Not Yet

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[Taehyung's POV]
"AAAAHHCHUU!" I sneezed so hard that I couldn't even stand straight.

This damn pancake mix—I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling another tingling sneeze bubble up inside me.

I grip the mixing bowl in my hands tightly. Shittttttt.
Right when I was going to release it, a voice popped out of nowhere. "Bless you."

Just like that, I couldn't sneeze this one out. I grunt, stomping my feet in disappointment.

"Aww babe, you scared my sneeze away." I whine giving Yoongi a small pout from where he stood in the corner of the kitchen.

"Sorry, sorry." Yoongi snickers with his hands held up in surrender. I sniff, rubbing my nose in irritation.

"Did I wake you? Sorry I tried being quiet—"

"No it's okay. I'm usually up by this hour anyway." Yoongi cuts me off as he comes to sit on one of the kitchen stools.

I take a quick glance at my watch. It was barely a little passed six in the morning. I look back up at Yoongi, frowning.

He's been waking up more and more early as the days pass by. It was starting to really worry me how little sleep he was getting at night.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him, reaching for the two eggs I had set aside. I focus on cracking them into the bowl and then moving to throw the shells away. I raise a questioning brow at Yoongi who seemed deep in thought.

"Umm...tired. Like always." Yoongi finally responded, making me turn my full attention to him. Yeah. His eye bags surly are enough evidence of that.

I make my way towards him and he spins around to meet me. I say nothing as I cupped his soft cheek. My baby. Just thinking about how exhausting it must be for him every day makes my heart break.

"Don't look so depressed. I hate when you look at me like that." Yoongi scoffed as he pushed my face away with his hand. I grab his wrist to stop his pushing.

"I can't help makes me feel guilty." I squeeze his hand gently. My chest feels tight and suffocating. I want to help him, but I just don't know how.

"Why would you feel guilty? This is your fault Tae."

"I know, but it just eats me the way you struggle to even get at least 3 hours of a good night's sleep meanwhile I'm out cold without a care in the world. It just...doesn't feel right." I look into his big green eyes, tucking a strand of his black hair back with the rest.

I want to help him. I need to help him.

Yoongi started to laugh leaving me bewildered. Did I say something funny?

"I'm not blaming you for sleeping like a normal human being Taehyung." Yoongi smiled softly. He touched my face so gently, like I was a delicate flower. His long pale fingers traced along my jaw and over my chin.

It was now a habit to him. To touch and caress our faces out of the blue. Apparently he does it all the time when we are asleep. I guess it's something he finds comfort in whenever his insomnia kicks in.

"On the contrary, I want you to sleep like a log so that you'll wake up and have all the energy to take care of me," Yoongi paused to steal a kiss from me.

"That's really all I ask from you." Shit. I really don't want to cry right now. I blink several times in order to get rid of the stinging sensation in my eyes.

"Alright." I nod, kissing his forehead once and then hugging him tightly.

"Do you want to help me make breakfast?" I ask Yoongi who is still trapped in my arms.

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