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"Here's your prescription Yoongi. Thank you for your visit today. Let us know if you need anything else up at the front desk. Have a wonderful evening." The male doctor handed the feline a signed paper.

Yoongi took it a sour face but still managed to thank him before he left the small examination room.

Yoongi glanced at white paper with the 3 medication names and instructions of use.

"Help me?" The hybrid sneered and laughed. "Yeah right." Yoongi was just about to rip the prescription paper in half when a knock sounded and the door opened.

"Yoongi baby, ready to leave?" Jungkook poked his head inside the room. The feline hums, hopping off the leather examination chair/bed.

Jungkook takes the innocent paper from Yoongi's death gripping hold and instead replaced it with his own hand.

Hand in hand, they both walked out of the room. I hate it. I hate it here. Why? This won't help me. I know this won't help me. How can these fucking pills help me?! Yoongi stopped walking all of sudden, pulling Jungkook back with him.

Kook frowned in question, but instantly knew what was going on just by Yoongi's face. "Come here Yoongs." JK pulled Yoongi into his strong arms. His touch and his smell was enough for Yoongi to calm down and finally breathe.

The feline rubbed his face into his human's chest and gripped the back of Kooks shirt.

"I'm sor-" "Shhhh.
We talked about this remember?" Jungkook reminds the smaller male, but it was difficult not to to say sorry.

Sorry for being weak. Sorry for always needing them. Sorry for breaking down and panicking when something goes wrong.

"Take a breath Love. There's nothing wrong with needing me whenever you don't feel ok. I am more than willing to help you. Ok?" Yoongi slowly nods and breathes in a shaky breath.

"Thank you." JK hums in approval. His hands went to take Yoongi's face and lift it slightly for a small kiss on the lips.

"Let's go home yeah?" The brunette smiled before leading Yoongi through the clinic halls.

He's improving. We're improving. All of us actually. Yoongi specifically, he's learning how to lean into us more. He's learning how to emotionally depend and rely on us.

It's a very good thing, because I know that me and Taehyung will give him all the support he needs. As long as he needs it. As often as he needs it. It's definitely not a burden, and most definitely not something that i will find tiresome. Never.

If Yoongi is in need, if Taehyung is in need i will not think twice and be there for them. It's not a chore. Making sure my precious lovers, my delicate flowers are okay, feel not a chore.

My love for them is not a chore.

That is a fact that i am willing to prove every single day.

"Coco..." Yoongi soft voice brought me out of my mind and i was suddenly aware that i was driving back home with Yoon in the passenger seat.

I gave my baby a quick glance before humming. "What is it love?" Yoongi balled his fists that were on his lap. I frowned, and waited patiently.

"Do you really think it'll help me?" Yoongi asked me. I understood instantly. Medication.

I opened my mouth ready to say something, but i stopped myself. How do I say it? How should I say it?

I bit my low lip to get my words together in my head before actually saying it out loud.

"It depends baby. I can't guarantee the medication will help you, nor can I say that it won't. Everyone is different, and it will all depend on how you're body will react to it." There was a short pause and I tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

"You know I take meds too right? They work just fine for me, they help me calm down whenever I need them." I take a left turn and drive up into the driveway.

"I don't..."I park the car, and turn to face Yoongi.

"I don't want to always rely on it." Yoongi firmly said with a serious face.

My mouth dropped open in awe. A million thoughts crossed my mind, but the only thing I could do at the moment was lean in to kiss his chapped lips.

"Ohh love, that will depend on you. You yourself have the power, only you have the effort to recover mentally and little by little this," I grab the brown paper bag and show it to him.

" won't even need this anymore." I tell him. Yoongi stared at the bag in my hands and then looked into my eyes.

"I'm unsure. I don't want to drug myself for no fucking reason."

"Their goal is to help you Yoongi, not to fuck you up. Taking the pills is not pointless." I reassure him, setting the bag down and cup his cheek.

"What if it is?" Yoongi whispers as he placed his hand on top of mine. My expression softened, and my lips curled into a faint smile.

"You'll never know until you try...hmm?"

A/N: i am alive.

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