New Home

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edited and revised

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edited and revised.


The ride home was quiet. The couple did often talk about small things here and there, but the hybrid in the back seat was silently in his own world.

His big green eyes widened as they pass many tall buildings. You can say that he was amazed.

It was no surprise that he would react that way because the hybrid was basically Rapunzel, locked up in his Masters house, just gazing into what he wish could touch and explore.

He wasn't even allowed to go outside in the front porch. Always locked up in that cold, dark room.

His huge eyes continued to study every inch of the shiny glassed buildings. The city was like a living machine spread over once green land.

The roads run in their predictable grid pattern and the lights of the stores, restaurants and places of vice shine. Lights glittered everywhere just liked stars, huge and small buildings collided in a mixture of shadow and geometry.

It took a second or two for the new information to sink in, even though it is right before his eyes. The hybrid could feel his lips stretch wider into gaping grin and his eyebrows arch for the blue sky.

Jungkook looked into the rear-view mirror at the petty hybrid with a smile.

With out noticing that the car had stopped, the hybrid jumped when the brown haired male spoke out.

"We're here." Yoongi snapped his daze to the big, cool gray house. It had more than four big windows and was neatly decorated with lively green bushes and trees.

The couple got out of the blue Mustang and the younger male headed to the door. Tae waited for the feline to get out of the car, so he could grab the hybrid's small suit case and lead the way.

Once inside the house, Yoongi was awe struck. The house was big, and not to mention neat and spacious.

"Come here Kitty." Tae took a hold of the felines hand, witch resulted in Yoongi flinching back.

"I'll show you your room." Tae said softly as he extended his hand to the hybrid. Yoongi hesitated for a minute before finally taking the offering hand.

Taehyung led Yoongi upstairs, Jungkook following behind.

"Here it is." Tae said as he opened the door, stepping aside waiting for the hybrid to come in. Yoongi hesitated before entering the room. His eyes widen as he scanned the place.

The room was a soft graded deep blue, and the bed was a queen size with white and black covers and pillows. There was a huge white vanity and a door to the left of the bed, which Yoongi presumed to be a washroom.

"You like it?" The teacher asked as he leaned against the wall with Taehyung in his arms. Yoongi scanned the room once more and swallowed hard before answering.

"I-Is this f-for me?" He asked softy, pointing his finger at himself shyly. Both males nod. "It's all yours Yoongi." Taehyung said with his boxy smile.

"R-Really?" The hybrid said just above a whisper. The couple smiled with joy.

"This is your home now Yoongi. You are part of our family now, we promise that we will take care of you. We won't ever hurt you. You are safe here, with us." Taehyung said with a reinsuring smile.


Safe? Here? Really? No more beatings, or starving, or punishments?

"They're lying. Do you really think that they with care for you? You're so naïve. Can't you see that they are only doing this because they feel sorry for you. "

No, they don't. I...I think I can actually trust them.

"Trust them? Are you stupid? They don't give a damn about you Yoongi."

You're wrong.

"Just look at their eyes, the can't help but pity you. You're weak and pathetic, how could they not."

Shut up! They are not like that!

"And how do you know? You only meet them today. They're liars. In the end, they will hurt you like Master did. And you'll end up all alone again."

May....Maybe you're right.

"I'm always right. Just listen to me, I know best."

"Thank you, but I don't want your damn pity. I don't want your fucken sympathy, or your fake ass smiles. I don't want any of it. Don't pretend to care. I'd rather be alone and die, then having someone pity me." I say as I stare at their shocked faces.

"Good job. You said it. Just watch them closely, now that you discovered their reason for bringing you here they will hurt you just like Master did."

"We didn't bring you here because of pity-" "Then WHY?!!?" I shout angry.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BRING ME?!!?" "B-BECUASE WE HAD TO!" Taehyung shouts back.

We stay silent for a few seconds.

"We had to. We.. just had to. I couldn't stand the thought of you being there alone." The human said.

"We want to help you. We want you to be happy again Yoongi. We want to take care of you. We want to protect you. We want you for you." Jungkook said.

I stand there, staring blankly at his chocolate eyes.

"Lairs. What of bunch of lies. Don't believe them. They can't be trusted."

I-I can't. They-

"So you're believing them? How stupid of you."

They really mean it. I can see it in their eyes. They really want me.

"You're so naïve. You'll regret it in the end Yoongi."

No I won't. I can actually trust them. I can finally have a family. I can finally be safe. And I can finally have a... home again.

I feel my eyes start to sting with heavy tears. And so I let them flow down. I don't care if they are seeing my weak side. I don't care anymore. I was afraid of letting them see me like this.

I was afraid of letting them get close enough to notice the cracks in my broken heart. I was scared of them seeing the things that I hate about myself.

I'm scared. I'm too afraid of getting hurt again. I want to be wanted and loved. I want to be cared for. I just want someone by my side that would never hurt me.

"I'm sorry."

No proofread
A/N: Hellooo! Hope you Loves enjoyed the chapter! Poor bby! I wanna hug him to death :((

Thanks for reading Loves!

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