What You Want

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"No." Jungkook said it so loud and clear it echoed around the kitchen.

Taehyung swallowed a lump caught in his throat, but still stood his ground. "I wasn't asking you Kook. I'm telling you I will take him there."

"What the fuck is wrong with you Tae, you know what that man did to him. Why the fuck would you let him go see that piece of shit!" Jungkook paced in place, angry and upset.

"It's not like I fucking want him to Kook. You don't think I'm not upset about this too? It fucking sickens the shit out of me that he asked us to go, but I can't just say no because its not me that bastard left his mark on. Can't you understand?!" 

Taehyung stood in front of his partner, eyes wide and focused on Jungkook. He took a big breath and continued.

"We can disagree all we want, but we have no say in this Kook. This decision belongs to Yoongi alone, and if this is what Yoongi wants..."

"We can't let him just—"

"Jungkook listen! Understand what im telling you," Taehyung shook his head and gripped JK's shoulder.

"This is all on Yoongi Jungkook. This is Yoongi's decision. Look at me," Taehyung demanded and JK's frustrated eyes stared back at him.

"If this is what he wants, we have to support him. Even if we don't like it. Alright?" Jungkook's nostrils flared as he contained all this refusal and distaste.

"Alright?" Taehyung asked louder and let out a breath of relief when JK slowly but reluctantly nodded.

"Fine...but the moment i see that Yoongi is emotionally not okay we leave. Immediately. That's it." Taehyung nods as well.

"Okay. Okay... I'm with you on that." Taehyung agreed. Jungkook clenched and unclenched his jaw, his thick eyebrows frowned hard.

"I'm gonna just—go." He says as he talked out of the kitchen and upstairs. Taehyung inhaled and rubbed his hands all over his face.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be..." Tae mumbled to himself.

Upstairs, JK slowly passed by Yoongi's room to quickly check on him. The hybrid was laid out on the floor in front of his bed. His pale face rested against a pillow as he napped.

It was starting to become a habit ever since the hybrid started taking his medication. Yoongi claimed it was because he felt more secure on the floor then on the bed.

Something about the sensation of falling felt more terrifying on the bed then on the floor. It was worse whenever he had nightmares, so the hybrid felt more safer sleeping on the floor.

The medications were working so it seems. He isn't getting nightmares more often and Yoongi's been able to sleep and rest his mind and body the way it needed to.

The only down side of it was that it was taking quite a big chunk of energy. He looked and felt more tired. He was napping more then usual, and always appeared tired overall.

Jungkook stared at Yoongi's sleeping face with a conflicting face.

He couldn't understand why? What was the point in going to see that bastard? Why? Was he still relevant in Yoongi's life at this point?

Yoongi let out a soft whimper making his ears twitch every now and then. Jungkook's sour face soften up.

"If...that's really what you want..." JK whispered in a soft voice. His eyes never left Yoongi's small curled up frame.

"Then I don't have much of a choice do I..?"

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