Chapter 1: Welcome Back!

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Y/n's Pov.
As I pushed open the guild hall, and begin to walk in I came to a halt, as I notice a few eyes on me. The room was completely silence and I began to speak. "Hey everybody." I said waving my hand as a smile appeared on my lips.
"Y/n! Your back!" Natsu yelled breaking the tension in the air as he tackled me to the ground. Soon the guild went silence again as I hit the floor hard.

I mumble as I looked up at Natsu who had his head laying on my chest and smiling at me.
"Natsu... You should've remember..." I said as I ruffled his hair. Then I pushed him off of me and pinned the front of his body to the guild's floor. I was basically standing on top of him, in fact.
"You missed me." I said with a smirk.
"Yep... Please let me up..." Natsu said with pain. I got off his back and he sat up looking outside the guild doors.
"I missed you, too." I sighed and I begin to walk towards Cana when I stopped. Remembering I need to talk to someone.
"Oh no. Who is it this time?" A whispered I heard. Exactly who I remember I needed to talk to, Macao Conbolt. I turned sideways and looked over at Macao and Wakaba. I put my hands on my hip and looked at him with a stern look. I watched as his body shook in fear.
"What is it Y/n?" He asked trying not to freak out in fear.
"Oh, I heard that you left Romeo here alone for over four days straight!" I said sternly.
"Yeah. I did so w-what?" He said verly keeping his cool.
"I understand you have to take jobs to make money to take care of you and Romeo, but we all knew you couldn't take on that job." I growled.
"Really?" Macao said and I lifted my right eye browel while he gulped.
"Just don't let the kid worry again! I can't come back every time to come and search for you." I sighed.
"What?! That's why your back!" Macao exclaimed.
"Not exactly. I just finished four different jobs and I came back to get something to eat, see my big bro, and the rest of Fairy Tail. Make sure they know I still alive." I said as I turned back around, and I smiled and walked over towards Cana.
"Hey! You know where my big bro is?" I asked with a smile.
"Yeah. He's been sitting up there." Cana said as she put her drink down, and then pointed up towards the second floor. I looked up to see my brother.
"I'm right here. How'd the mission go? No one touch you, right?" Laxus questioned as he looked down at me from the second story of the guild, leaning against the balcony rail.
"No, but even if they did they wouldn't live to see another day." I joked while recieving a smirk from my big bro.
"Well even if your joking. I know you ment what you said." Laxus said.
"Yeah. Well, I missed you!" I said with a smile while waving. While he sarcastically growled. I giggle turning to look at Gramps.
"How did the missions go, child?" Gramps said with a smile.
"Oh you know. I kicked some butts, made some jewels, and here I am." I said energetically. He sighed with a nod while I ran over to Mira.
"Why is everyone afraid of her? Who is she?" A voice I've never heard say.
"Oh she's the prettiest girl in Fairy Tail, and I even think she might be the strongest, too." Mira said.

I turned to see a blonde hair girl with big brown eyes. I leaned in close to her looking right into her eyes. I watched her tremble in fear.
"Umm. Yes." She said trembling. I leaned up and smiled after moving a little bit of my h/c hair out of my face. Showing the scar under my eye.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." The blonde girl said.
"What's that for?! I don't even know you. So an apology isn't issued." I said with a smile.
"No it's just, I didn't recognize you until you moved your hair." She said with a smile
"Well, I'm Y/n Dreyar! The guild master's granddaughter, and Laxus's little sister. And you are?" I said with a smile.
"I'm Lucy. I can't believe I get to meet the famous Y/n Dreyar!" Lucy said with a smile while mentally fan girling.
"Well Lucy! Welcome to the guild! Don't let the guys flirt with you to much!" I joked.
"What?!" She said with fear. I laughed and asked Mira for my normal drink which was f/d with 10% alcohol.

"Thanks Mira!" I yelled running over to Natsu and Gray.
"Just wait she'll be passed out in a matter of seconds." Laxus joked.
"No I won't! Why don't you come down here and fight me!" I yelled while jumping up on the table, noticing it was almost 7:00 pm.
"Nah, I'll pass. It's better this way, sis." Laxus said with a small smile. I growled and sat back in the booth and in between Natsu and Gray.
"Hey there Y/n. How have you been?" Gray asked.
"Oh you know. I've been great! As you can tell. So how's my two best guy's been!" I said as I placed my feet on the table as I placed both my arms around my two best guy friends.
"I've been on plenty of jobs and I'm not sure about those two." Gray said with a smile pointing at Natsu and Happy.
"Hey we've been on plenty of jobs." Natsu said starting to get annoyed at Gray. Soon Happy came running into my lap, and he hugged me. I moved my hands down and around Happy.
"Y/n I missed you! I thought you might have gotten eaten by a fish!" He cried as I held him in my arms.
"Don't worry, Happy. I'll always be fine." I said with a smile as I tried to calm him down. Soon Gray and Natsu started arguing and I finished my drink still holding Happy. Soon Mira brought me another and Natsu and Gray were beginning to get a little to riled up. I downed my drink quickly as Happy jumped up on the table as I got up and walking over to the two boys. Because they were so aggravated they didn't even here me walk up. I grabbed there heads and hit them together making them both fall to the ground. I sighed as I begin to go get another drink and I was stopped dead in my tracks. I looked up to Laxus laughing hard, something he verly does.
"What's so funny, Lighting Rod?!" I demanded as the electricity came around my body.
"Oh god! Whew! Dammit Sparky! You really go me good!" Laxus laughed.
"Does it look like I care!" I growled.
"Hahahaha! Uhh! God! Whew!" Laxus continued to laughed as electricity began to spark around him.
"Laxus! Calm down! Your about to laugh so hard you'll make sparks again!" I exclaimed remember when he laughed so hard that he destroyed a mountain top. Which as I remembered, it made chills came over my back.
"I know. I just couldn't help myself." He said as he calmed down and wiped away a few tears he shed through laughter. I sighed as I got shoved against the wall.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now