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I sigh as I pull up in the drive way in front of my house. I park the car, and grab the stack of music sheets and papers from work today. I open the door and get out of my Mustang. I take my keys in my right hand, searching for my house key as I walk over to the door.

I insert the key and open the door. I was about to shout that I was home, but I stopped myself when I heard faint moaning coming from the kitchen? I set my work bag down, and slowly walk over to kitchen.

"I'm home?! Yoon-" I stop mid way into my sentence when I saw Yoongi with Tae's chocolates jar, with a mouth full with Ferrero Rochers. I open my mouth confused to what the hell he was doing.

How the fuck did he even get the jar? And even find it?! Taehyung hides them from me too, so where the fuck did-?

"Thiwf-is-notwf-whft-it-loowf-likwf." He tried to speak with his mouth full.

"Y-Yoongi, what the hell are you doing?" I ask as I slowly set down my work papers, looking down at all the golden wrappers, and some rags on the floor.

"I-I was-just-" He starts panicking, his green eyes looked everywhere but mine. I open my mouth to speak, but he suddenly walked forward and slipped on a white rag on the floor.


He fell to the floor, face first and shattered the big jar of chocolates. I stood there in shock, because it happened so fast that I didn't have time to react to the fall.

Yoongi slowly sat up, and looked up at me with teary eyes. His lower lip trembled and his ears were flopped downwards.

"O-owww. J-Jungkookie, I-it hurts." Yoongi silently sobbed as he showed me his bloody palms.


The sight of the thick red liquid running down the hybrid's pale palms switched the 'my baby is hurt' alert, and the 'must help and protect' mode on.

Jungkook didn't think twice before he launched himself to aid his feline, not caring about the sharp pieces of glass and sweets scattered on the floor.

"Ahh, Yoongi. Come here Kitten." The teacher picked up his crying hybrid from the floor and set him on the marble counter. "Are you okay Yoons? Do your hands hurt really bad?" Kook asked concerned as he swiped away Yoongi's tears with his thumb.

"I-It h-hurts." The feline said in a soft voice. The stinging of the cuts hurt like a bitch. It was like his palms were set on fire!

"Poor baby. I'm gonna take up upstairs and clean them okay?" Yoongi silently nodded, and let the human pick him up again.

Kook carried Yoongi up stairs to his and Taehyung's bathroom. He set the feline down on the closed toilet seat and searched for the first aid kit somewhere in the cabinets.

Yoongi waited patiently for the human, a few more tears slipped because of the stinging pain.

The brunette finally found the kit and wet down a dry rag. He kneeled down in front of Yoongi and asked.

"Can you show me your palms Kitten?" Yoongi slowly showed his wounds on his right hand to the human who gently grabbed it and started to clean them up.

Kook sighed in relief when he saw no signs of shattered glass poking out from the flesh. Jungkook then moved on to the cotton swab that was drenched in alcohol.

"This is going to sting a bit." the human warned before pressing it on Yoongi's cuts.

"O-ow! H-Hell no. Get that shit away from me!" the hybrid hissed in pain, more tears fell from his eyes as he tried to pull away his hand.

"I know baby, I know. Just a little bit more okay." the brunette said. He pulled the hybrid's hand again and resumed the dabbing on Yoongi's cuts, trying to finish up quickly so his Kitten wouldn't be in pain.

"There. Now let's clean the other one yeah?" Yoongi hesitantly gave his owner his left hand. Kook started with the wet rag again, and frowned when he saw a few pieces of shining glass poking out from the flesh.

"Shit." He cursed and cleaned around them.

"W-what? I-is it t-that bad?" Yoongi asked his owner with teary eyes.

"I'm gonna have to pick these out. Wait for me here." Yoongi watched as his owner dashed out the bathroom.

He looked back at his hand, seeing what the human meant by 'picking out'. Seconds later, Kook came back in with some brow pliers in hand.

"W-will it h-hurt?" Yoongi internally panicked when the brunette gabbed his hand again.

"Just a little. I'll be quick. I promise." Jungkook placed a quick kiss on Yoongi's forehead and resumed his work.

The hybrid was quiet surprised when the human managed to take all five glass shards out without any struggle. The coconut human once again moved on to the alcohol swab and warned the feline.

After a few more tears and hisses, the cleaning process was finished.

"Now let's get them wrapped up." The teacher took out some bandages and wrapped Yoongi's hands gently. Yoongi watched carefully as he wrapped up his now clean wounds.

"T-Thank you." Yoongi blurted out.

"You have to be more careful Kitten. You could've gotten glass on your face, or even worse in your eyes! What were you even doing with Tae's chocolate jar?" Kook scolded the feline.

"I-I was just hungry and carved his chocolates." Yoongi said with is head and cat ears down.

"Where did you even find the jar?" the teacher questions.

"On the very top of the kitchen cabinet." Yoongi says just above a whisper. The brunette sighed as he shook his head.

"Tae won't be happy about this, you know that right?" Yoongi shamefully nodded. "I-I know. 'M sorry." Yoongi apologized, tears threating to fall.

"Its okay Yoon. Just be more careful next time okay?" Jungkook gabbed Yoongi gently by the chin and placed a soft kiss on his temples, pale forehead, and the sides of his cat eyes; kissing away his tears.

Yoongi hummed to the feeling of comforting kisses. Yoongi didn't want to admit it, but damn. Something about the coconut human's kisses and lavender smell calmed him down. They were comforting, warm, pleasant and safe. Yoongi liked that.

The choir teacher then gently grabbed both of Yoongi's pale hands and placed a soft healing kiss on his wounds.

"They will heal in no time. Does it still hurt?" Yoongi shook his head. "Not that much."

"AAAAHHHH! MY MOTHER FUCKEN CHOCOLATES!" Both of them jumped to the screeching of Taehyung's voice downstairs.


No proofread.
A/N: Hey there Petals! I hope y'all are enjoyed this chap. I thank you for reading Loves! Have a wonderful day! Love ya! (>^3^)>

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