Take Me Home (part 2)

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[3RD POV]Please be okay

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Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

Jungkook chanted in his head and his eyes roam around the dash of his car impatiently.

Where are you? Where are you? Where are you Yoongi? Where are you? The teacher squeezed the car wheel tighter, ignoring the tension in his knuckles and fingers joints.

The man tsked, grinding his teeth together after learning that Yoongi was yet again, not to be found in this neighborhood.

JK stomped on the gas and drove off to yet another neighborhood in search for his precious hybrid.

"Come on. You have to be at least here somewhere Yoongi." Jungkook says and he looks around at everything and anything.

Suddenly, the phone rings, making the man jump and brake unexpectedly.

With a screech of the tires, the car stops and the teacher fishes out his device from his pockets.

"Taehyung, thank god." Jungkook says after reading he callers ID and answers the phone immediately.

"Tae? Did you find him? Are you okay?" The man asks his partner.

"Jungkook, listen okay..." Taehyung says through the line before sniffing and letting out a sigh.

Jungkook's mind immediately goes to the worst case sceneries possible, and his heart drops to his stomach.

"I fond him. I...found him Kook." Taehyung reveals and JK's soft brown eyes start to well.

The man let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Dropping his head in his free hand Jungkook bit his lip, and silently releases tears.

"He's with me Kook. He's here...with me. He... he told me that he wants to come back home." Taehyung's voice weavers at the end of his sentence, before letting out a relief-filled laugh.

"Thank god." Jungkook whispers though out his tears. "W-Where are you? I'll drive to you, where are you?" Jungkook asks, as he wiped his tears away from his face.

"Jungkook no. Yoongi's hurt. I'm on my way to the hospital. You should meet us there." JK's heart sank at the news and he puts the car in reverse.

"What do you mean he's hurt? Where? Is he okay? What happened to him? Is he in pain? How bad is it?" The brunette shot question after question, as he pulled out of the neighborhood he was beginning to search and drove into the road that lead to the nearest hospital.

"Ummm I- umm no. It looks like he stepped into broken glass and both his feet are not in good shape. Yoongi told me they didn't hurt but...I don't think that's fully true. Anyway, I'm just about to pull up to the hospital. Call me when you get here yes?" Jungkook frowned deeply before nodding.

"Okay, I'll be there shortly. Give...give Yoongi a kiss for me and tell him that I'm so glad that he decided to come back home." JK heard Taehyung laugh shortly with a sniff.

"Yeah. I'll tell him. Be careful."

Right as I hang up the phone, I was able to park my car in the parking spots in front of the ER entrance.

I turn off the car and look at the passenger seat where Yoongi was curled up in my jacket that kept him warm.

He looked lost in thought, and I reached out to caress his cheek lightly in hope to not startle him.

Thankfully, my touch didn't frighten Yoongi, instead, Yoongi's head turned to me and leaned into my touch more. My heart soars with such warmth that I couldn't help the smile that spreads out my cheeks.

I grab Yoongi's face and place a kiss on his forehead where Jungkook always likes to kiss him.

"Coconut..?" Yoongi asks me, and I burst out in laughter.

"Don't worry Yoongi. Kook is on his way here. He told me to tell you that he's glad you want to come back home." I relay Jungkook's message, as I brush my fingers through his black hair that had a few knots in them.

I look into his sharp green-yellow eyes and smile softly. "You have no idea how much I love you Yoongi." I tell him what's on my mind.

He doesn't know how much I care about him. How much I treasure him.

"Let's get your feet treated and patched up okay?" I tell Yoongi before pecking his chapped lips and get off my side of the car to rush over to open the passenger door.

I open my arms for Yoongi to grab on to me, so he wouldn't have to walk on his injured feet. Yoongi didn't hesitate to thread his arms around my neck and embraces me.

I smile to myself like an idiot, as Yoongi let's me carry him like this in my arms all the way into the ER building.

I think Yoongi thought I wouldn't notice when he slowly nuzzled his face closer to my neck, but I did. I just tightened my grip on him with a smile on my face.

"You'll be okay Love."

No proofread.
A/N: WHAT IT DO BITCHES its me and im back from an unexpected break. I know.. BOO WOO fuck this bitch for suddenly disappearing on you. Yeah yeah. 🙄🙄 but I try to update more! I try ok! writers block is a bitch😭

BTS: We're going on break everyone!

ARMY: Yay we're on break!

BTS: *pulls army back from the shirt*
BTS: No. Not you.
*creates IG accounts for each member*

Literally^ 😭😭

Literally^ 😭😭

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Y'all...this made my coooochie throb-ah wha-what I m-mean SHHEEEESSHHH! This man can STEP on me and take me anytime and anywhere.*cough cough* I-I mean... dear good lord, I thank you for giving us a good looking man- no for giving us army 7 good looking, talented men for us to drool upon and adore. Amen.

I-I can't get over this pic...this picture made me bark...ARFF ARFF!  *cough cough*
Ah i m-mean, Yoongi looks so handsome! King. A real good looking KING 👑

Stay safe and enjoy your day.

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