Sooner or Later

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"Are you feeling better about everything now?" Namjoon asks Yoongi as he writes hits final thoughts on his note pad. Yoongi brushed a hand over his arm in a nervous manner.

"Yeah, I just umm..." Yoongi trailed off as he tried to find the best way of saying what he wanted to ask. Namjoon waited patiently, giving Yoongi as much time as he needed to sort things out in his head.

The therapist took a glance at his watch and then at Yoongi who looked confused and conflicted.

"How would I...tell them that I want—no, how can I make them understand that they don't need to be scared to touch me?" Yoongi picked at his fingers as he awaited Namjoon's answer. Joon hums in thought.

"Simply talk it over. The key here is communication. All three of you need to talk to each other and set boundaries," Namjoon raised his hand to point out and emphasize.

"It is very important you set your boundaries Yoongi. It will be your first time being intimate with them. Taehyung and Jungkook have no clue what you find pleasurable and what you find triggering. That is why you have to tell them what is off limits and what is not. That way they have a better understanding of what kind of sex you are seeking from them. The goal is to prevent them from hurting you and doing anything that could possibly trigger you." Yoongi nods along with everything the blonde said. Namjoon smiles making his dimples peak through his tan cheeks.

"Things like this takes time Yoongi. I'm sure things will turn out better than you expect them to be."

"I understand. Thank you." Yoongi sheeply scratched the back of his neck, and Namjoon waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"No need. Thank you for trusting me with your thoughts and feelings. Now then, shall we join the others downstairs?" Joonie smiled once more as he stood and packed his notes in his tote bag.

Yoongi followed the man out the room and downstairs to the kitchen where the noise bustled.

"And I said, 'bitch going to step on my fucking toes with them cowboy fucking boots bitch disgusting!' "

Joon and Yoongi stop in the hall way baffled as Seokjin aggressively chopped a potato. Taehyung was beside him cutting up some pork belly, very intrigued.

"Tell me she at least apologized."

"That's the thing! The bitch had the audacity to give me a dirty look, like I was the one who stepped on her! That stupid cunt-"

"Oookay, let's tone it down a notch yeah?" Thank god Namjoon interrupted the fuming man or else things were going to get heated. Seokjin's glare softened at the sight of his husband.

"But I'm still angry about it." Jin mumbles as Joon walked over to place a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I know you are honey. Let's not shout okay?" Seokjin's rant died down just like that and instead offered a tiny potato to Namjoon.

"Peel it for me babe, please?"

"Of course, let me wash my hands." Taehyung scoffed beside them in a displeased tone.

"Great. Thanks for ruining the tea party Hyung. We were on the good part too! Damn it." Yoongi's eyes searched for a certain coconut haired human, but didn't see him there.

Yoongi walked away from the three loud men in the kitchen preparing dinner and sniffed out his other human into the office.

Yoongi found the door open, but still he gave two soft knocks. Jungkook gave the hybrid a glance and smiled softly.

The bag under his eyes gave Yoongi a displeasing feeling. He hated seeing JK so tired, but he couldn't actually do anything about it. He just hoped the end of the semester would come fast so Jungkook could be done with grading and not stay up late.

"Hey Love, did you finish your session already?" Yoongi nodded and quietly moved so that he stood beside the teacher at the desk. Jungkook set his red pen down and turned towards Yoongi.

"What is it Kitty?" JK asked with a slight frown. Yoongi stared at the eye bags that resembled his own, and raised a hand to trace over them lightly.

"Is it really worth staying up at night to grade papers?" Yoongi glared at the eye circles underneath his touch that ruined his human's perfect face. JK chuckles, grabbing Yoongi by the waist in order to pull him closer.

"I'll be just fine Yoongi. This happens every year, it's my job." Yoongi grumbled something under his breath, but his frown faded when the teacher placed a kiss on his lips.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." Jungkook winked with a grin and stole another kiss from Yoongi. The hybrid's hands were placed on the human's shoulder's, feeling how tense the muscles were.

Yoongi was lost in thought as he caressed the other man.
'How can I bring up the conversation with them.'

Jungkooks large hands alternately between resting them on Yoongi's hip and then to his lower back.

Yoongi inhaled sharply, finally making up his mind.

'It will happen. Sooner than they expect...'

No proofread.
A/N: finally an update, sorry for taking long petals. I've been very busy lately, just know that I'm trying my best T-T

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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