Chapter 34: Sweet to Vicious

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Fine if you don't hand over the guild to Hayden. Then he'll have Laxus activate the Thunder Palace. It'll kill us all! And, Natsu I--" Y/n stated and begin to say as a scream was heard.
"You hear that! That is letting you know the count down has begun!" Hayden laughed as the skull disappeared.

"This game has gone on for long enough boy! I won't let you drag innocent people into this--" Makarov stated as he then held his hand over his heart.
"Master, No!" Cana exclaimed.
"Is he hurt!" Natsu questioned.
"What's going on?" Lucy asked.
"Oh no! I'll go get his medicine!" Mira exclaimed as she took off.
"Master!" Bisca and Levy exclaimed.
"Guys look outside!" Mira exclaimed
They looked out side to see a bunch of floating Lighting Lacrimas in the sky. Soon Bisca shot one as she then got electrocuted.

"What should we do!" Levy asked.
"We need to take down Laxus! If he is taken down, we'll save him and possibly Y/n." Cana stated.
"Alright, we'll go help the citizens escape." Lucy stated as her and Happy left.
"Be careful you two, Freed, Laxus, and Hayden are still out there." Cana sated.

"Y/n we will save you. I swear on my word." Natsu stated as Cana left.

Y/n's Pov...
I was holding my arm from where Hayden had cut me. He then walked over and put his ice sword up to my throat.
"Well, then Y/n. You got one hour left to live. How do you like knowing you and your guildmates will die unless your Gramps gives me the guild, including you." Hayden laughed.
"He would never let you harm me or my guildmates. You sick bastard, I'll never love you! You should know. If you kill me now, Laxus will break out of your perfect little hypnosis. You'll never be able to control him. He'll kill you, and don't underestimate him." I stated.
"Fine. I'll just have a little fun with my new toy." Hayden laughed as he kicked me right in the stomach. I grunted in pain as I rolled across the ground.
"Y/n. I'm here! Hayden, let her go!" Laxus growled as he stood up, in pain.
"No. Laxus! She's mine, and you want her to be safe and sound you do as I say!" Hayden said crazily.
"Your psycho!" I exclaimed as I stood up holding my arm. Soon Freed ran back inside.
"You activated the Thunder Palace!" Freed exclaimed in shock.
"Yeah! Haha! How you like that, Makarov! Now everyone in town is my hostage." Hayden laughed as he turned around towards Laxus.
"I can't believe this!" Freed gasped.
'If those are Electrical Lacrimas then I should be able to break them and eat the lightning.' I though.

I then took a step back as Freed remained in shock for what Hayden had done.
"Y/n. Go." Freed stated and I nodded as I took off running. I then tried to throw some of my crush magic at it and I shattered one. I ate the lightning giving me just a bit of electricity. I was about to attack another as I was shoved against the wall.
"Your my prisoner! You'll never leave me, my love." Hayden stated as he pulled my head back to make me look up at him as he looked down at me. He then let off as he dragged me back into the Cathedral. He threw me on the ground at Laxus's feet who was standing up and looking down. A dark aurora laid over him. He picked me up and held my arms in both of his hands.
"Laxus! Snap out of it!" I exclaimed.
"Hahaha! You'll never get him out of this! My love!" Hayden laughed.
"I think this has gone too far! That's enough Hayden!" Freed yelled.
"Freed." I mumbled.
"To far huh! I decided how far is to far! This is a fight to the bitter end! Which means it'll be over when one whole side is wiped out! She'll be everyone's final test!" Hayden yelled.
"What!" Freed gasped.
"That's right. She's the final test. If they care for her they'll come and save her. Which they'll see her inside a cage by the pipe organ. Well sneak attack them and put and end to there miserable lives!" Hayden laughed as he walked passed Laxus and me. I heard a noise that then made me jump that made Laxus's grasp tighten around my wrists. I flinched in pain as it then lighten up.
"Your insane!" I exclaimed.
"We can still win. We don't need hostages. Stop this." Freed concluded.
"What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be out there hunting Fairies." Hayden asked.
"Makarov is counting on Erza so I'll take care of her. Laxus, put Y/n in that cage. I'll be back, oh and take care of Mystegon for me! In the meantime Freed, you deal with Cana and that Phantom girl! Exterminate them!" Hayden laughed as he began to walk out as Laxus brought me over to the cage.
"No!" I exclaimed.
"Even if there our enemies now, there still my guildmates!" Freed stated.
"When I give you an order you better do as I say!" Hayden yelled making Freed tremble.
"Fine. We've chose our path at this point. There's no turning back is there. As you wish. I'll follow you no matter where that road will lead me. There blood is on your hands." Freed stated as Laxus put me in the cage and closed the door.
"Freed! Don't do this! Cana's our Nakama! This bastard doesn't hold anything over you!" I screamed as I grabbed the ice bars of the cage.
"Y/n. I-I'm sorry." Freed stated.
"Freed! Whether you do this or not! Remeber Fairy Tail is your Family! Not Hayden! He let two of his members get killed! He hurt me! I was taught when someone loves you they don't hurt you! He doesn't love me! He just wants to destroy Fairy Tail! For Ivan! So what the hell does he have over you!" I growled.
"He-He said he'd kill you and Laxus if I didn't follow him." Freed stated as he left.
"Freed!" I yelled.
"Shut it! There's no turning back now." Hayden stated and he added as he scratch something onto the ice made cage. He then pulled on some ice chains that brought me higher into the air. Soon I was in the air being still in a cage. I tried to destroy the cage noticing my magic wasn't working. That bastard had scratched a no magic power seal on the cage. That bastard had walked out of the Cathedral and was now gone.
"Dammit! Laxus's let me out of here!" I growled as I leaned against the cage.
"Y/n. I'm not completely under his control. I can talk to you normally, but I can't specifically go and attack that ass whole." Laxus said.
"If I can get out of here, then I can stop the Thunder Palace!" I growled.
"Wait! Did you attack the Thunder Palace?" Laxus asked.
"Hmm. Yeah! I ate the lightning. Why? What's so important about that?" I asked.
"Hmm. You and I are the only ones who can destroy that thing and actually increase our power. Sadly I am still partial hypnotized. So I can't do it myself." Laxus sighed.
"I know, but you need to fight it, Laxus! Fight it!" I yelled.
"I've tried, but I get no where. The only way I'll get out of this thing is if I am beaten. That'll only happen if Natsu gets here." Laxus stated.
"So if your not partial still hypnotized, and Freed is protecting us then that means y'all will be set free if beaten! I can't get out of this cage, and you can't physically move your body because of the hypnosis. So even if we wanted to help we couldn't." I sighed.
"Maybe we'll survive this." Laxus sighed.
"Maybe." I sighed.

Lightning And Fire: Natsu x Reader:Fairy Tail Book 1Where stories live. Discover now