The Adoption (part 3)

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edited and revised

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edited and revised.


"A-Alright. I'll go with you."

A wave of relief hit the couple. "Okay then Kitty. We have to step out for a bit. Stay put." Taehyung said before they exited the room.

The couple stayed silent for a few minutes. "Let's take him home." Tae says as they stare at the feline inside the room. Jungkook lifted his gaze to the older male. "Are you sure?" The fashionista nods.


I'm not gonna lie, I really didn't like him at first. He was cold and rude and not to mention he hurt my TaeTae. But I don't know. I kinda got this feeling that I needed to protect him.

Something in his green eyes told me he was suffering and needed someone by his side. He seems so soft and delicate from the outside, but I could sense that he was so lonely.

He's like a glass doll cute, small, and could break at any moment with just a simple touch. His soft delicate features are nothing like his personality—rude and cold.

But why do I get this feeling that I want him? It doesn't make any sense. But don't get me wrong, I love Taehyung and he's my everything!

It's just...for the first time I feel attracted to someone else other than Tae. It doesn't make sense. I want to protect him. See him smile.

Make him happy.


I want him. I want him because he's different from the rest. He seems to push away anyone who approaches him. I can tell he's lonely. He seems broken and afraid to open up.

With just looking at his tearful eyes, I can tell that he was hurt, and real bad. The amount of pain and fear that his green orbs held were immense.

I want to help him. I'll protect him from whatever it is that is hurting him. I'll wash away his sorrows and fears.

I'll protect him, and that's a promise.


"Well, it seems like you both met all the hybrids. The choice is yours." Lee says.

"Oh before we choose, I've noticed this hybrid had a black collar around his neck, and the others didn't. Why?" Kook asked.

"Oh, those are Compress Collars. They are only given to rebellious hybrids in the Center." Both males looked at each.

"Well have you decided which one?" Both males nod and say in unison. "We want him." They point to the petty black haired feline. Miss Lee looked at them shook.

"I-I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but did you say you want this one." She points to Yoongi. Both males nod in conformation.

"Are you sure? He's really not that good of a choice. He-" "We'll take him." Tae emphasized. The women looked at them like they were out of their minds.

"A-Alright then. Please come with me to Mrs Shins office." Lee said as she looked at the black haired feline up and down with judging eyes.

The couple looked at their future hybrid before them with big smiles before disappearing behind the small lady.

"How surprising. I've been informed that you've chosen one of our rebellious hybrids here." Mrs Shin says with amusement.

"That's correct." Kook said. Mrs Shin chuckles.

"Well I wasn't expecting this, the young these days are truly interesting. Anyway, back to business." Shin says as she opens up a file on her glass desk.

"This is all the information about your chosen hybrid. And these are the papers you need to sign. It includes payment, adoption certificates ect. " Shin informs, pointing to each document.

"I advise you both to think this over very carefully before signing." Mrs Shin said. Both males nod, as they looked over the documents.

Name: Min Yoongi Age:24 Gender:Male
Type: Feline Birth: March 9th
Was returned to the HA Center at age 15
Reason: Owner died
Was returned to the HA Center at age 17
Reason: Lack of obedience
Was returned to the HA Center at age 22
Reason: Lack of submission, and obedience,
owner was accused for abuse

Both males frown. Abuse? They looked at each other again. Were they really going to adopt an abused hybrid?

Yes. They will. The turn to sign the documents beside them.

"Perfect! I that is left is for you to sign two more files for me and he is all yours!" Both males signed two more papers and were lead to the main entrance.

"He'll be down in a few. Thank you for coming in." Mrs Shin told the couple with a smile. "Thank you for everything Mrs Shin." Both males said bowing.

They received a light nod, and were left alone. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook by the hand tightly.

"Kookie, I'm so nervous and excited! I'm ready to spoil him with everything!" Taehyung beamed with his signature boxy smile. The dancer only gave him his bunny smile in return.

They did it. They're finally bringing home their hybrid.

Moments later they see their little feline appear, slowly making it's way to them with a small suitcase. He looked so small and cute, the couple cooed.

"Ready to go?" Kook asked. "Yes!" Taehyung beamed with excitement, while the hybrid only nodded silently.

This was it.

No proofread
A/n: Hello! This is a short chap and I'm sorry! I'll try to update when I can! But thanks for reading Loves!

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