Chapter 9: Wind and Flame

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We soon made our way back to the wind barrier.

"What! Erigor what to use Lullaby on the Guild Master's!" Lucy exclaimed!
"We have to stop him!" Natsu yelled.
"If we can find a way to get out of here, I'll beat his ass, before he can lay one filthy finger on Gramps!" I growled as some light bulbs broke and tangled with the rest of the lightning I was generating.
"That's easier said than done! Erigor cut off our only way of reaching clover. He's headed there by air." Erza stated.
"I'm pretty sure we can catch up to him by the magic mobil, but we can't do anything until we figure out how to get to the other side of this barrier." Gray stated.
"How are we going to do that?!" Lucy exclaimed. Next thing I notice was a big bright flame shot to the barrier.
"Natsu!" I yelled as he hit the barrier and it kicked him back.
"See that's what happened when you try to bust through." Gray sighed.
"Kagey! Wake up. Your our only hope right now." Erza stated.
"I've gotta try and break through! We have to save Makarov! For Y/n!" Natsu yelled as he tried to break the barrier and made lightning. The lightning then went away as fast as it knocked Natsu back.
"Natsu!" I yelled.
"Cut it out you idiot! Obviously brute force isn't going to do you any good." Gray stated.
"Isn't there anything you can do. Maybe you try freezing it Natsu can melt it, and if that doesn't work then Natsu can keep hitting it and generate electricity for Y/n to eat." Lucy stated.
"Yeah. It's like saying you have. Whole meal for yourself, and you can eat as much as you want, but when I get full that means I can't keep eating it." I said sarcastically.
"If I could I would've done it already." Gray said as Natsu took another attack on him.
"Y/n! Eat!" Natsu yelled. I begin to suck in the electricity as the wind barrier intensify.
"Natsu!" Gray yelled.
"Natsu would you stop trying to be the hero!" Lucy yelled as I stopped and begin to breath heavily.
"Natsu, stop! Your going to get torn to shreds!" I yelled.
"Dammit! I don't know what to do!" Erza yelled. The barrier then kicked Natsu off again and he went for another got but before he could I grabbed him.
"Natsu! I SAID STOP IT!" I cried.
"Crap." Natsu muttered as he rest himself in my arms. He then looked back at me.
"What. What's the matter?" I asked as I felt a little flushed.
"Y/n. Why you crying?" He asked.
"N-Natsu. I just don't want to lose you from my life." I said while hugging him tighter.
"You'll never lose me." He stated with a smile.
"Yeah." I mumbled placing my head on his back.
"Ahh! I knew I remeber something!" Natsu yelled making me jump and fall over.
"Lucy! We can use your spirits!" Natsu stated.
"Right! Back at Everlue's Natsu and I was pulled through one place to another through the spirit world!" I stated.
"Yeah, but normal people would suffocate because it hard to breath in there world. Besides a Celestial wizard can only open a gate from where they are standing." Lucy stated. I sighed as Natsu looked at Lucy like she didn't speak English.

"Kay! Let me simplify this for you. Even if we could pass through the spirit world, we would need another Celestial wizard to open a gate on the other side of the train station allowing us to pass through." Lucy stated.
"Your totally confusing me. Just hurry it up and do it." Natsu stated.
"But, I told you I can't!" Lucy exclaimed. Lucy and Natsu kept arguing as I looked down at Happy.
"Happy you've been pretty quiet. You remember the thing you was supposed to tell Lucy." I asked as he stared up at me with his mouth opened.
"Everlue's key..." Happy mubbled.
"What about that key?" I asked.
"Ahh!" Happy screamed making me, Natsu, Lucy, and Gray jumped up like a cat would.
"I just remember Lucy! Thanks Y/n for remind me Y/n." Happy stated as he ran over to Lucy.
"N-No problem." I said literally trying to keep my heart out of my chest.
"Remeber What!" Lucy growled.
"What I was trying to tell you on the way here!" Happy yelled making Lucy scream.
"On the way here... Oh yeah! When you kept calling me weird." Lucy said.
"Oh yeah! Look!" Happy said as he pulled out Virgo's key.
"How did you get your paws on Virgo's key?! Didn't anyone tell you that it's wrong to steal things!" Lucy stated.
"B-But I didn't." Happy muttered because Lucy had her hand around Happy's mouth. I then leaned against a nearby wall as I watch Lucy.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now