Chapter 19: Phantom Lord: Part 1

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We had just returned back to Magnolia from the job we took. It was early morning, close to afternoon. The sun shined as bright as a diamond. A few light fluffy clouds lurked around the town as well. The job we just finished was nothing too destructive. It was a simple get back an item stolen by bandits. I on the other hand took most of them out. The reason why the job was so amazing was because we had to get back more than one item which was a necklace, a garnet ring, and a silver sword. The items was all behind booby traps which was fun to get passed. In the end it turns out the bandits tried to steal another couple items and we took them out with just one attack with out using magic. Which we got our reward and we was making our way back home.

"That job was amazing!" Natsu laughed.
"Hell Yeah! It was!" I laughed as I had my arms behing my back.
"The client really seem to think so." Happy laughed.
"Just face it! You guys are lucky that I decided to come along." Gray said.
"We're lucky that you begged us to come along. Did you think we need your help?" Natsu and I both said as we looked at Gray.
"Well Natsu, your about as helpful as one of Erza's suit cases. " Gray growled at Natsu and Gray begin to fight.
"That's enough boys!" Erza stated as she pulled them two apart.
"Come on, boys! Your not 5 anymore! Stop fighting for once." I sighed as I crossed my arms.
"Y/n's right. Come on, were Fairy Tail's strongest team. You two are making us sound childish." Erza sighed.
"You tell them Erza! We are Fairy Tail's strongest team, not children. Now you boy's and Erza and I are the strongest team put together." I said in a motherly tone getting the boy's attention.
"Yeah." They mumbled.
"Good." Erza and I sighed.
"Yeah, we are!" Lucy said with a smile.
"Sorry, Lucy. I always forget you." I sighed as Erza felt bad.
"I don't mean to forget you Lucy. Please, if you want you can punish me. Just please forgive my neglect." Erza said as she looked down at the ground, and disappointed in herself.
"It's okay." Lucy said with a sigh. Erza quick nodded and then she looked back at the boy's.
"Now since that's been taken care of, let's get going, now." Erza stated as I walked in between the boys.
"So, Y/n." Natsu asked.
"Hmm. What is it Natsu?" I asked as I dropped my hands to my side.
"Well, I just wanted to say..." Natsu continued. Soon his face quickly turn to a small evil, but serious grin.
"Hmm. No! Don't you do it!" I growled playfully as I notice he had a evil grin.
"Yeah. Imma do it." Natsu said evily.
"No!" I yelled playfully. Soon Natsu got closer as he held his hands out. He then tackled me and started tickling me. I was now on the ground laughing.
"I'm the tickle monster!" He said in a deeper voice as he tickled me.
"Haha! Natsu! Stop it!" I laughed.
"Nope." Natsu said as he continued as I tried to get away from him. Soon I couldn't breath and he stopped. I breathed heavily as I got up off the ground.
"Jeez." I breathed out while Erza, Gray, Happy, and Natsu laughed. After a little while I finally caught my breath and Natsu picked me up in a piggy back ride.
"Thanks for being such a kind gentleman." I said as pretending to be royalty making Natsu laugh.
"Well thanks for letting me make you smile." He said with a smile. Soon people looked in our direction and stared at us and whispering.
"Look it's Y/n Dreyar and her team. I feel bad for them." Someone whispered.
"Yeah, tots." Someone whispered.
"Why is everybody staring at us?" Gray asked.
"I don't know, but it don't seem good." Happy said.
"Yeah." I sighed as Natsu soon put me down as we kept walking. I then stopped and gasped as I saw a glimpse of the guilld. I then took a gently step forward, and quickly taking off.
"Y/n!" Erza yelled as her voice begin to lower from being at far distance.

Soon I came to a haul as I got in front of the guild I saw the horrifying thing ever. I put my hands over my mouth as I saw the most horrid thing that has ever happened to the guild. Soon the others catched up to me as they saw what I saw. The guild had been destroyed thick metal sticking out of the guild all over. It was horrid.
"T-The Guild!" I trembled holding back the tears.
"What happened to it!" Erza demanded.
"Who would do this to our guild!" Natsu growled.
"But why! There's no meaning for this!" Erza exclaimed.
"Y/n. Are you okay?" Natsu asked.
"Ye--No!" I cried as he pulled me into his chest.
"Sorry. Y/n." Natsu sighed.
"W-Who would do this?!" I cried.
"It was Phantom Lord." Mira stated.
"Your serious?" Gray stated.
"You mean! Phantom Lord did this! Ruin Y/n's childhood home!" Natsu growled looking at Mira.
"We couldn't do anything to stop them. They got us good." Mira said sadly. Soon she brought us down to the guild's basement. I went from alright to simply pissed.
"Those Phantom Assholes! There gonna pay!" I yelled as I punched a barrel.
"Hey! What's up kiddoes!" Gramps said as he waved at us. My anger dropped as I saw Gramps was drunk.
"Gramps..." I said dumbfounded.
"Y/n did you finish your job like a good girl?" Gramps asked as he took another sip of his drink. I knew in fact he was drunk.
"Yeah." I said in the same voice.
"Master. Do you understand how crucial this situation is!" Erza exclaimed.
"The guild hall has been completely destroyed." Natsu said.
"There's no need to get yourself all worked up. It's not like it the end of the world or anything." Gramps said as he continued to drink.
"What!" Gray and I growled.
"It simply goes to show how cowardly phantoms are, and what they did isn't anything worth bragging about." Gramps said drunkly.
"Thank goodness no one was here. That's a relief." I sighed.
"It was after everyone left for the night." Mira stated.
"I suppose we could be thankful for that. At least no one was hurt." Erza stated.
"If they would have, they would get electrocuted and sliced up till there guts are wripped to shreds!" I growled!
"We shouldn't trouble ourselves worrying about people who don't even have the guts to face us head on. Y/n here could simply Knock them all down." Gramps said. I finally had enough as I then punched a box shattering it.
"If your looking for me! I'll be upstairs! If anyone dares to approach the guild I'll wipe them out with a slice of my finger." I growled with lightning radiating off me a bit and walked away.
I sat on a guild table, and looked down at the ground. I remember ever moment in this guild. The day I met Gildarts, the day I met Cana, the day I met everyone else. All the laughs, tears, and angry shed, and when I first discovered my powers. I sighed as tears burned my eyes. Soon footsteps caught my attention as I knew it was Natsu.
"Y/n. Are you alright?" Natsu asked.
"Leave me alone." I growled as tears broke through.
"Hey. I'm here talk to m--" Natsu begin to say when I looked up at him and interrupted him, "Shut up! I'm fine!" I then pressed my hands up to my face and cried. As I did Natsu sighed.
"No. Your not." Natsu said as he sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me.
"How are you not angry! Hell be pissed!" I cried as I leaned against him as I continued to keep my hands over my face.
"I am pissed. Mira told us that Master doesn't want to fight, not unless it happens again." Natsu sighed.
"It's just not fair!" I cried as I moved my hands off my face and I cried into Natsu's chest as he pulled me into his embrace.
"It's okay. Just calm down." Natsu said as I cried.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now