Chapter 17: Natsu and the Dragon egg Part 1

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Y/n's pov: Two days later...
After the past two days Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy, and Erza came back to the guild and since I went on a supply run it turns out that it was best I wasn't there because everyone ended up changing bodies because of a job flyer Natsu and Lucy was going to take.

As for today I was wearing a black crop top with short sleeves that hanged off the shoulders, I wore s/f/c skort and black ankle boots. Which Natsu waited on me like he normally did. We went and got Lucy and we went on a fishing trip.
"Natsu, How the hell did you remember this was my favorite thing to do?!" I exclaimed in happiness while I held the fishing pole waiting for a bite.
"Well as a kid I remember you loved fishing with Gildarts, so I thought I'd take you fishing today. I thought Lucy would enjoy it, but she to much of a book worm." Natsu said with a smile.
"You know I have a novel to write. Why'd you have to drag me along in your dumb fishing trip." Lucy whined as she kept writting
"Just Stop complaining, and besides you said you had writers block, didn't ya." Natsu said with a smile.
"Aye! And nothing else can get you in the creative spirit like fishing can." Happy said with a smile.
"Ahh! The joy of fishing. It shows so much survival instincts. It's simply an amazing process and a delicious meal. Especially when Natsu cooks it. Mmm, delicious!" I exclaimed with stars in my eyes.
"Why does it have to be fishing?!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Fish in fact is my most favorite food!" Happy exclaimed as drool fell from his mouth.
"Like I said Luvy. It's about the joy of having the experience of fishing. How it feels when you cast the reel, how it feels when the fish tug on the line, how you feel after you caught one, and how it taste in the end. Fishing is a fun outside experience you can teach to all age. Someday it may come in handy." I said with a smile.
"Jeez. You sound like Gildarts." Happy stated.
"Shut up! Would ya!" I growled as I focused back on fishing.
"By the way It's Lucy, but why do I have to hunt for your favorite food!" Lucy growled.
"Hey--" I begin to say when Natsu jumped up.
"Woah! It think I got one!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Watch out!" Happy exclaimed.
"Lucy hold my pole!" I said as I jumped up.
"Wait--" Lucy begin to say before I interrupted her.
"Come on, Natsu. You can do it! Reel it in." I cheered.
"Leave it to me!" Natsu yelled as he pulled out a huge fish.
"Look at the size of that thing!" Happy and I exclaimed.
"What does that even mean?!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Way to go Natsu! I can't wait to cook it up and eat it!" I said with a smile. Soon Happy started doing a adorable little dance and singing about the fish. As Happy sang, Natsu cooked the fish.
"Ahh! Yeah! Now that look's tasty!" Natsu said with a smile.
"Yeah! It does. Even if it's not on a plate, it still looks really delicious!" I exclaimed as my stomach growled.
"I guess your belly agrees." Natsu laughed as he draped his arm around me.
"No! Fish taste better if you eat it raw!You guys ruined it!" Happy cried.
"Why should we leave it raw since it only takes a sec to grill it up?" Natsu said with a smile as we turned around.
"That's at how I wanted to eat it!" Happy cried.
"If your gonna complain go catch your own. Beside, I'm the one who caught it so I eat it my way. Now come on, Y/n." Natsu said as he removed his arm and picked up the fish with the other. He wripped me off a peice and I ate it, as Natsu ate the rest.
"That was delicious." Natsu muttered as he had his hand on his stomach.
"Aye." I said as I was sitting right beside him. Even though I had a small peice I still got full from the small pound of meat that I had.
"How could you? Fine our friendship is over Natsu, and Y/n!" Happy yelled as he ran off crying.
"Your quite dramatic aren't you." Lucy said with a sigh. Natsu and I looked at Happy and then at each other and looked down.

"Are you gonna follow him?" Lucy asked and Natsu and I both looked up at her, and then back at Happy.
"Jeez! Keep up the tough guy act and your never gonna get the girls, Natsu. And, you Y/n you'll never get the guys." Lucy said with a smile. It made me think about Lissy. I jumped up as Natsu got up too.
"Wonderful. That's the spirit, go apologize--" Lucy begin as Natsu interrupted her.
"Just shut your mouth for once." It made me jump. Natsu was never physically rude.
"What was that all about? Scary!" Lucy exclaimed from far away.
"I don't know. I'll go talk to him. I'll be back." I mumbled as I ran up to Natsu.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now