Chapter 6: Lullaby: Part 1

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"Happy. What's wrong?" I asked.
"Gray is being a jerk!" Happy cried.
"What! Gray. What did you do to him?" I declared as I glared at him.
"I did nothing." He stated.
"Happy. What did he do?" I sighed and asked.
"He took my spot!" Happy exclaimed in tears as he shoved his face against my chest.
"Oh, Happy. Don't cry. Even if we go somewhere and you can't sit on the comfy seat beside us. Then you can sit on my lap. I don't mind. Your my buddy!" I exclaimed with a smile as Happy looked up at me.
"You mean it?" He asked.
"Yep. Don't you ever forget that you are one of my favorites! I really enjoy your company and if your the only one between those two that actually has a brain." I stated.
"Your the best Y/n." Happy said with a smile.
"Well you'll love me more after I give you this. Which I've been meaning to give you this." I said as I pulled out a fish. His eyes went sparkly as he saw the fish and a big smile appeared. He took the fish and happily ate it in my lap. I smiled as I watched my feline friend enjoy his gift. I sighed until the train begin to move and I felt it all moving. I was now leaning against Natsu as I was verly keeping my cool

Natsu was verly keeping his cool as his motion sickness was affecting him worse than mine was.
"I swear your totally pitiful, Natsu and Y/n.. One minute your picking a fight and then the other your like this." Gray sighed.
"It's gotta be tough on them from getting to place to place." Lucy sighed.
"Gray... Don't call... Me... Pitiful. We all know... We have our own... problems..." I muttered as I sat up straight.
"Sorry!" He stated.
"Don't worry they'll be fine. Natsu, Come here and sit with me" Erza said with a smile.
"Aye." Natsu stated as Lucy moved and Natsu sat in her place. Next thing I notice is Erza knocked Natsu out.
"There that should make the trip a little bit easier on him." Erza sighed with a smile.
"Good." I muttered.
"Erza, I think it's about time you started filling us in. I mean what kind of mission are we going on here." Grey declared.
"Of course. I have reason to believe the dark guild Eisenwald is planning something big. I'm not sure exactly but it has to do with a magic item called Lullaby." Erza said getting to the point.
"Lullaby." Happy, Gray, and I stated as I tried hard to steadying my stomach.
"Wait it's that thing from before?" Lucy stated.
"We heard it when we was on our way back from a mission. We ran into Gray, and soon they took Happy trying to eat him. We faught them and saved Happy, but after asking the kidnappers a question they responded with Lullaby." I sighed as I explained what happened.
"I see, so you've run into the Eisenwald guild before." Erza said understanding what I had just said.
"I'm not sure if they were part of Eisenwald, but they did mention Lullaby. Like Y/n said." Gray said with a sigh.
"It sounds like they were members who dropped out of the guild and went into hiding. Perhaps they wanted no part of what is coming." Erza said calmly as I kept breathing in and out trying to keep my stomach from feeling like a pile of liquid.
"This thing is so bad that it even scares dark wizards." Gray stated.
"Happy's kidnappers must have been members from Eisenwald." Erza said as she then told us how it all began with the situation with Lullaby. We talked about the situation and then later on we stopped to pay the man at the next station to let us go to the next one. Then we started to talk about our magic. Lucy asked what kind of magic does Erza have and she told her.
"Well I have to admit Gray's is more fascinating than mine." Erza said while taking a bite out of her strawberry cake. While Gray showed Lucy his maker magic.
"Well to be honest it's not that much.
Y/n's is pretty fascinating though." Gray said with a smirk.
"Well I mean I can sorta make stuff with my lightning like Grey can with ice, but it's more fascinating when I'm fighting." I stated.
"Hmm. How's that?" Lucy asked.
"Well I've only seen it once maybe twice, but Y/n has a spell that makes her as quick as lightning. She has another that makes her as loud as thunder, and one that is pretty rare she uses. I just can't recall what it was called." Erza stated.
"Well it's called electrical shine. It's a spell that blinds my opponents, and then it explodes into tiny little bright lights, that look like stars. Which the spell can also send an opponent over 3 miles away if used in the sky." I said with a smile.
"Wow. That's amazing. Have you used it before?" Lucy asked.
"Well..." Gray sighed.
"I have twice. It was when I went on a mission with my big bro, and the other with Gray and Erza." I sighed.
"Woah! Even Natsu hasn't seen it!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Yep. It's just one of the spells that can actually possible kill someone." I sighed as my motion sickness quickly came back and made me feel like crap. Happy was sitting by the window as I laid against the seat as I could feel myself pass out.

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