Chapter 5: The Wizard in Armor

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"You don't need to exaggerate like that Gray. It's more like two." Happy said.
"We all know if she she tried to she could kick down five." I sighed.
"You know guys even if she can kicked down a single mountain. That's still scary." Lucy sighed.
"Like I said we should get moving." Gray said looking at us.
"Craps let's get moving!" Natsu exclaimed as he jumped up, and I stood up too.

Soon a yellow magic circle appeared as an explosion happen. We all screamed as the explosion hit. I was laying on my stomach looking at who hit us. As I did I notice a certain blue feline was gone.
"Happy!" Natsu and I yelled as Natsu had sand in his mouth. We followed where we looked for who ever took Happy. I then heard Happy.
"Guys! Over here!" I yelled pointing at a group of people. One was holding fire, while the others stood around Happy. He was attached to a pole upside down. The boys and Lucy ran over beside me as we saw Happy shaking in fear.
"Stop, right there!" Natsu yelled.
"Happy!" Lucy yelled as she cupped her hands over her mouth to make her louder.
"Happy! We're here!" I yelled.
"Thanks goodness!." Happy cried.
"That's our friends your trying to roast buddies. Sorry, but your gonna have to make other plans for dinner." Natsu said cracking his fist.
"Your are all wizards. What guild are you with?" Gray demanded.
"I'm not telling. Get them!" One of the guys that took Happy said.
"Gray! Natsu! Let's get them!" I growled as I moved my right arm out motioning for them to go.
"Alright but don't go telling me what to do?" Gray snapped.
"Is there a problem?! Do you have to be part of the problem?" I growled.
"No." Gray coward back.
"Good. Now let's do this." Natsu said as he went right. Gray went left, and I went straight. Gray and I both kicked our opponents. As Natsu soon got trapped in a sand trap.
"Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed.
"He's fine! Go and help Happy!" I exclaimed as I pointed over at Happy.
She went and helped Happy as Gray and I continued to fight our opponents. I punched one right in the stomach as he charge at me me with a knife while Gray kicked the other one.
"Help, Y/n! Now Lucy's going to eat me!" Happy exclaimed.
"Shut up cat!" Lucy yelled. Soon I notice someone come walking up to Lucy and I landed on the ground. As I landed on the ground I never notice Gray hitting the opponent away as I landed right on top of the opponents face.
I walked up to the next opponent as I did I notice Gray, had already taken him out. I then heard Natsu break out of the sand.
"Natsu! Combo attack!" I yelled as I begin to run. Which created electricity. I gathered electricity as I made my attack double.
"Lightning Dragon--" I yelled.
"Fire Dragon--" Natsu yelled.
"IRON FIST!" Natsu and I yelled as we both hit the last opponent in sync. An explosion happened as they were soon all knocked down. We then tied them up to a tree making sure they didn't get away.
"Don't you think you went over board, Natsu?" Gray asked sarcastically.
"So what if I did?" Natsu said sarcastically. As Natsu and Gray begin to fight again. I walked up beside Lucy and glared down at the grayish blue guy.

"What guild are you in?" I growled.
"Lula--." The man said.
"Huh. What's Lula" Lucy said.
"Hmm." I mumbled listening for any words.
"Lulla--Lula-bye." The man said weakly.
"Incoming!" Happy shouted as He shoved everyone out of the way and picked me up in the air.
"Thanks, Happy!" I exclaimed with a smile. We watched the men we tied up get burried under the ground. Happy then flew me down and place me on the ground.
"What was that?!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Who was that?!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Who ever it was they're quick. You can't even sense their presence anymore." Gray said as Happy flew over on Natsu shoulder.
"What does this mean?" Natsu asked.
"Lullaby..." Lucy thought.

We soon traveled back to Fairy Tail. Lucy was already looking at the job board. As I was at the bar getting a small drink.
"Lucy don't forget. You still owe me 50,000." I sighed
"Oh right!" She exclaimed.
"Well, let me know if you find one your interested in taking on. The Master is away at conference so I'm covering for him." Mira said as she walked up beside me.
"Gramps is at conference... Well I hope the meeting goes well." I sighed with a smile.
"What kind of conference?" Lucy asked.
"One for guild masters. Ever once in a while they come together to talk about the state of things. It like the magic council, but not." Mira explained as she asked Reedus for a magic pen. She then explained it a lot better.
"Nice! Mira! I love your explanations! There always on point!" I exclaimed in happiness. Natsu soon showed up and scared Lucy. She screamed as Natsu and me laughed.
"That was almost two easy!" Natsu laughed and Mira explained more. Natsu then draped his arm around my shoulder as I listened to Mira explain. After a little while she finally talked to me again for complementing her.
"Thanks, Y/n! So I will be sending a letter to the master of how the guild is doing, what do you want to let him know?" Mira asked.
"Oh you know, the normal Hey Gramps!  I'll see you when you get back." I said with a smile.
"Oh okay! Do you want to record it or do you want me to uses one of my take overs?" Mira asked.
"I'll see. It depends if I go on a mission, or not. But, if I do you can use your take over magic and portray as me." I said with a smile.
"Okay." Mira said with a smile. I smiled back as I notice Natsu and Gray begin to get riled up. I sighed as next thing I notice was Natsu fell on top of me as my back was against Natsu's.
"Natsu! Get off of me!" I yelled as I jumped up and kicked Natsu into Gray making them both go flying against the wall. I grolwled and then relieved in a sigh. Before Natsu and Gray begin to fight Loke hit on Lucy and ran out of the guild after finding out she is a Celestial wizard. After I kicked Natsu into Gray, Loke soon came running back in the guild in a panic.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now