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¨We are here.¨ Jungkook says as he parks the car in one of the parking spots near the cemetery.

Taehyung glanced back were Yoongi sat in a daze. His tired eyes stared out the window, deep in thought.

Tae managed to swallow a painful gulp of air, trying his best to be strong and not fall.

It hurt. Seeing Yoongi like this. It was painful to watch.

His eyes went to JK, where he sat there clenching the steering wheel hard enough to make his knuckles go white from the pressure.

With another hard swallow, Taehyung called out softly.

"Yoongi..." The sound of his name brought the hybrid out of his thoughts. His eyes met Taehyung's worried gaze.

"We're here, love." Yoongi shifted to look out the window and paused for a moment.

"Right..." Yoongi says, before his pale hand reached for the door handle.

Without another word, Yoongi opens the door and steps out the car, Taehyung moves to follow him but notices JK had no intention of doing so.

"Kook?" Taehyung questioned with a raised brow.

"I don't think I can handle it Tae." Jungkook admits with a hard face and a clenched jaw. His eyes stared in front of the car with a angry and frustrated look.

"What? Why not?" Taehyung asks with frown.

"I feel on edge, and I don't..." Jungkook finally locked eyes with Taehyung.

"I don't want to ruin this...because of me." JK inhaled sharply, bringing his shaking hands down to his lap.

"Okay. I understand." Taehyung says before stepping out and closing the door.

The sound of the car door slamming shut threw off Jungkook's composure.

"FUCK!" He shouts loud and angry. It took everything he had to resist the urge to punch the wheel or even the window.

His nostrils flared as he closed his eyes in order to calm himself down. Calm down Jungkook. Calm down. For Yoongi. Remember...this is for Yoongi.

Taehyung walked with Yoongi towards the entrance of the cemetery. It wasn't outdoors which was what Taehyung expected to be. It was a mausoleum. Indoors, where there were stone walls with names of the deceased and only a few were adorned.

Taehyung walked beside Yoongi, both silent. The human turned to Yoongi and stared.

Despite the eyes that watched his every move, Yoongi's eyes started to search for that man's name.

Lee Dohyun.

His eyes raked every carved name on the stone wall in search. Taehyung followed him without a word. He had no intention of searching for Lee Dohyun's grave, his priority was Yoongi.

They got to the end of the first column, and shifted on to the next. They repeated this several times before Yoongi came to a halt.

His wide eyes stared at the grave in front of him. Taehyung studied the hybrid a bit before glancing at the grave he wished he didn't have to visit.

Surely enough, there was Lee Dohyun's name engraved on the stone wall.

"I want to be alone." Yoongi requested without looking back at the human.

"What? No. I'm not going to just leave you here alone—" "Please." Yoongi finally tears his eyes off the wall and looked at Tae.

"Please. I need to be alone. Just for a moment." Yoongi pleads, but Taehyung scoffed and shook his head in refusal.

"You promised me Tae..." Yoongi locked eyes with his human.

"But what if you—" "Just for a moment. I promise." Taehyung stood there unable to decide what he should do.

His conflicted eyes looked everywhere, trying his best to come up with a decision.

"Alright." Taehyung sighed in defeat.

"Thank you." Tae reluctantly took a step back and walked away, thinking about how much he hated what he was doing at the moment.

I watch Taehyung disappear from my sight, and turned to face Master's grave.

I stared hard at his name. My hands reached out to touch the carved cold stone.

This is real...right.
I inhale slowly, and stare hard.

"In the end, we meet like this." I say as my fingertips traced over his name.

"I guess you were not the immortal monster I thought you were." I pull back my hand to hug myself.

"Monster. That was what you are. You were a monster. To Yowon. To me..." I couldn't help but tremble where I stood.

"How could you? You took everything from me. Everything!" My vision went blurry from tears.

"You selfish piece of shit. Are you happy? Now that I've become like this? Huh?! Are you happy now that you destroyed my life?!" I raised my voice without meaning to.

"You did this to me. You made me like this. You—!" I slammed my palm against the stone wall, trembling with anger and emotion.

"You broke me. This is all your fault. Why did you do this to me? Why?" I sniffed, and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Who are you to take everything from me? And use me like I was nothing! You had no right to break me like this. How could you? To me." I stared at the grave with my roller coaster of emotions all over the place.

"Even though I hate you and resent you for what you've done to me...a part of me wished...things didn't have to end up like this." I say with a quiet voice.

"I hate you. You have no idea how much I hate you. But one day..." I inhale sharply.

"Maybe not today, not tomorrow but one day, I will have it in me to forgive you." I stare at his name.

"And when that happens, I will finally be free from you and the hell you have trapped me in," I look down and clenched my hands.

"I promise you...I will become stronger. I will heal the wounds you left. I will forget you." I take a step back and stare at the grave.

"Everything happens for a reason Lee Dohyun." I place my shaky hands in my pockets.

"And this is my last goodbye." I shifted to leave, but stood there for a moment longer.

My lips trembled as did my hands, but still I raised my head high and breathed in.

I no longer felt scared. I felt determined. Determined to get better. To heal this trauma he left behind. Determined to forget him.

With one last glance at the stone grave, I finally stepped away and walked down the stone column.

I glanced up to find Jungkook and Taehyung waiting for me at the end of the column.

Relief flooded inside me, as my eyes began to fill with tears again.

"Let's go home Yoongi." Jungkook says with an inviting hand. Taehyung smiled softly, his hand mirroring JK's.

I smiled through my emotional wrapped face, and wasted no time to rush into their open embrace.

No proofread.

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