Shopping with Jk (part 1)

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edited and revised.


"Kook, please make sure to buy him everything he likes. If he even glances at it or stares a it for a long time, don't hesitate to buy it. Prices mean nothing, it's why we work. And don't forget to buy him some Gucci clothes. And-" Taehyung kept babbling about what to buy for their hybrid as he got dressed for work.

"And the chokers! Omg the chokers! Make sure to buy him the Gucci choker he likes." Jungkook just stood there constantly nodding.

"Okay, okay. I will. I promise." The younger said as he kissed his boyfriend. Taehyung smiled and peppered younger males face with kisses. "You're-going-to-be-late." Jungkook said in between kisses. Taehyung stopped and looked at his watch.

"Shit! I'm late!" He shouts as he walked over to his closest and put on some dress shoes.

The younger male went down the stairs to pack Tae's lunch. He finished just in time when he heard footsteps dashing down the stairs. He walked Taehyung out the door, and gave him a kiss and his lunch.

"Love you." They both said in sync. The dancer watched as Taehyung dashed to his Jeep and disappeared from sight.

He laughed as he walked back inside the house. He went upstairs to Yoongi's room and knocked lightly. "Yoongi? I'm gonna come in, ok Kitty." The younger said.

He opened the door, and saw a pair of fluffy black ears twitch, buried in the sheets. He chuckled and walked towards the sleeping hybrid and kneeled down besides the bed. Jungkook stared at his hybrid in awe.

His pink doll lips were parted slightly, showing his little white fangs. His button nose was tinted a light pink, and his dark lashes rested on his flushed pale cheeks. His eyes then traveled to the black pair of soft ears.

He stared at them, debating if he should touch them or not. After a good two minutes of mentally debating, he finally built up the courage to touch them.

He extended his hand to them and his fingertips gently brushed the feature.

Oh my holy fuck. They're so fucken soft. He thought to himself. They were probably one of the most softest things Jungkook has ever touched in his life.

He was so amazed and distracted by the softness that he jumped when he felt the fluffy ear twitch in his hold. Yoongi's ear kept twitching every once and while as Jungkook kept stroking them gently.

Jungkook was bold enough to scratch the back of the hybrid's ear, just to clear a doubt he had in his mind.

And most definitely, he concluded right.

He gently scratched the ear, and received an unconscious purr from the sleeping hybrid. The younger male chuckles at the reaction as he kept scratching earning purrs from the feline.


I smile as I rub his soft fluffy ear. "Kitten, time to wake up.~" I said. His ear twitched and he groans.

"But I'm tired." I hear him mumble. I smile. "Come on Kitty, I promised Taehyung that I'd take you shopping." I said as I stood up.

He groans again and sits up. I chuckle at the sight. His black hair stuck out randomly and his ears were midway flopping downwards.

"I'll let you barrow some of my clothes while you go brush your teeth okay?" I asked. He only nodded with closed eyes, and a visible pout.

Cute. Sooo adorable. I walk out the bedroom and went to me and Tae's room down the hall. I went to the closet and picked out the smallest pair of jeans I had and a cotton black shirt. I walk back inside Yoongi's room and laid down the clothes on the bed.

"The clothes are on the bed. Come down when you're changed okay?!" I shout as I walk down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and prepare Yoongi some waffles, and a cup of coffee for myself.

After a few, I hear footsteps down the stairs, and see Yoongi in my clothes.

I burst out laughing. The black cotton shirt went down to his mid-thighs, and the denim jeans was obviously too big on him.

"What's so funny human?" Yoongi said with a deep frown. "N-nothing, come eat breakfast Yoongi." I say, trying my best not to laugh as he uncomfortably pulled the jeans up to keep them from falling.

"Orange juice or milk?" I ask. "Milk." he said before stuffing his mouth with waffle. I grab a glass cup, and pour in some milk and give it to Yoongi. "Thanks." he mumbled. I went to my coffee cup and took a sip. When Yoongi was done, I washed the dishes and dried my hands.

"Ok! Let's go shopping!" I say as I grab my keys. I head out the door, Yoongi following behind, and lock the front door. We get in my Mustang and I pulled out of the driveway and into the road.


The blue Mustang stopped at a red light, as a few people walked across the road. The hybrid kept fiddling with his fingers nervously. The younger caught the action and asked.

"Nervous?" The feline jumped a bit and nods.

"Don't be. It'll be fine. After all, you're with me." the younger said. The light turned green and Kook resumed driving. It took about 15 minutes to get to the mall. They pulled up into a parking lot and the younger parked the car.

"We're here." Jungkook said as he got out of the car, the older following. The hybrids stared at the building in shock. His eyes were wide and his jaw dropped to the ground at the sight.

The building was about three stories high and it was covered in glossy glass, top to bottom. The hybrid sucked in a big breath and exhaled loudly.

"Let's go."

No proofread.
A/n: Helllloooo Loves! Hope y'all are having a good day! Hopefully you Love enjoyed this update. Thanks 4 reading! I remind you to go check out Handsome Stalker if you haven't. And hopefully ill be able to write and update more this upcoming week bc I'm in break. Bye! Chhuu!


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