Closure (part 1)

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Yoongi won't like this, I'm sure of it. And im sure as hell he would be mad if he knew.

At first, it wasn't really my intention to stick my nose into something like this but i can't help it.

I'm worried, and I overthink a lot, and it doesn't help when I really can't do shit about it.

They need their space to talk yeah I get that, but that doesn't mean nothing will go wrong. I bite the insides of my lips as I listen in the conversation.

"What? Tell me." I hear Yoongi talk, and I look back to the kitchen where Taehyung was.

'He's probably chewing on his nails at this point.'
I think before bringing my arms up to my chest.

"The reason I'm here is because I found out that..."

I could practically feel my heartbeat through my crossed arms.

Taehyung told me not to be here, but I can't really help it, Yoongi still needs help.

What if something happens to him in there with that woman? Or what if he gets a panic attack?

'Shit, now I'm getting anxious.'

"Dohyung is dead."

My head jerked to the door.

'What did she just say?'

"What...?" Yoongi uttered in a quiet voice. I felt my skin go cold with goosebumps.

"It's been about a month now, and I barely got word from it a week ago."


Wait, so he's... I turn to open the door wider, not liking the silence.

"Pppfffttt." A dry giggle made me freeze.

Yoongi laughed, but it was dry and almost bitter. Yowon matches the same shocked almost confused expression as me.

Yoongi seemed to not notice our confusion because he shook his head, and strained his neck up to stare at the ceiling.

It was silent for a good minute before everything sunk in.

"How?" Yoongi asked. I watched as Yowon touched her coffee cup.

"Cancer and other things like that from the drugs." Yoongi said nothing.

My heart ached at the sight of him sitting there looking so lifeless. Like all the energy had been sucked out of his body. My poor baby.

I fight the urge to just bust in and hold him in my arms.

My eyes travel to Yowon as she quietly searched for something in her purse. She took a small piece of paper out and placed it on the table.

I frowned deeply, getting a gut wrenching feeling I wasn't going to like what she was about to say next.

"This is where the cemetery he is buried in. I thought you might-"

Annnnd that's exactly what the fuck I DIDN'T want to hear.

Jungkook barged straight into the room startling both of them. JK walked towards Yowon, slamming his hand on top of the paper.


The dancers low and harsh disagreement made Yoongi's stomach turned upside down. Yowon frowned but stood her ground against the males unwavering glare.

She stood up to meet his height, even though JK was a head taller. Yoongi's ears pressed against his head feeling small and anxious in the situation.

"That is not for you to decide."

"How dare you even suggest something so ridiculous." Jungkook gritted his teeth, crushing the innocent piece of paper in his hand.

"Yoongi is not going near that man's corpse." Yoongi swallowed hard, trying to keep himself calm.

"I was giving him a option-"

"The option of going to see the man who traumatized him for life only to relive all that he went through? What kind of fucking option is that!" Yowon clutched her purse in order to stop her hands from shaking.

"I think it is what he needs in order to heal." Yowon looked into Jungkook's eyes hoping to get her message across. JK pursed his lips.

"You need to leave. I thought letting you two talk and catch up together would help." Yoongi sat there in silence, but payed attention to everything and anything between them.

Yowon internally raged but still looped her purse on her shoulder and walked in front of Jungkook.

"Closure. It's what he needs. If you really want him to get better, get the message." Yowon said with firm but pleading look.

JK poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue out of frustration and exhaled.

Yowon walked passed him towards Yoongi who was standing there confused and anxious.

She took his hands in hers and squeezed. Her face softened once again and smiled sadly.

"It was lovely to see you again Yoongi. I pray that you get better dear. I promise it will all get better soon." Yoongi squeezed her small hands back with a small smile.

"Thank you." Yoongi whispered as they stood there for a moment longer before she let go and turned to leave.  

"Thank you for your hospitality. I'll be on my way." Yowon bowed to JK and left the room. JK returned it even though she left a sour taste on him.

Jungkook looked back towards Yoongi, hands clenched into fists.

"Love..." JK's strained face eased up when Yoongi approached him.

Jungkook stood still as Yoongi pressed his forehead against his chest. Jungkook felt bad for arguing with Yowon in front of him but he had to. He couldn't let Yoongi go see that monster. His protectiveness wouldn't let it happen.

Yoongi leaned back and reached out to touch the dancers left hand. JK tightened his death grip on it and exhaled shakily.

"I don't...want you to go." Jungkook whispered softly with an upset face.

"I know." Yoongi replied, looking down to grab JK's larger hand. Jungkook inhaled harshly not wanting to but reluctantly opened his hand.

Yoongi takes the crumpled piece of paper out of the younger's hand.

"I really...really don't want you to go." Jungkook repeats again unable to stomach the whole idea.

Yoongi reached up to place his hand on the younger's face. He brought the taller man's face down for a soft understanding kiss.

"I know."

No proofread.
A/N: AYE SORRY YALL MY BAD FOR THIS LATE UPDATE, my dumbass was supposed to update last week and well...I forgot. 😭oops my bad 🫠

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