Chapter 46: Gildarts

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As for yesterday I went on a small mission and I came back today. I had quickly went home and changed into a more comfortable clothes which was a f/c crop top that hanged off the shoulder, and I also had a black skort on. I then wore black peep toes wedge boots. Which I ended up falling into my closet because Natsu was having a bad dream. He then quickly got out of bed and we then went to the guild. After almost getting hit with a table and Natsu kicking some ass. I then finally got to see if Laxus had sent me any mail, in fact he did. I then sat down at a table and read the letter.

Hey Y/n,

I've heard a rumor, and I know you won't be upset about it because I heard he's returning. Gildarts is coming home.


"Big news--" Max and Wakaba stated as I then interrupted them.
"He's back! I can't believe it! I haven't seen my dad in over three years!" I exclaimed as Natsu soon grabbed my hand and lead me up to the balcony as I handed Happy the letter. We heard bells ringing as we looked outside to see the citizens getting ready for Gildarts welcoming.
"Gildarts is back!" I heard the guild shout.
"This is so exciting! I missed him so much!" I exclaimed as Natsu soon laid his arm on top of my head to keep me from getting to over hyper which would create electricity.
"Calm down before you become as destructive as he is." Natsu chuckled.
"I can't wait!" I exclaimed as I hugged Natsu.
"I know! It's exciting!" Natsu stated as we watched the town soon move up to bring a path way for him. There he was in the distance. He came closer by the second. I then got out of Natsu grasped as I ran down the guild halls stairs and to the very front of the door where I saw him. Even though there was others in my way, I could still see him. Soon he walked right through the guild doors. He was a tall man with orange hair dark green eyes, and he wore a black cape. He looked up and around as he then sighed.
"So Where's the little Thunder bolt?!" He questioned.
"I'm right here! I've missed you so much, dad!" I yelled as I shoved someone and came running towards him and hugged him.
"Hey there you are!" Gildarts chuckled.
"Dad! I though Iv--" Lucy begin to say as Erza covered up her mouth.
"Do not say that name in his presence. I'll explain it to you later, but just the mention of his name can bring his positives to negative." Erza stated.
"Oh." Lucy stated as I let Gildarts out of the hug.
"Welcome home!" Mira stated.
"Umm, Sorry miss, but I'm looking for a guild that use to be called Fairy Tail." Gildarts stated as I chuckled.
"You've been gone for too long." I chuckled.
"Remember me! Mirajane!" Mira stated.
"Mira!" Gildarts gasped as he saw she changed from being the rude and obnoxious little girl she was and into the sweet young lady she is now.
"Yep!" I laughed.
"Wow! Did you change some stuff around the hall too!" Gildarts stated in a shock expression.
"Jeez old man! You can recognize me, but not my guildmates. You must be getting short term memory loss." I chuckled.
"Hey, sweetie I didn't mean to insult the guild now." Gildarts said with a small fear expression.
"I know I'm just teasing and besides I've been getting better at my crush magic!" I stated acting like a little kid.
"That's wonderful!" He stated with a smile.
"I know! It's really awesome!" I declared with a smile.
"Hey! Gildarts!" Natsu called.
"Hey pal. There's someone I recognize besides my sweetie here." Gildarts stated as he moved me behind him as Natsu soon went to attack him. Gildarts soon pulled his arm out spun Natsu and flung him into the ceiling.
"Typical Natsu." I chuckled.
"Oh yeah! He's still so awesome!" Natsu mumbled as Gray and Elfman stated something.
"I've seen a couple of new faces around her too. A lot happened while I was gone, huh." Gildarts stated as he looked down at me.
"Yeah!" I stated with a smile.
"Gildarts." Gramps called as I followed Gildarts where Gramps was.
"Master your looking quiet well." Gildarts stated.
"So. How did the job go?" Gramps asked as Gildarts thought to himself for a bit as he begin to laugh.
"No good. Way too much for me." He laughed. The guild soon gasped as he stated he didn't finish his job. Soon Master stated that he was the only one who made the journey back alive as he stated he was going back home. My smile soon faded as Gildarts then hugged me.
"Dad. Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, don't worry. Anyways, hey Natsu. I want you and Y/n to stop by my place later. I brought something back for ya." Gildarts stated.
"Yeah. Will do." I stated with a smile as he then left after he destroyed the wall.
"I'm so curious about what he has I wanna go now!" I whined.
"Yeah. I agree." Natsu stated.
"So what's Y/n's relationship with Gildarts even if he not her father." Lucy asked.
"Well. All I know from what Laxus has told and how've I seen the way Gildarts and Y/n have been over the years their really close. In fact he saved Y/n as much as Natsu has. For one I remember that Laxus was away on a mission as Y/n was with Natsu and my little sister, and that they both got taken by a Vulcan. Before she knew it there he was to save Natsu and Y/n, and Lisanna. And he even teased Y/n and Natsu as being husband wife. The game they use to play with my little family. Another time was when Ivan her actually dad abused her and that's when they've been on a hating match." Mira stated.
"But, why does the name of Y/n's true father bother him?" Lucy asked.
"Well Ivan was never good to Y/n. In fact I can tell that Ivan hated her guts. As time went on Ivan notice how Y/n got along better with Gildarts as I would assume he started to hate Gildarts. As time went on Ivan slowly slipped to the dark side. As Gildarts taught Y/n how to cook, use crush magic, and all sorts of other things. Ivan didn't like it and he tried to get Gildarts to stop teaching her things she should learn. Which Gildarts just told Ivan that he wanted her to learn from someone who wasn't mad. Which I believe made the two dislike each other even more, but it got worse as Ivan kept harming Y/n." Erza stated.
"Oh. That's awful." Lucy sighed.
"Indeed." Erza stated.
"We'll let's go!" Natsu stated as he picked me up and tried to break through the wall.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now