Chapter 54: The Tenrou Tree

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Natsu's Pov...
As I lingered behind I was stopped by Gildarts.
"I wouldn't even try touching my little thunderbolt. You hurt her I have no problem with ending your life." Gildarts stated.
"Your little thunderbolt. Hmmm. You mean Kaminari she's your daughter..." The guy stated which made me gasp a bit.

"Come on, Natsu!" Y/n shouted as she ran back and grabbed my hand.

Y/n's Pov...
As we walked away from Gildarts battle Natsu was soon carrying Gramps. As we continue to make our way back to base camp.
"Man this sucks! I can't believe were missing the fight of the century!" Natsu complained.
"I'm sorry, but making sure our friends are okay, is more important!" Lucy yelled.
"Hopefully everyone made it back to base camp." I stated.
"Agreed." Carla stated.
"Remember Mest, I mean Doran bolt promise he would help us get off this island." Wendy stated.
"Yeah." Calra sighed.
"Hey, you okay?" Natsu questioned.
"Yeah. I'll tell you later." I stated with a smile as we continue to walk towards base camp.

No ones Pov...
At base camp as Lilly stayed behind, Lisanna, Levy, and Lilly begin to fight one of the members of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. He was a weird guy who only spoke in rhymes as well as the guy who took Elfman and Evergreen down.
His name is apparently Rusty Rose, and the three who was still standing had to do what ever it took to protect the injured. As the rythmetic weirdo went on he soon attack Lilly, Lisanna and Levy. As he went to finish them off and was attacked by Freed and Bickslow.

"It's Freed and Bickslow!" Levy exclaimed in happiness.
"How! I though you left." Lilly exclaimed.
"We returned seeing the red flare in the sky." Bickslow stated.
"We also returned along with Gildarts." Freed added.
"Really he came back with you guys!" Lisanna exclaimed in happiness.
"Though your rank may swell, you will still be swept away by my arc of embodiment. All that will remain is memories." Rusty stated.
"Your gonna learn real quick that we don't play by the rules in our guild. We'll do whatever it takes to take you down!" Bickslow stated.
"You will not get away with hurting a member of the Thunder Legion the rule no longer applies." Freed added.
Soon Bickslow attack Rusty as he blocked it with a golden shield. Soon Freed attack him and he dodged the attack by making Pegasus wings show up on his feet. Soon Rusty spawned the same creature that took down Evergreen and Elfman as Bickslow used his attack 'possession' to take over the beast. It slashed Rusty as Freed used a spell to improve himself as he attacked Rusty. Rusty hit the ground as Freed and Bickslow challenged Rusty to get up so they could finish the fight.

Now with Erza as she was also challenging one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory, Azuma. He stated that he had taken down Wendy and Mira.
"That's impossible! How did you take down, Natsu, Mira, Y/n, and the others!" Erza gasped.
"I can't vouch for this Natsu or this Y/n girl, but I sent the She-Devil right back to hell with my own hands." Azuma stated.
"I don't believe you!" Erza growled as she requipped into the Fire Empress Armor.
"I can't believe this, I fought a demon and now I get to fight a true warrior." Azuma stated.
"If that's the case then I'll have to see this myself!" Erza growled as Azuma came at her.

Now back with Bickslow and Freed. Rusty was trembling as he used his magic to create an illusion of his fear to attack his enemies. The attack wrapped around Freed and Bickslow as they couldn't move because of the attack.
"What was your names, again?" Rusty asked as he closed his eyes in thought. He then continued, "Ahh, yes. Freed and Bickslow of the Thunder Legion, two members of the Fairy Tail guild as well. Or should I say underlings under Master Makarov's Grandchildren! What were their names again. Right! Laxus the fallen star and Y/n the fallen angel!"
"Shut your mouth!" Bickslow growled.
"How dare you even speak their names! You scum! You know nothing about them!" Freed shouted.
"Oh! I don't. Haha! It's such ashame that the darling Y/n had to fall under the hands of her own father at such a young age." Rusty concluded.
"Don't you dare talk about her!" Freed growled.
"Oh. So when she was 10 she didn't fall under the hands of abuse." Rusty stated.
"Like we tell you a damn thing!" Bickslow growled.
"So she didn't happen to be saved by her underly rude older brother, and a destructive man she replaced her own father with." Rusty stated.
"Don't you dare defy Laxus and Gildarts!" Freed growled.

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