Not Today Satan.

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 [3RD POV] There was only two hours to go before JK got home, and both Yoongi and Taehyung were on the couch watching a movie

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There was only two hours to go before JK got home, and both Yoongi and Taehyung were on the couch watching a movie.

Taehyung noticed his Kitten has been acting weird since this morning. For starters, Yoongi woke him up crying.

Is was pretty obvious that Yoongi was a lot more sensitive today than other days.

And secondly, the human noticed that Yoongi was a bit more clingy than usual.

The hybrid followed him everywhere. It's like he has separation issues.

Or like Taehyung himself had this 'Magical Kitty Magnet' that just attracted Yoongi to him.
Whatever it was, Taehyung was enjoying it.

A clingy Yoongi = a happy Tae.

So there they were 'watching' a Transformers film. Yoongi was dozing off while he laid on top of the fashionista who was playing with his hair.

Taehyung couldn't help but take a glance a the older male who was struggling to keep his eyes open.

It made him smile how much Yoongi opened and closed his eyes.

He won't last more that 20 seconds. Bet.

The blonde thought to himself as he counts the seconds Yoongi eyes struggled before actually closing them to sleep.

And surly enough, the feline couldn't make it passed 15 seconds until he lost the battle and sealed his eyes completely.

Taehyung snorted softly as he watched Yoongi's face that was comfortably on his chest.

The film was long forgotten as Taehyung took his time to study Yoongi's sleeping face and pet his hair.

The human was mindful of the feline's ears as he threads his long fingers though Yoongi soft black hair.

He's so cute. My Kitten it so cute. UwU! Taehyung's mind was all on Yoongi and how he looked adorable.

The pure part of his brain said: how could I deserve such a cute thing. Just look at him! Squish his cheeks! Squish his cheeks!

And the dirty part of his brain said: pull his hair enough to make him moan. Make him moan! Make him moan! 

Taehyung stopped his hand and thought.

What should he do? Go with his devil and pull on Yoongis soft hair or go with his angel and squish Yoongi's cheeks and boop his nose.

UUggHh! He couldn't decide. He wanted to do both but...

"Fuck." Taehyung cursed as he covered his eyes with one of his hands.

Option one sounded good, but option two was so tempting too. The younger male peeked through his middle and ring finger and stared hard at the hybrid on his chest.

Yoongi on the other hand was oblivious to anything and everything around him.

Unlike the human, Yoongi was living his best life eating a plate of tuna in his dream. It made Yoongi chew onto nothing but imaginary tuna in reality.

Taehyung's mind was all over the place until he took a deep breath and exhaled.

He took his hand off his face gently caressed Yoongi soft pale cheeks.

Not today Satan. Not today. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.

Taehyung stated out loud in his mind.

His rough thumb ghosted over Yoongi's nose and stopped over his lips.

Not today-

The fashionista swallowed, letting his thumb slip pass Yoongi lips and into his mouth.

His thumb pressed on the hybrids hot tongue and his excitement skyrocketed.

Before Taehyung could do anything else, Yoongi's upper jaw clamped down on the human's finger making him screech.

"Ouch!" Taehyung jolted in pain as Yoongi bit his digit. A soft snort escaped Yoongi's lips as he sat up with a sly grin on his face.

"Next time I'll rip it off." Taehyung laid there like a kicked puppy, cradling his bitten thumb.

"I wasn't doing anything." Taehyung pouted.

"Yeah right pervert." Yoongi crossed his arms as he straddled Tae's hips.
Yeah, Yoongi wasn't taking that as an answer.

The feline squinted his eyes at she stared at the fashionista under him.

Look at him, acting all innocent like he did not just stick his finger in my mouth while I was fucken ASLEEP.

"Come on Kitty, don't look at me like that." "Like what?" Yoongi rolled his eyes at Taehyung's whine.

"Like you're planning murder!" Yoongi smiled knowingly.

"Well maybe I am. And maybe I'll rip your dick off too. Who knows." Yoongi threatens.

Taehyung nervously laughs as he sat up with Yoongi now on his lap. The blonde hugged the feline, cuddling his face in Yoongi's neck and squeezing his torso close.

" 'M sorry baby. You're just too tempting." Taehyung apologies with several kisses on Yoongi's neck and cheek.

A blush crept in Yoongi's cheeks and instead of playfully hitting the human, Yoongi cuddled more into Taehyung's embrace.

No proofread.
A/N: Hello my Petals! Long time no update! 🤧💕

How is 2021 treating y'all? I hope you guys are doing well. 😊

This bitch has somewhat planned to return to my usual update schedule for this year bc I really wanna finish this story so I can introduce y'all to my new story that I've been preparing. :)

SO! SO?!? Are you interested?? Would you like to know more??

Well, I can only say that the ship will be YoonKook. 🤭

Anyway, hope you stay safe! 💜💜

Anyway, hope you stay safe! 💜💜

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