on his coat with slightly trembling fingers.

"J-Jungkook. Y-You will be back right?" Yoongi asked the younger. Jungkook frowns at the question.

"Of course I'll be back. Why would I not?" The hybrid shrugged, masking his uneasiness. He couldn't help but worry.

Last time one of his past owners left the house, she never came back to Yoongi alive. She never came back. Never.

"What is it? Does my Kitten want a goodbye kiss too?" Kook grinned in amusement. Yoongi's cheeks and human ears turn red.

"N-No! J-just get the fuck out already Coconut head!" Yoongi awkwardly shoved the human out the door.

He turned around red as a tomato, and walked over to Taehyung who was smiling like a mad man facing the hybrid.

"W-What?" Yoongi asked. "Oh nothing. You want breakfast?" Taehyung offered. Yoongi shook his head lightly. "No. When are you leaving?" the feline questioned the fashionista.

"At 10." Yoongi hummed before yawning. "I'm gonna go back to sleep."

Taehyung hums, "I'll wake you up for breakfast before I leave." The hybrid mumbled an 'okay' before going up stairs to resume his slumber.

Taehyung returned to his laptop, scrolling down the page of countless fashion designs. He clicked on one of his designs that was half way finished and sighed.

The only thing that was sketched out was a black baggy dress shirt and a kitted brown cardigan with yellow and red rectangular sections.

He made a note to the side: Beige handbag, and matching scarf. Taehyung got up from his seat and made himself some coffee.


It was now nine thirty and Taehyung had already showered and prepared himself for work. He was currently in the kitchen finishing the last pancake he made for Yoongi.

He popped it onto the hybrid's plate and added some strawberry slices he cut earlier. He made sure to turn off the stove and walked over to the staircase.

"Yoongi! Breakfast is ready!" he shouts from downstairs. He walked back to the kitchen and shoved a piece of pancake in his mouth.

Moments later, the sound of footsteps down the stairs was heard. A pouty Yoongi enters the kitchen. Taehyung cooed at the sight of his sleepy hybrid sitting down on a stool.

"Sleep well?" Tae asked. "Mmhmm. Thanks." Yoongi lazily grabbed the fork and stabbed the steamy pancake.

"I won't be home till 3 or 4. But I think Kook get's off at 2." Tae notifies as he watched the feline closely as he eats, to which Yoongi was unaware of.

Yoongi hungrily shoved the strawberries into his mouth and hums. After shoving down another piece of pancake, he stopped chewing when he finally noticed the human staring at him intensely.

"W-W-aft?" He spoke with a full mouth. Taehyung chuckles.

"Slow down a bit. You might choke Kitten." Tae licked his lips and smirked. Yoongi glared at the younger. Fucken dirty-ass minded human. I can't even eat in peace! The feline mentally cursed.

"I should get going." The fashionista went to grab his keys.

"You aren't allowed to go out. Please stay in the house and lock the doors. Who knows what could happen to you. Other than that, you are free to do what you want. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry. Don't make a mess and call me or Kook if anything and I mean ANYTHING happens okay?" "Okay." The hybrid replies as he once again followed his human to the door.

"I'll be back in a few hours. Don't forget to lock the doors." "Yeah, I know. Bye."

Tae 'accidentally' dropped his car keys which resulted to both of them crouching down to pick them up.

Before Yoongi could touch the keys, Tae snatched them up and gave the older a quick peck on the forehead and dashed out to his Jeep shouting 'Be good Kitten!'.

Yoongi closed the door shut and mumbled under his breath with a red tinted face.

"S-slick ass bastard."

No proofread.
A/N: Hi my lovely Petals! I hope y'all are enjoying this story. I thank you Loves for reading and I wish you a fabulous day! Love y'all!

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