Nightmare (part 1)

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"Thanks for cooking today Hyung. It was very delicious, right Yoon?" Taehyung smiled as he took a sip of his tea, looking at the hybrid sitting besides him.

Yoongi just nodded, and tugged on the hem of his sweater in between the couple on the sofa.

"Mhm. It's better than your cooking Taehyung." Yoongi blurted out and spoke his mind. Said male choked on his tea, coughing loudly earning a few grins from the others.

Jimin, Jungkook and Jin tried to surpass their laughter, but couldn't with the offended face Taehyung was putting on right now.

"Yoongi you-" "HA! You hear that Tae? mY coOkiNg is beTteR thAn yOurs Ha hA!" Seokjin taunted with a proud smirk, and stuck out his tongue at Tae.

"Hmhp! You're so mean Yoongi." Taehyung pouted with his arms crossed. All the males except Tae and Yoongi burst into a fit of laughter, holding their aching stomachs.

"T-That was a good one Yoongi!" Jimin laughs.

"My cooking is that bad." Taehyung mumbled to himself, still pouting and offended by the feline's comment.

Yoongi glanced at Taehyung and regret started to bubble inside his stomach. Well he's sad.

He felt bad that he made his owner sad, so maybe a compliment would cheer the human up.

"But, I think your Kimchi is better than Jin's Tae. I really like it." Yoongi whispered loud enough for his owner to hear. Taehyung's pout disappeared into a bright boxy smile.

"Really?" Taehyung beamed excitedly. Yoongi nodded and awkwardly looked away with pink cheeks.

Jungkook from the corner of his eye watched to whole interaction between the two and smiled. So cute. My heart can't handle so much cuteness.

"Well it's getting late. We should probably get going Jiminie." Seokjin stood up from his chair along with Jimin, who hummed in agreement.

The couple along with Yoongi stood up as well, and guided the pair of visitors to the door.

"Bye bye Kookie and TaeTae! And bye Yoongi! Text me if anything comes up okay?" Jimin waved goodbye with his eye-smile.

"Bye Sweets. I'll come again and cook for you anytime. Just give me a call hmm?" Seokjin patted Yoongi's head and winked before walking out.

Yoongi uttered a small 'okay' and waved both humans goodbye.

"Those humans are very interesting. Especially Jinie, he's very loud." Yoongi commented before yawning cutely, his fluffy cat ears flopping downwards.

"Mhm, and you haven't even met Hobi hyung yet; he's the loudest of all of us." Jungkook chuckled, wondering how Yoongi would react to his bubbly sunshine hyung.

"M' sleepy." Yoongi rubbed his eyes with his sweater paws.

"Well, we should go to bed then. Want me to carry you Kitty?" Taehyung offered the hybrid.

When he received a short nod, he picked up the hybrid by his sides, pulling Yoongi's petty figure against his.

Yoongi instantly wrapped his legs around the fashionista's waist, and gently laying his chin down on the younger's shoulder.

"I'm gonna clean up down here. Go take Mr. Sleepyhead to his room." The teacher pecked Taehyung's lips, and placed one on Yoongi's forehead before he left down the hallway.

The fashionista carried away his sleepy hybrid up the stairs, being mindful of the feline's sensitive tail as he holds him up.

They finally reached the top of the stairs, and Taehyung made a right turn towards Yoongi's room. The human opened the door and walked over to the bed and set the feline down, earning a small whine from the feline.

Yoongi was dead gone by the time his body touched the soft mattress, and he was out like a light. Taehyung sat next to him on the bed and stoked the feline's black soft hair.

"Today was a very tough day for you hmm?" Taehyung whispered to the unconscious hybrid with a soft smile.

"We'll make you happy Yoongi. I promise you that. Goodnight." Taehyung whispers and gently kissed Yoongi's forehead before leaving the room with a soft smile.

"I'll make you happy. Promise."

No proofread.
A/N: Hello! Uhhhh, short chapter hehehe *yeets thyself out the window*

But don't be disappointed my Petals! I will update maybe in a few days from now! So be prepared! MUUUHAHAHA!

Anyway... I hope you enjoyed this chap and I hope y'all enjoy the rest of your day!

Oh!? Also..I would really love and appreciate it if you lovely Petals go check out my new omegaverse story Lost In Your Eyes.

It's a Namgikook FF if you're interested.

I'd really really really love for you to maybe go check it out and give me some feedback? Plz? *puppy eyes* 👉🏽👈🏽

I thank you all for reading! LOVE YOU ALL!!

(also, Seoul Town Road is the bomb YEE-HAW!! 🤠 lol)


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