A Phone? (part 2)

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Sorry, i had to republish this chapter. A Love said they couldn't read some parts so I had to kinda fix them.

Yoongi hums to himself as he stripped away the white shirt off his body. The feline then walked over to the white dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt.

He put both of his newly bought clothes on and looked at the mirror. He sighed as he checked himself out in the mirror.

Something is missing.

Yoongi frowned as he stared blankly at his reflection. His eyes scanned his body up and down. Just what in the hell am I miss-

He suddenly snapped his eyes to his pale neck and gasped.

"M-my choker!" He squeaked out panicking.

He looked around the room, his green eyes roamed around in panic. He dashed to the bed and ripped off the sheets desperately, wanting to find his special item.


Where is it? Where the fuck is it?!?!? Shit! I lost it! I fucken lost it!

"Ohh stop your whining. You were bound to lose it anyway."

"Shut it. It just somehow un-clipped and fell while I was sleeping." I say while I search for my black choker on my bed.

"Why are you even looking for it? It's not like you care about the damn thing. It's just a piece of fabric without value."

I stop my movements, and stay still.
Wait, why am I so stressed to find it? It's just a simple accessory. Right?

"That's right. You don't need it. It's better off lost then on your neck. It never belonged there anyway. The thing was too pretty for someone like you to wear."

"B-but, J-Jungkook bought it for me. And Taehyung said it l-looked good." I whispered softly to the voice in my head.

"Taehyung lied. He only said that to make you feel pretty when you know damn well you're not."

"T-that's not....true. You are wrong."

"Oh but it is. You know it very well Yoongi. I'm always right.


"Yoongi! Let's get going!" I hear Jungkook shout from downstairs. I slowly make my way off the bed.

Maybe the voice is right.

I walk to the door, but hissed when I stepped on something bead-like. I raised my foot and saw my black choker on the ground.

"Ah." I slightly yelped, dashing to the ground to pick it up. I sighed in relief when I felt the soft fabric in my fingers.

"I found you." I whispered as I brush my fingers over the white pearl.

"Yoongi! We're gonna leave without you if you don't come down!" Coconut head said again.

I tsk as I walked out, hiding the choker in my hand and then go down the stairs. I see the two humans wait impatiently for me at the front door.

"What took you so long Kitten?" Taehyung asked. "Sorry. I was just...in the washroom." I lied while I put my shoes on.

I wasn't gonna straight up tell them 'Ooh yeah, I lost my damn choker and I was panicking for ten minutes straight looking for it.'
Yeah, to hell with that.

"Ok. Hurry up and let's go." Taehyung opened the door and walked out first. I was about to leave too, but the other human stops me.

"Want me to put that on?" I look up at Jungkook with wide eyes. He pointed at my closed hand where I was 'hiding' the soft fabric.

"O-oh. Umm s-sure." I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. I handed the choker over to him, and hesitantly turn around.

He attached the accessory on my neck and leaned into the side of my neck. The next thing I knew, the coconut head kissed my neck, making me jump and shiver. I turn around blushing hard.

"W-What the hell? You fuc-" "I'm sorry about last night Yoongi. Our Kitty did get much sleep huh?" He grins as he petted my head.

T-this fucker t-hinks he c-can just d-do anything he wants w-with m-me! J-just-.

"Stop it." I said as tried, key word—tried to walk away. But the human suddenly scratched the back of my ear. He scratched near the base of my ear and f-fuck.

T-that feels so good. Wait no I-it doesn't feel good! T-this is just-i- Damn it! S-stupid h-human.


Yoongi was trying so hard to keep himself together. He sure as hell won't submit to his bratty owner. Nope. Not to today.

Yoongi bit his tongue to prevent him from purring. They heard a honk outside, followed by an annoyed 'Let's fucken go!' from Taehyung outside.

"Come on Kitty, we don't want to make Tae mad. He's get inpatient quickly. He's...umm, you can say a bit rough when he's mad." Jungkook scratched his neck before walking out the house.

The hybrid stood in the door way dumbfounded. Rough? How? He doesn't look like the type to throw shit around. Just what the fuc-

"Yoongi! In the car now." The feline jumped from Taehyung's stern deep voice.

"O-okay." Yoongi quickly closed the door, making sure it was locked, and dashed over to the white Jeep besides the younger's blue Mustang.

He got in, and was meet with an annoyed as fuck looking Taehyung. Yoongi gulped. The felines heart stopped when he made eye contact with is owner through the mirror.

"Seatbelt." "R-right." Yoongi nervously grabbed the seatbelt and put it on. Tae started to pull out of the driveway, and started for the road.

Well shit.

No proofread.
A/N: Hello petals! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. I wish you a happy, beautiful day! Love ya!

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