Chapter 51: Y/n on Fire

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Y/n's Pov...
Before I knew it Happy, Carla, Lilly, and Wendy was with us. Wendy tried to heal Natsu and Gramps, but It wasn't working. I was so worried that I never left Natsu and Gramps. I laid Natsu in my lap as I waited for anything. I had also changed back to my normal outfit I was wearing.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I can't heal them." Wendy sighed as she stopped.
"It's okay, you tried your best." I stated with a sad smile. I looked over at Gramps as his eyes begin to open as he fell asleep way before Wendy showed up.
"Gramps!" I stated with a smile.
"Master!" Wendy stated with a smile.
"You need to heal Natsu, he and Y/n are our guilds future. " Gramps stated.
"But, Master your hurt! I can't just leave you!" Wendy cried.
"It's okay Wendy. I understand." I stated.
"His scarf it's been tainted. You must try and return it to normal." Gramps stated which made me look at his scarf. In fact, his scarf was black, very unusual.
"How did this happen?" I questioned.
"Please, you must try turning it to normal. It's been tainted by a malevolent force. It's what keeping him from being healed. That's the only way Y/n can withstand them is by the help of Natsu." Gramps stated weakly.
"Okay! I'll try my best." Wendy stated as she tried healing his scarf.
"Does anyone know how his scarf turned in the first place?" Carla asked.
"We ran into this creepy dude that wouldn't stop crying. He did it." Happy stated.
"Grimoire Heart is here looking for someone. Do you think the crying man could be Zeraf." Lilly stated and asked.
"Maybe." Happy mumbled.

As Wendy healed Natsu, it soon worked and his scarf returned to normal. Before I knew it Natsu was up. He still laid in my lap as he sat up.
"Natsu!" I exclaimed with a smile.
"Natsu! Your alive!" Happy exclaimed with a smile.
"Where's Gramps?" He asked.
"Right here." Lilly stated as I quickly came to Natsu side and picked up Happy.
"I'm afraid he's not out of the woods yet." Carla added.
"Hmm. Uh, my scarf is fixed?!" Natsu stated as he grabbed his scarf.
"Wendy use her sky magic to fix it." Happy stated.
"I also flipped you clothes inside out while you was napping." I stated with a smile.
"I owe you both a lot. Thanks!" Natsu stated.
"Oh, what did I do? I just helped take down that god freak." I muttered.
"No prob." Wendy stated.
"Don't stress, Y/n. I think you did great." Natsu chuckled.
"Aww, thanks! You were great, too. I chuckled until Natsu started sniffing.
"Umm I know that smell." Natsu stated as he got up.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Is it Jellal?!" Happy questioned.
"No. It's the guy on Galuna Island with the weird orb thing and that creepy looking mask." Natsu stated.
"Another enemy from Galuna Island." I sighed as Natsu looked around and then straight ahead.
"He's close!" Natsu yelled as he took off.
"Natsu wait!" I yelled.
"Who's he talking about?" Wendy questioned.
"Oh you know Natsu. Goes somewhere and ends up fighting someone." Happy stated.
"I guess there's no stopping him." I chuckled.
"Aye sir!" Happy agreed.
"What's bugging me is all this lost magic." Carla stated.
"Agreed." I stated.
"He's like an animal." Lilly stated.
"Well it is Natsu." Carla stated with a smile.
"Yep." Happy and I agreed.
"Maybe one of you should follow him?" Lilly stated.
"Yeah. Happy and I will go." I stated as I stood up.
"What if we get it danger?!" Wendy questioned which made me think. I quickly used my magic to spawn one of my lightning lacrimas and handed it to Wendy.
"Take this." I stated with a smile.
"What is this?" Wendy questioned.
"It's a lightning lacrima. It's actually apart of one of my spells known as the Thunder palace, but I keep extra. It normally has body link magic, but this one is specifically for detonation. Which means any one can set it off and I don't have to snap my finger. If danger comes throw it up in the air and launch an attack on it. It will explode so stay far back when attacking it. It will be the signal that brings me here. Trust me it won't hurt you." I stated as I looked at Wendy in the eyes.
"Thanks Y/n." She stated with a smile.
"No problem." I stated returning the smile.
"Come on Y/n. We have to go before we lose Natsu!" Happy stated.
"Alright! Now you three stay safe and keep my Gramps safe!" I called as I ran with Happy flying beside me.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now