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¨Yowon.¨ i stare at her, my breath caught in my throat. I could hear my heart thump and thump like it was ready to leap from my body.

How is this... is she real? Is this real? Am not daydreaming right now right...?

I don't know how i got to her so fast, my legs took me towards her without me even noticing. Everything was now coming back to me.

There i stood, in front of the only person that had treated me like i wasn't an animal. The person i am grateful to be once under her care.

I was happy to see her, i was glad to see her. ¨Yoongi...¨ she softy called to me, and it felt like i was traveling back in time to where everything was okay.

Back to where i wasn't broken, but healthy.
Her soft eyes watered as she brought her small hand to cup my cheek. I couldn't help but shed tears.

"Yowon, its you..."

"Oh, Yoongi," she weeps, pulling me into a tight hug. My body was tense and unmoving, but my mind knew her.

Her calming cherry blossom perfume, her soft round face and her chocolate wavy shoulder length hair. I know this woman.

But there was something deep down in my chest that prevented me from returning her soul crushing hug.

"Yoongi. You have no idea how much i missed you." Yowon says to me as she pulls back and looked up into my eyes.

I missed you too. But...
"You left me." I whispered to her.

My jaw closing tight, and more tears fell from my face. Yowon breathed out harshly, those tearful soft brown eyes stared back at me. "I..,"

"Im so sorry-"
"You left me with him!" I repeated back only loud and harsher then i meant it to.

I could smell Taehyung and Jungkook creeping up behind me, which gave me a little sense of relief but right now i felt upset to even notice them.

"Yes. I know i did. And i -"

"Do you have any idea what he did to me...?" I say with a shaky voice.

More tears fell from her eyes as she cries. It hurt me seeing her cry, and knowing that i was the cause of it made it more painful.

But i wanted her to feel guilty. To know how i feel, how it felt when she turned her back on me and left me with the man who scarred me for the rest of my life.

"Im sorry! I mean it! I am sorry for leaving you with him!" I inhaled sharply, blinking my eyes rapidly as i looked up.

I don't know why i feel so...betrayed.

it's been years, and yet this old wound felt so fresh to me.

"I waited...for you." I told her numbly, everything seemed to slowly flow by.

My eyes stared up at the heavy dark clouds where small droplets of rain fell from them, and the rumbling mixed with Yowon's weeps.

"Maybe we should take this somewhere else." Taehyung suggests as soon as he stepped in between us.


Everything felt like deja vú to Yoongi. His eyes stared at the woman who sat in front of him with a cup of hot steamy coffee. The only difference was, she was older, her face showed a few fine lines.

Taehyung and Jungkook offered to invite Yowon home so that Yoongi and her could finally have their serious talk. So there they were, in the study sitting across each other.

Yowon traced the edge of the coffee cup and small plate under it with her long pale fingers. It was a habit she had when she was nervous, and Yoongi saw that.

Yoongi sat there, and just stared at the gesture, lips pressed into a thin line.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. For...for what I did." Yowon said, after she knew Yoongi wouldn't start off the conversation they left off.
Yoongi continued to stare and Yowon swallowed.

"I am not asking you to forgive me, I just want you to know that I understand what I did was wrong." There was a pause and Yowon shifted in her seat.

"And..I understand if you hate me for leaving. It's okay." Finally Yoongi looked up into her eyes.

"I did hate you." Yoongi whispered. It felt like she was stabbed right in the chest when Yowon heard those words.

"I hated you for leaving me. I hated you for turning your back on me." Yoongi said as he squeezed his hands together.

"You have no idea how many days I stood in front of that fucking damn door with hopes that you would come back to get me. To save me." Yoongi sniffed, blinking back tears.

"But you never did. And I hated you for it! Why?! Was I not worth saving?" Yoongi raged out, suddenly standing up and pointed at Yowon.

"Im like this because of you. He broke me! He screwed me over, and treated me like shit! You could've saved me!"

Yoongi yells, red with rage and betrayal. Yowon sat there, taking everything with tears.

"I know..."

Yoongi took a few breaths and sat down again.

"You are selfish," Yoongi said with a more calm voice.

"But I don't blame you anymore. I don't-no matter how much I want to hate you...I can't. My heart can't hate you." Yowon looked up with trembling lips.


"I am grateful. I'm grateful for once having you as my owner. You treated me not like an animal but as a person, and I am grateful for that." Yoongi sucked up breath and clenched his fists.

"You sweet child. You know that you are special to me. I've told you many times before,"

"I will see you for you." They both said in unison. Yoongi bit his trembling lip, his eyes glossy with tears. Yowon smiled, reaching her hand over to grab and squeeze Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi returned the gesture silently. They stayed like that for a few more minutes, before Yowon broke the peace.

"I.. um. I think it's the time I should bring this up." Yowon let go and touched the cup with trembling hands.

"I return to Daejeon tomorrow." Yoongi's ears perked up.


"Yes, ever since I divorced I moved to Daejeon.—the reason I came to visit Seoul is because..." she paused and swallowed hard.

Yowon shifted in her seat, contemplating if she should say it or not.

Yoongi frowned deeply, scanning her over. "What? Tell me?" Yoongi insisted.

"The reason I'm here is because I found out that..." she looked straight into Yoongi's green-yellow eyes.

"Dohyun is dead."

No proof read.

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