Birthday's (part 1)

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[3RD POV] (yes, i am back bitches

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[3RD POV] (yes, i am back bitches. and yes, an update:))

Deal. I'll come with you.

Yoongi walked into his room straight to his closet. He searched for some jeans and a big black t-shirt. Once he grabbed his change of clothes, he stripped from his current clothes and changed.

After, he went towards the bathroom to fix his hair. The feline wet his long fingers with some tap water and combed through his some-what knotted locks.

It wasn't long before his ears twitched to the door bell that rang downstairs. Yoongi quickly wiped his wet hands on his shirt and paced down the stairs to open the door. The moment the door opened, Yoongi was already being greeted by the older man.

"Hey there Sweets! Ready to go?" Seokjin smiled at Yoongi as pointed his thumb behind him where his gray car was parked.

"Yeah let's-oh wait! Umm let me get the wallet." Yoongi let the door open and dashed upstairs for the wallet Jungkook and Taehyung gave him some time ago.

"Yoongi-ah! I'm gonna steal some water from the fridge!" The hybrid heard the male shout as he pocketed the brown leather wallet.

"O'kay!" Yoongi replies as he went downstairs. Jin drank some water from the plastic bottle as he walked back to the front entrance where Yoongi was waiting for him.

"Let's go." The taller male said as lightly pushed the feline by the shoulders outside, making sure he locked the door.

Once both of them got in the car, Yoongi put his seatbelt on and asked, "So Jimin's birthday is tomorrow?" "Yup. He's turning 24! The little brat is growing up too fast." Jin sighed as he wiped and imaginary tear. Yoongi chuckled a bit at the action.

A question popped up in Yoongi's mind and he glanced at the older male. He opened his mouth, but closed it, and opened it again, this time a bit embarrassed.

"Hey J-Jin. Um, d-do you know when Jungkook's and Tae's birthdays are?" Seokjin chokes on his saliva, shooting his thick eyebrows up in disbelief.

"You mean, you don't know when their birthday's are?!" Seokjin got his answer when Yoongi blushed mad red and tried to cover it with his hand.

"I-It's not like that! I-I just-we -we haven't had t-time to talk about stuff like this-I mean we've talked about some things-b-but I've never really asked them about their birthdays."

Yoongi talked with a small pout as he picked on his fingers embarrassed by the fact that he didn't know the simplest thing like a birthdate of his two humans. There was a long pause before Jin cracked up.

"S-Sorry I can't-" Seokjin bursted out laughing his windshield wiper laugh.

"You for real?" "Y-Yah! T-this isn't funny! It's embarrassing!" Yoongi frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.

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