Morning Kisses

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The sun glowed bright as any other sunny day. Birds chirped their morning melodies, and the sun beams though the colored curtains lighting up the spacious room where the two humans and the hybrid laid unconscious from their sleep.

Yoongi ended up laying dead, on top of the fashionista with his head resting on his broad chest; moving up and down slowly in sync with the younger's breath.

He had one of his slim legs wrapped around the human's lower half while he himself had one strong arm around his petty waist.

Taehyung was asleep, his mouth agape letting out soft little breaths while he had Yoongi on top. The feline didn't weigh much, so it wasn't difficult for the male to breath normally while he slept.

And as for Jungkook...well, he wasn't exactly on the bed just a few hours ago.

Somehow, just SOMEHOW, the human ended up being kicked off the bed. He slept on the floor for a few, woke up confused as fuck, got on the bed once again and resumed sleeping. 

(a/n: this reminds me of that one run ep where Kook fell off the bean thing n Yoongi laughing at him lol.)

Poor human thought he had been kidnaped when he woke up with the blanket covering his face. He may or may have not let out a small high pitched screech.

It wasn't that long before the clock turned 6am and Jungkook's alarm went off, causing Yoongi to jolt in surprise. His green eye widen in shock as he quickly sat up alarmed.

The hybrid looked all around for the source of the obnoxious sounds and finally found it sitting on the night stand besides the dancer. Yoongi glared at the phone before gently crawling off Tae and over Jungkook to stop it.

Once he did, he sat back and stared at the two men. He was really surprised that neither of the humans moved or even flinched a bit when it went off. They only moved like twenty seconds before the alarm actually went off; it was a really late reaction.

They must be really tired. Yoongi thought as he laid down besides Jungkook and stared at the human's profile. He then brought a finger up to his face and poked the side of the teacher's cheek.

"Jungkook~ *poke, poke* Wake up." Yoongi waited for the human to stir, but he didn't receive any movement. He poked the squishy flesh again with a pout.

"Wake up Coconut. You have work do you?" This time Jungkook grunts with an unpleased face before falling asleep again. Yoongi sighed with his natural pouty lips.

His eyes lit with and idea, and he crawled on top of the human with a playful smirk on his lips. He sat himself on the brunette's stomach and poked once again.

"Jungkookie~ I'll drain all your precocious banana milk if you don't wake up." Those were the only words Jungkook needed to hear before shooting up with a terrified half-awake face causing Yoongi to literally fall backwards on the mans lap, startled.

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